In what kind of water to put the roses, so they stayed beautiful and fresh?


2019-05-06 16:20:21




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Rose – this is the most beautiful flower that like almost all women. She not only wants to receive a bouquet from a loved one, but also wants to preserve its freshness as long as possible. For this you need to know what kind of water to put the roses.

How to put the flowers?

in what kind of water to put the roses

Any plant needs good care and attention. Before going in the water to put the roses, cut the bed, it is necessary to handle them. First of all, pay attention to what the appearance is of a plant. If it's fresh, all action must be done very quickly, without wasting time. Only in this case, rose will be able to stand for at least 3 weeks.

Note that if the flowers were donated in the winter, at once to put them in water can not, you first need to warm at room temperature. Next, you need to slightly trim the stems. This must be done carefully, using pruning shears. The cut must be made at an angle, it should not be exposed to the air. That is, this action is performed under running water.

Also need to make a deep incision in the form of a cross at the end of each stem. Be sure to remove all excess leaves and thorns on the part of the flower that will be under water. Otherwise, they will rot and the plant will quickly wither.

water for rose

What is the water needed for the ROS?

In order to make the plant look beautiful for a long time, you need to properly care for it. For example, roses should not be very cold and flowing. Before using liquid is better to boil. Keep in mind also the season of the year: in winter it is impossible to put the flowers in cold water, and in summer-warm.

It Should be noted that the stems of roses should be covered with liquid at not more than 2/3. Do not leave these flowers in the heat, keep them away from direct ultraviolet rays. It is best if the vase will be distilled, rainwater or melt water. At the same time in a few days it will need to be changed.

How to extend the life rose bouquet?

If so, what kind of water to put the roses, you've already figured out, we now consider the question of what can be added to the liquid to have the flowers preserved freshness. In principle, such substances can be purchased at any gardening store, however, you can apply home remedies. For example, dilute a little sugar and 1 large spoonful of vinegar in a liter of water.

how to put a rose

To purify water from those bacteria that contribute to decay and rapid wilting roses, you should add aspirin or some vodka. If you purchased these flowers in the store, then you need to know that they are bred specifically for long-term storage and have “immune” to different kinds of chemicals. Therefore, in the water you can add even a small amount of regular chlorine bleach.

Try to periodically rinse the vase after each fluid change. The stems every time you need a little pruning. The petals that have wilted, should be avoided.

Helpful tips

In what kind of water to put the roses, you already know. Now check out some useful recommendations that will help prolong the life of flowers

  • It is along with a rose to put in a vase other plants;
  • Desirable to leave the centerpiece on the draft, as they quickly lose the leaves and petals;
  • No Smoking near the roses;
  • To make the bouquet look fresh for longer, at night, you can put flowers in the bath filled with water, while immersed in the liquid need only the stems and leaves, and the buds should be kept on it;
  • When spraying, try to keep the water from falling on the buds;
  • To refresh the bouquet, you can add the liquid in which it is located, a few drops of ammonia.

Now you know what kind of water to put the roses and how they should care for. Let these flowers will always bring you joy!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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