The maximum permissible emission and norms


2018-03-22 21:40:20




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To control the quality of the environment is possible only one way - the introduction of MPE (maximum permissible emissions) for sources of pollution and strict enforcement of these regulations. According to scientific-technical standard MPE established the conditions under which content in the surface layer air pollutants from the set of sources should not be higher standards that are needed for the population, as well as the flora and fauna of the area.

maximum allowable emissions

Setting ELVs and monitoring

Specifically, for each source, which could pollute the atmosphere, establishes the maximum permissible emission. The condition is such that the emissions of polluting substances taking into account dispersion and interactions with other components do not create concentrations that affect air quality and excess of the established norm. This applies to individual enterprises, and the totality of the sources that pollute the air of the village. Besides, we consider all the prospects for the development of enterprises.

Regulatory framework in Russia the branched out to provide state control over all contaminants, assess air quality and to manage the processes of cleaning it by establishing norms of MPE. What are emission limits? We can talk about this in the article.


In our country today works in a regulatory document - "the Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the atmosphere of harmful substances for residential areas", which lists 628 harmful substances, maximum, single and srednesrochnoi the Mac values, the hazard class of each substance, the limit indicator of harm. Also has a restraining section for discharge of substances "B" because of their extraordinary biological activity. Such prohibited substances for thirty-eight.


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project of maximum permissible emissions

At elevated temperatures the maximum permissible emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere from a single source, provide a concentration in the surface air, but which does not exceed, calculated by special formulas. Regulates the quality of the environment and is under the control of MPE, which is ahnormal, which is scientifically proven. Maximum permissible emissions (MPE) of harmful substances into the atmosphere from industrial sources are determined on the basis of the determination and study of their various parameters and properties of the harmful substances that are emitted into the atmosphere, and atmospheric conditions of the moment.

Calculation of permissible concentrations

To carry out preventive sanitary supervision and timely submit valid claims to all health activities in order to accurately determine the maximum permissible emissions (MPE) relating to industrial enterprises, used special data calculate the concentrations of foreign substances the atmosphere.

Set a guideline value to protect the air environment from emissions of environmentally harmful substances is the maximum allowable emissions: amount of pollutant per unit time (of each individual source of pollution). Exceeding this normative value is the excess of MPC in the environment that surrounds the source of pollution, leading to the most adverse consequences for the surrounding area, and the health of the population living there.

emission limit values ELVs


The volume of "Protection of the atmosphere" formalized the results of the work being done by the head of the departmental organization, there are made proposals about what should be the maximum permissible contaminant emissions into atmosphere (MPE), and VSV - temporarily coordinated emissions - for the enterprise. In "the Temporary method of valuation" contains the structure of this volume.

All the industrialized countries have environmental legislation aimed at limiting pollution of the atmosphere and the environment. Russia adopted the Law "On protection of atmospheric air", where are presented standard values of MPE, MPC and VSV (temporarily approved) harmful substances. Development of action plans, protecting air basin, are based on the measurement results.

maximum admissible emission standards

Then the last reflected in the statistical reports (form №2-TP - air), is used when calculating the standards showing the maximum permissible emission of harmful substances. It is an integral part of ensuring the production and ensures the objectivity of fiscal sanctions - payments for emissions. Besides, adequate and rational investment costs to comply with environmental requirements in the future, given the social and financial goals of production.

Active protection measures the purity of the atmosphere

For each existing company developing the project of maximum permissible emissions of pollutants. This necessitates measures to ensure the utilization of waste oil, environmental certification of enterprises, as well as integrated geo-ecological research site of oil production and allzones of influence of the enterprises of oil production.

maximum allowable emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

When designing new and rekonstruiruet operating businesses, each of them developing the project of maximum permissible emissions of harmful substances. The concept of MPC in these standards is reflected in the average annual admissible concentrations (SDK), which allows to prove the volume of maximum permissible emissions of radioactive isotopes, for example, to the external environment. the

MPC in soils

The Maximum allowable emissions of pollutants in soils is very difficult to install. The environment the soil cover is less mobile than the water surface and the atmosphere, so the accumulation of chemical compounds entering the soil, is long.

For this reason, the main factor determining the MPE for the enterprise or group of enterprises for the time of work required for the accumulation of emissions to the MCL. However, the soil is constantly in an active microbiological process, there occur chemical and physical processes that transformerait foreign matter entering the soil, and the depth and direction here is not defined uniquely.

project of maximum permissible emissions maximum permissible emissions

A Different approach

With regard to the draft maximum permissible emissions (MPE), it can be controlled only by organized emissions of harmful substances, and it is made to fit the area. The division of emissions into organized and unorganized requires a different approach to accounting and control.

For Example, we implemented a new system of gas heating and even replacement of existing systems working on hot water or steam, is also environmentally safe. Natural gas combustion yields oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide. Even the combustion of gaseous fuel everywhere there are standards for maximum permissible emissions.

And, for example, chemical plants are often not able to maintain the concentration of harmful substances emission. Then we introduce the reduction of emissions in stages, each necessarily installed temporarily coordinated (UTC). The number of these emissions should comply with the indicators adopted for companies with similar capacities.

project of maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere

The results of the monitoring appear in each quarterly and annual report. Who set emission limits? There is such an organization - goskomgidromet, which makes all charts according to the norms of content of harmful substances in emissions of enterprises. 

