How to choose a toy for a child?


2022-02-25 00:13:08




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A child from the very cradle feels the need for toys. Initially, these are rattles, suspended mobiles, etc.

It is games that contribute to the development of all the baby's senses. When viewed, it trains the eyes, tactile sensations and a variety of sounds improve the work of the brain. Do not deprive the little man of toys: he often switches his attention, so there should always be a wide choice. The main condition for choosing a toy is its quality. We advise you to pay attention to the toy "Flying Fairy" in the store - a good helper in the development of the child. It is not worth saving at the same time. It is recommended to make purchases only in stores that have a long-term positive image, which is confirmed by numerous consumers. It is required to conduct a thorough inspection of the toy, sniff it. If you are not satisfied with the quality, then you should choose another toy. Low price is not an excuse for low quality. Demonstrative toys in salesrooms are not intended for sale. All such products must be packed in wrappers, where the date of manufacture, the address data of the manufacturer and the country of manufacture are indicated. A very young child needs to buy toys of contrasting colors (for example, yellow and blue). With the growing up of the baby, such colors are complemented by a variety of shades. At the same time, too sharp colors should be excluded, so as not to irritate the child and not have a negative impact on his vision. 

It is also unacceptable when a toy irritates the baby's hearing. Such products are by no means suitable for a child. A prerequisite in toys of this kind is the presence of a volume control. Toys with small elements should also be avoided: their baby can eat or inhale. Up to 5 years old, a child should buy toys whose elements are larger than 4-5 cm in diameter. Infants are generally recommended to give only cast toys. Special toys are being developed for each age group. The emotional and physical load from the toy should correspond to the level of development of the child. Any toy should be kept clean to avoid the accumulation of a large number of germs on them. Soapy water can be used for processing. If the toy is of high quality, then the dye will not be washed off. It is games that bring knowledge and joy to the child. Therefore, it is simply impossible to do without toys, which are the main helpers in such a case.

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