How to treat acne in cats? Acne treatment in a cat on the chin


2022-06-05 23:31:43




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Your purr has unsightly black dots on the skin of the chin, similar either to dandruff, or to sand, which it is impossible to get rid of in any way? Or maybe these rashes have already turned into pustules? Most likely, you are faced with a fairly common pet problem – acne. What is this disease, how to treat acne in cats, we will discuss today.

What is acne?

acne in cats

The described pathology in the animal looks like acne or black dots on the chin, on the nipples, in the ears and tail, and sometimes on the mucous membranes, in the lips.

Until now, the causes of this disease have not been properly studied. However, there is an opinion among veterinarians that acne in a cat can be provoked by stress, insufficient care, an allergic reaction to filler, or provoked by contact dermatitis and other skin diseases in which there is excessive fat release, and hair follicles function incorrectly.

An important role in maintaining the pathological condition is played by constant humidity on the affected area of the skin and the rare washing of the animal's bowl by the owners, which leads to the accumulation of bacteria on it.

How does acne manifest in a cat?

acne on the cat's chinMost often this pathology appears on the lips and chin of a cat. It looks like a large cluster of black dots (comedones) in one place, similar to poppy seeds. Often they do not bother the animal for a long time, but over time they can turn into small purulent inflammations, which form crusts after opening.

In case of additional infection of the affected area or as a result of the general weakness of the body of a sick animal at the site of acne, the cat may have itching, wool falls out, and the affected area becomes swollen.

With severe scratching of the itchy place, there is a danger of secondary bacterial infection.

Which cats are at risk?

The disease under discussion may appear in a representative of domestic cats of any breed, gender and age. However, some of them suffer acne only once in a lifetime, and some – this is a constant problem that requires attention and care from the owners.

By the way, it has been noticed that in sterilized individuals acne occurs much less often than in their ready-to-reproduce counterparts.

For Persian cats, this pathology can be especially serious, since it has a negative effect on their skin folds.

acne on the cat's chinHow is acne diagnosed?

To accurately determine the causes of acne in a cat in each individual case, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian. He will do a skin scraping, which will demonstrate the presence of either yeast fungi, or demodecosis or nematodes. Scraping can also confirm the allergic nature of the pathology or indicate the presence of eosinophilic granuloma.

All this will help you choose the right treatment that will save your pet from a recurrence of the disease.

How to treat acne in cats in non-medicinal ways?

Many owners who are faced with the described problem are advised to treat the affected areas with a two-phase makeup remover (note that we are not talking about inflamed rashes). It has disinfecting properties and removes excess fat, which are the cause of acne.

With the allergic nature of this pathology, it is sometimes enough to change the food or filler for the cat's toilet or change the plastic bowl to a glass or earthenware one, since many animals are allergic to plastic. But the sufficiency of such measures in each case, you can only establish by consulting with a veterinarian.

By the way, remember that you can't squeeze out acne from a cat on your own!

Acne treatment with medications

how to treat acne in cats Acne on the cat's chin is well treated with ointments and sprays, in the composition of which includes chlorhexidine, or the chlorhexidine solution itself (it is sold in ordinary pharmacies). With these drugs, the affected area is thoroughly wiped, ridding it of all black spots, then wiped dry and cauterized with iodine or the antimicrobial agent "Fucorcin" once a day or once every 3 days, respectively.

Veterinary ointment "Vedinol", which has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, has proven itself well in the described cases. It is applied to the area treated in the above way.

Instead of veterinary ointment, you can use Liniment synthomycin, alternating it with Flucinar ointment, which relieves itching well and helps with inflammatory and allergic skin diseases.

Getting rid of the secondary infection requires the use of antibiotics. But only a veterinarian will prescribe them to you, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable!

Acne treatment regimen

Veterinarians have compiled an approximate scheme of how acne treatment is carried out in cats. It looks like this:

  1. acne treatment in catsOnce a day, it is necessary to wipe the affected area with an ear stick soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide helps to soften the cork and get the comedone (in other words, the eel) out.
  2. Again, a 1% solution of the drug "Clotrimazole" should be applied with an ear stick.
  3. To avoid irritation after the solution, the affected area is smeared with "Flucinar" gel or sulfur ointment. The latter is better, since it is safer for the cat if she manages to lick it off. Excess ointment is gently soaked with a napkin.
  4. In diluted form, carefully pouring a syringe over the cheek, give the cat a homeopathic remedy "Sulfuric iodine 6" twice a day for 2 balls.
  5. When the comedone comes out, the opened pore is carefully lubricated with iodine. To do this, cotton wool is wound on the tip of the needle and dipped in iodine (note, not in green, but in iodine).
  6. Spot lubrication with salicylic alcohol solution is also acceptable.

For prevention, you can wipe all suspicious places with hydrogen peroxide.

What to do if the lesion turned out to be serious?

As a rule, treatment according to the above scheme or only with a solution of chlorhexidine and iodine is sufficient, in order to get positive results in a week and the previous appearance of a fluffy muzzle.

But with strong combs on the chin of a cat, acne can become infected, and this will entail serious consequences.

A veterinarian will help you cope with such problems. Do not try to treat your pet yourself – it's dangerous!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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