Schizophrenia in children: signs and symptoms. Methods of treatment and diagnosis


2018-07-17 15:00:39




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Schizophrenia is called an unhealthy state of mind. It is a disease that can appear in childhood.

Schizophrenia. Characteristics

In this disease, the child may experience hallucinations, the abyss of emotion, joy. Also, the child can withdraw. Another is the weakening of mental activity. Physically, the patient may experience chaotic motion, and other unhealthy manifestations.

schizophrenia in the childIn fact, schizophrenia has the same symptoms as in children and adults. But the difference lies in the fact that the child has not received education and its brain develops. In children difficult to diagnose.

This disease requires constant monitoring throughout life. Therefore, the important point is early diagnosis and the adoption of necessary measures for treatment.

First signs

To determine what is schizophrenia the child, you need to pay attention to the first signs of the disease.

If the child is unwell, first of all, it will manifest disabilities. Namely, speech delay, and walk away. These symptoms can also be indication of other diseases of the baby, such as autism. It is therefore necessary to make a thorough diagnosis of the child and to make an accurate diagnosis. It may be necessary to consult several specialists.

Manifestation of disease

What is schizophrenia in children? In adolescence symptoms of a disease to identify is much more difficult. This is due to the fact that children in this period of unstable hormonal background, and so they behave inappropriately. Therefore, bad mood, depression can be explained by the fact that the child was caused by the transition period. It is worth saying that these symptoms are characteristic of schizophrenia, and adult. If you noticed the kid had a worsening of school, isolation from friends, you should pay special attention to the child and to make an appointment to see a doctor.

What are the known symptoms of schizophrenia in children? What you should pay attention to?

  1. First, schizophrenia in a child is manifested through hallucinations. Man that's sick hears sounds which are not, and see not exist in reality things.
  2. The Second sign that schizophrenia the child is present, are any beliefs. For example, the patient may think that someone is following him. Or believes that he has any features that elevate it over all. People can decide that something is not right physically. Options can be a great many, they all belong to the delirium.
  3. Slurred speech. Patients have has slurred speech. For example, if the patient to ask any question, he will answer it partially or fully.
  4. The Violation of the movements. Traffic can be chaotic, pointing in any direction. Or, for example, a person may adopt strange postures.
  5. There are Also a number of symptoms that are problematic for the perception of others. For example, a person may cease to monitor themselves or speak with one intonation, walk all the time with one facial expression and so on. Often schizophrenia in a child is manifested by withdrawal.

schizophrenia in children symptoms

The Difficulty lies in the fact that at the initial stage of the disease the above symptoms are weak. Therefore, parents can be difficult to notice them in your child. It is found that the nature of the child itself is restless. Therefore, to recognize the signs of schizophrenia very difficult. Further, the disease develops and the symptoms are worse. At the stage when the child loses touch with reality, it must be immediately hospitalized.

In which case you need to go to the doctor?

Now it is clear what is schizophrenia in children symptoms we have described briefly. And now I will tell you, in which case you need to contact the doctor.

parents of children with schizophrenia

Normally, parents find it difficult to determine what their child is sick. Besides, you always want to believe the best. Therefore, to accept that the child suffers from mental illness, many parents can be difficult. However, it should be said that the sooner treatment begins, the more likely it is that the human condition stabiliziruemost for a long time. Teachers at school can tell the parents that they should consult a specialist. It is recommended not to neglect their opinions, and to listen to the advice of others your child of people.

what is schizophrenia in children

You Should go to a specialist, if you notice the following signs in a child:

  1. Inhibition of the development oncompared with peers.
  2. Confusion in daily routine, such as washing, cleaning things and other household classes.
  3. If the child began to communicate less with friends and relatives.
  4. Poor grades in school.
  5. Any inappropriate gestures or waving the hands, for example, during lunch or dinner.
  6. Different from other children's behavior in the team. For example, a child refuses to play with the others, is aloof, shows inappropriate reaction to any thing.
  7. A Child with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia" has any fears or strange thoughts.
  8. Aggression, cruelty, anger towards others or things.

schizophrenia in children symptoms and signs

It Should be noted that the above symptoms are not necessarily an indication that a child is such a disease as schizophrenia. These symptoms can be associated with depression, bad mood, adapting to the new environment, and even be a sign of infection or colds. But in any case should not delay and see a doctor as soon as possible.