Guard health

Normal sanitary and hygienic conditions in the premises and in all areas of the enterprise, as well as in the settlements are allowed to contain harmful substances, which does not exceed standards of maximum permissible emissions. For unconditional compliance with the MPC and do the project of maximum permissible emissions for each enterprise and each substance.

There are Laws of the Russian Federation "environmental Protection", "sanitary and Epidemiological welfare of population" and "Protection of atmospheric air", according to which the discharge and emission of hazardous compounds, disposal of waste is only possible on the basis of the permission issued by special authorized state bodies. The resolution takes into account all the standards of discharges and emissions (emissions and discharges), as well as many other conditions for careful attitude to the environment and to human health.

maximum allowable emissions


Any business with even a single source of harmful emissions, must have drafts of MPE. If a small plant has at least one weakly Smoking pipe, this document for the operation of the plant is required. Environmental legislation of the Russian Federation reglementary the need to develop such a project.

The Maximum allowable emission is revised every 5 years, and the project operates strictly within this time. Special conditions may dictate an earlier review of PDV. For example:

  • Ecological situation in the territory has changed;
  • The number of emission sources has changed: there are new or removed existing ones.
  • Changed the production program of the enterprise and apply it to technology has changed.

If not met the established standards, the company will have to pay for everything that exceeds the maximum allowable emissions. Development of MPE project, this difficult and responsible task, always performed by professionals.

maximum allowable emissions

Development PDV

The Fundamental points of the following:

  • All available in the facility, the sources of emissions are inventoried. Make a list of all sources and their emitted pollutants.
  • Negotiated the cost and turnaround time. A contract regarding the development and approval of MPE.
  • MPE Project being approved in the state courts.
  • Obtaining company permission to maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere.

The Event is not onlycomplicated, but very responsible. In the event of failure or improper performance of development of MPE part, the company is subject to strict administrative liability: he faces high fines and even suspension of up to ninety days.

The Inventory of sources of emission (the first fundamental point) has the following objectives:

  • Identification and accurate accounting of all sources of environmental pollution in the area of enterprise;
  • The location of the sources, volumes and composition of discharges;
  • Income recognition of harmful (polluting) substances into the environment.

The content of the PDV project

Recommendations for design of draft MPE for businesses define the structure of the project. This should be included in a mandatory manner the following sections.

  1. Annotation.
  2. Introduction.
  3. Information about the enterprise.
  4. Characteristics of this enterprise from the point of view of the source of the atmosphere.
  5. The product of the calculation and determination of the main MPE.
  6. The List of measures for control of emissions, if weather conditions are unfavorable.
  7. Control over the implementation of all standards in the enterprise.

Required documentation for project development MPE:

  • Is Brief information about the production, structure and States of the enterprise, describes the purpose and features of all objects (both production and commercial divisions, departments, sections, teams, departments, offices, structures, buildings, and so on).
  • Extensive details of the company. The scheme-map of the enterprise, as well as situational scheme-map of the location.
  • Certificate of state registration of a legal entity.
  • Certificate of ownership of land, premises, buildings, structures or rental agreement on all this.
  • Expenditure certificate of raw materials for the year.
  • The List of technological equipment.
  • A Detailed description of all technological process.
  • Information about the presence of PSU (powder-gas purification equipment), copy of passport, PSU, performance and so on.
  • The Scheme of system of ventilation and air-conditioning with accurate data on the diameters and height of pipes, brands of fans and their performance, the number of hours they work per day and so on.
  • Help concerning vehicles on the balance sheet of the company, specifying the quantity, brand, and also places of Parking or storage, their maintenance and repair.
  • Qualification certificates for environmental education is responsible for environment of the enterprise.
  • Previous project emissions of harmful substances (if the company is not newly formed).

Calculation of MPE

To calculate the PDV, there are corresponding General formula. To understand how to install the MPE, you must know the main factors that characterize the dispersion of emissions:

  • Climate and the characteristics of the atmosphere;
  • Location of sources of polluting emissions;
  • Landscape and its features;
  • Physico-chemical characteristics of the emissions;
  • Diameter of the orifices of the tubes;
  • The distance of the orifices of the pipes from the ground.


Control of observance by this company of all MPE is one of the most important parts of the project. This section can be divided into two parts: controlling direct sources of pollution in the PDV and controlling the border with the nearby residential area.

Draft regulations for maximum permissible emissions highly qualified specialists with experience of work at enterprises of different profile, which will take into account all the set regulations and make all sections of the project correctly.

Thus, the adverse effects of the activity - economic or otherwise - of individuals and legal entities on the territory adjoining to the enterprise and also the atmosphere and water reserves, including groundwater. Maximum permissible emission standards here, of course, are not the same, and the project takes this into account.

The Monitoring of compliance with and achievement of the developed draft standards of maximum permissible emissions can be made by the company with its own production control, but most often it is safer to delegate this to the Department of Rosprirodnadzor, which carries out the state control.

Project Coordination

Agree on the project has been designed to be in the CPS and many other instances. The stages of this path is as follows:

  • The obligation to obtain an expert opinion on MPE project in the respective state courts;
  • Obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Examination and approval to the Federal service of the MPE project.

Thus will be complied with the standards of maximum permissible emissions of harmful substances into soil, water and air. Every business stationary source of such contamination. MPE project will work correctly only if you take into account all technical standards, as well as background pollution will not be exceeded environmental and hygienic standards will not be admitted to the critical load for the whole ecological system of the area.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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