How many meters is the longest car in the world?


2018-03-25 19:03:13




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People are always interested in everything the best. Here, for example, the longest car in the world. How many meters in such a machine and what is this car?

The longest car in the world. The three leaders

Officially the longest car can be considered as three units. This is the limousine in California, truck in China and the wheel train, which no longer exists. Why just three? Figure all in order. All these machines belong to different classes.

Longest limo

Considering passenger transport, it is certainly the longest car in the world is a limousine, designed in California. the longest car in the world in metersThe Author of the project was the Jay Ohrberg. The longest car in the world, how many feet it is in length? Its size is impressive – 30.5 meters. Yes, and in many other ways is quite unlike the usual car. Comfortable limousine with a capacity of 50 passengers. In the car not one, but two engines, which are produced by the company Cadillac. This beauty weighs 10 tons!! Such a limo could travel, it was equipped with 12 axles and 26 wheels. On the roof there is a helipad and inside superlumina – a pool with a diving tower and a huge water bed.the longest car in the world how many meters

It would Seem that a full, comfortable car, though of impressive dimensions. However, the longest car in the world, how many meters will be able to drive in a modern city? After all, with such a length to move through the streets, to turn corners almost impossible. And whether or not it a miracle? The car can still navigate the streets. This limousine can sort of “break” the two pieces to be folded and included in the rotation. If you look closely, such a “stitch” can be noticed approximately in the middle of the body. To turn the machine provided for the presence of a second cockpit in the rear of the machine, which sits the second driver.


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Goodbye road, Hello exhibitions

It Turns out that superlumin quite comfortable and modern vehicle. But to see him on the streets is almost impossible. He was mostly in films. Hollywood often uses a handsome set. Even the limo feels at various exhibitions. In addition, the owner allows you to rent the car. So if you want presence and a tidy sum it is still possible to ride it. It is worth noting that the longest car in the world in about 30 metres and has a sonorous, beautiful name. It's just a 30-metre limousine Jay Orberg.the longest car in the world

The longest truck

If the length of the limousine is about 30 meters, then following the giant has a length of 73 meters.

what is the longest car in the world

This truck, which was designed by the Chinese.

China took thoroughly for the creation of a supercar, and he did it not for exhibitions, and for work. This truck is designed for transportation of cargo up to 2.5 tons. Big work Chinese has 800 wheels. Busy this supergroovy in mining.

The long wheel train

But the longest car in the world in meters to 173 meters. Was built in the USA in the 1950s. This wheel train. Cabin height of this giant – 9 meters. And why bother to create such a giant? The time of creation of this unit – 50 years, the years of the so-called «cold» war. The United States feared that the Soviet Union several strikes to destroy the Railways of the country and paralyze all movement of goods trains. To avoid this, the US created the giant, to whom the rails were not needed. If necessary he could carry cargo without the trains and Railways. The capacity of the long wheel trains – about 400 tons.the longest car in the world how many kilometers

The fate of the giant

For a Long time about this giant known only to a limited circle of people. All information has been hidden marked “confidential”. But time is running out, Grif “secret” was filmed, and will now become known to all. It turned out that cost US this beauty is not cheap – $ 3.7 million. The developer is the legendary firm “LeTourneau”. Popularity brought her samples of the large SUVs intended for military purposes. I wonder what the giant machine was 54 wheels, each with a diameter of 3.5 meters. And each was held in motion by an individual motor. Train on wheels consisted of 12 trailers, which were supposed to place the cargo and equipment. In addition, the developers made a place for comfortable placement of a staff of 6 people. They made the whole living room with sleeping place and dining room. Residential cabin was equipped with a Sewerage system and even automatic Laundry.

When designing the machine the main problem was to ensure the normal handling of such a long unit. This is not surprising, after all, to get such a handsome man to be agile not so simple. The problem was solved by using an electronic control system that 1961, is undoubtedly a breakthrough. With the remote control command is transmitted to the execution units in such a way that they were brought into action at the same point that the leading vehicle. Thanksthe giant got the maneuverability and was able to avoid virtually any obstacles and also to pose for photos in an impressive pose "snake". Witnesses said that the Hulk was his turn. Train moving on rails, leaving a trail as if on two wheels, even when moving on the curve. Test supercar took place from 1962 to 1969 (presumably) on the ground in the Arizona desert. Only in a deserted desert and you could "secretly" move the longest car in the world. How many kilometers was it? Not so much. A total of 600. It is known that the maximum speed was 35 km/h. But what was the fuel consumption at the machine - history is silent. Although curious to know.the longest car in the world

It is considered that the project was doomed even before the start of the tests until 1962, when the army did the heavy transport helicopter. His road was not needed. Then the truck was put up for sale, for $ 1.4 billion. But buyers are not found. Then in 1971, the trailers were put on the scrap, and the tractor was restored and is now in the exposition of the exhibition centre. So what is the longest car in the world, you decide.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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