LEGO sets, which set to buy a baby


2020-07-03 15:05:11




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Table of contents:
  1. Constructors for young children (1-3 years)
  2. The Constructors for pre-school children (3-6 years old)
  3. Constructors for younger students (6-7 years)
  4. Constructors for girls
  5. Kits for boys
  6. Theme designers
  7. Materials made of constructors

Designers – this is a very exciting toys that are actively promoting  the harmonious development of children. Improving fine motor skills, spatial reasoning, logic, and other mental and physical abilities and functions.

The Designer will help to spend time with a child of any age. Firm LEGO is unique in a sense, the sets, all details of which can be connected to each other. Thus it is possible to develop imagination, using conventional elements in a nonstandard way. the

These toys today very much, and to classify them in different ways.

Constructors for young children (1-3 years)

First of all, these sets are large parts and easy to assemble. You can verify this by reading the instructions on the package. For very small fans designed to fit the Duplo series. It has the following features:

  • It is Proposed to build simple houses or cars.
  • The set contains large figures that cannot be disassembled, in form of animals or fairy tale characters.

Could be interesting for this age group and designer Soft:

  • Is a large body of material.
  • You Can use it to build a solid tower and almost like real houses.

Constructors for pre-school children (3-6 years old)

For this age group, the manufacturer produces these sets:

  1. For the erection of buildings.
  2. To build vehicles.
  3. Themed sets (zoo, police cars, sweepers, firemen, etc.)

Constructors for younger students (6-7 years old)

A Variety of themed sets with a significant number of parts and high level assemblies are created for curious students. One can distinguish the following subgroups:

  1. Table games.
  2. Traffic moving by remote control.
  3. Theme designers (Ninja, medieval castles, Star wars, etc.)

Constructors for girls

Not always a specific set can be categorically attributed to toys, intended for a certain gender. However for girls you can recommend these kinds of constructors:

  1. To build different animals.
  2. For the construction of stores.
  3. Sets, playing off the theme of dolls, princesses, and other fairy tale characters.

Sets for boys

To future men, and the designer need to choose according to their interests and natural inclinations. For example, well suited to the following sets:

  1. To create cars or planes.
  2. To build robots.
  3. Themed sets about superheroes.

If a family is heterosexual children, it is not necessary to buy two different sets. You can buy one, but then to buy each child a part. They are sold separately and are easily connected with any designer. For example, for a house girl can choose a nice set, and boy – favorite superhero.

It is particularly noteworthy that the characters in LEGO – characters with character, interesting history and other features. Children are aware of them much better adults.

Theme designers

The majority of the sets to one theme:

  1. Transportation.
  2. Build roads and cars.
  3. Construction.
  4. Plant.
  5. Animals.
  6. Superhero.
  7. Table games.

Kits are also basic, is intended to Supplement the details already acquired by the constructor.

The Materials used to make constructors

Material in the manufacture of toys used different ways:

  1. Solid.
  2. Soft.
  3. Solid with increased roughness to stimulate tactile sensations.

Pay attention to have solid elements definitely need to joints, and soft strength. You should not purchase the constructor with a pungent odor or excessively bright colors. This especially applies to jewelry for kids.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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