We talked about what is schizophrenia in children symptoms and signs of disease described. Now let's look at the causes of disease in children.

I Should say that the reasons are the same as in the adult and the child. It is unclear why in some people, it begins to develop in adulthood and others in childhood or adolescence life. A disease related to the brain. The disease is blamed on genetic inheritance and the human environment. The disease is diagnosed for many years, but the causes are not precisely defined.


However, there are several characteristics that can trigger the disease.

  1. Relatives who suffer the disease.
  2. Childbearing after 35 years. There are statistics, thanks to which it is known that children of women who gave birth after age 35, subject of schizophrenia to a greater extent. The older the mother, the greater the likelihood that her baby will get sick this disease.
  3. The Adverse environment. For example, any stress, scandals parents or other adverse conditions which may affect the psyche of the baby.
  4. If the child's father is elderly, this may also be the development of the disease in the child.
  5. Psychotropics and bad habits of a teenager. These factors contribute to the emergence of mental illness.

child with a diagnosis of schizophrenia

Usually, symptoms of schizophrenia appear in adolescence and are exacerbated by the age of 30. Disease in young children is extremely rare.


We reviewed all the signs of schizophrenia in children the behavior of the patients we have described. Now consider complications of the disease.

It Happens that the diagnosis of schizophrenia was not conducted at an early stage. In this situation of the disease, complications can occur. They are of the same character as in children and adults. First, a child with schizophrenia can not go to school. This is due to the inability to learn. Secondly, the person cannot perform all tasks associated with personal hygiene. Thirdly, the person becomes introverted, he doesn't talk to anyone. He having thoughts of suicide.

child schizophrenia

Also, he can afford to hurt, to inflict any injury. Further, patients have various fears or feelings, he may feel that he is being persecuted. In this period he begins to drink alcohol, to smoke, to take increased doses of drugs. Against this background, there is aggression, home conflict, etc.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

First of all, when you go to a medical institution, the doctor will examination and interview. He may want to know about the school or to see how the child learned before and what assessment has now.

signs of schizophrenia in children

The Next stage of examination is a blood test. This must be done to exclude other diseases, the child may be in this state. For example, a blood test will show if there is presence of alcohol or drugs.

In Addition, it is possible to diagnose the brain by using CT scan.

In Addition to the physiological examination of the body, the doctor definitely will hold a conversation with the child, in order to find out if he had any phobias, strange thoughts and other signsmental illness. Also, the doctor evaluates the patient's appearance, his neatness.

It Should be noted that the process of diagnosis of the child takes a long time. In some cases, up to six months, as the doctor has a difficult task - to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms. But at the time of diagnosis, the psychiatrist is able to prescribe medication that will help stabilize the child's condition. For example, in cases where he harms himself or shows aggression.


The healing Process will occur continuously throughout a person's life. Schizophrenia is treated with special preparations. Also, the process should involve members of the family, society. You may need hospitalization.
Children prescribed the same drugs as adults. Is antipsychotic drugs. These drugs help to resolve such symptoms as delusions, hallucinations and loss of emotions. The results from taking these drugs appear in a few weeks. The point of therapy is to make the dosage of drugs below and to support a person in a normal state.

These drugs have various side effects. Especially carefully it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child who takes these drugs. The situation is compounded by the fact that a small child cannot talk about their feelings when taking medication. Therefore, when any disorder of the body in patients receiving these drugs should immediately seek medical attention. He may change the dosage or prescribe another drug.


This treatment is very important. And he must include in the complex therapy. A child needs to talk to the doctor and teach him to cope with his condition. This treatment will help to communicate with friends and family, teach the child to cope with fears and stuff. It is very important that parents of children with schizophrenia participated in treatment. You need to give him support, to configure the communication, to analyze a conflict situation. If the members of the family can't do that, then they need to consult with your doctor. Through the joint efforts of the patient's condition will improve.


Now you know that is a disease. We have addressed the cause of the disease, symptoms and treatment options.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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