What kind of wonderful creatures are pet lemurs?


2022-06-25 02:28:54




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We are all used to keeping pets such as a cat, dog or hamster at home. Standard and even banal, isn't it? And this is the case with almost all pets. Well, who can be surprised today with a guinea pig or the same dwarf pig? And the sight of a fluffy rabbit obediently following the mistress on a leash no longer causes amazement or at least interest. But lately, quite non-standard pets have been appearing more and more often. Now there is a fashion for exotic animals that can be kept in apartment conditions. For example, a lemur (photo). A pet with huge affectionate eyes will surely make an impression and cause a storm of emotions both among your family members and guests.

lemur photo homeYou've probably already seen such a little animal more than once. However, most likely in the zoo. It is impossible to look at his eyes without emotion! Lemur as a pet is very good. There are practically no problems with its content. If you want to have such a beast, then it will be useful for you to learn more about it.

Brief description

Lemurs are native to the Comoros and Madagascar. As a rule, animals lead an active lifestyle, some of them live in trees, and some - on the ground. An integral part of the animal's body is the tail, it can be compared with an additional arm.

In size, domestic lemurs are comparable to an ordinary cat, and the weight ranges from ten to thirty kilograms. A distinctive feature is huge, very expressive eyes.

If we compare them with other primates, then domestic lemurs are more calm, they are not irritable, they are not embittered. Females are more teachable and compliant than males.

Conditions of keeping lemurs in an apartment

For these purposes, a large cage or a spacious aviary is perfect. The second option is preferable, and here's why: by nature, domestic lemurs are very active, so they need a lot of space to satisfy their thirst for movement. If they are lacking, then the mess in the apartment is provided for you.

lemur as a petFor eating and drinking, you can choose any dishes you like - ceramic or even glass, since domestic lemurs are very careful and careful.


For convenience, it is necessary to make a nest inside the cage. An old hat is perfect for these purposes. You can also build a small wooden house. The lemur will be able to rest in its nest. It is best to make a litter from a dried village. Don't forget to put tree branches inside the cage.

It is necessary to clean up after the animal daily, wet cleaning should be carried out once a month.


It includes food of both plant and animal origin. Vegetation, insects, cereals and fermented milk products should make up a third of the lemur's diet. He eats hard-boiled eggs, fruit, bread soaked in boiling water, rice and millet porridge.

The water of the animal should always be fresh.

It is better to feed the pet at night, since the lemur leads a nocturnal lifestyle.

Disadvantages of the content

Minus, you can say, one, but huge. Pet lemurs go to the toilet wherever they want. You will not be able to accustom them to one place, so you need to either accept it or refuse to buy the beast. In no case should you offend an animal and force it to do something against its will. If you come to terms with his behavior, then such an animal will delight you all his life.pet lemurs


It is not easy to buy a lemur, since now many of their species are on the verge of extinction. Very often these animals are caught by poachers. For one such animal you will need to pay about 60-70 thousand rubles. When buying a lemur, always check the documents, as the animal could have been illegally removed from the natural environment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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