How to wear a bracelet?


2018-05-12 02:00:31




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The Bracelet on the hand – this is a very stylish and fashionable jewelry, which is popular in all times and in all countries. He can decorate each with proper selection, while forcing him to play with new colors. But there are unfortunate cases of their choice when they distort and weight. That this did not happen, to purchase the accessory must be treated very carefully.bracelets

The Bracelet can be made of different materials, including plastic, metal, plastic, wood, bead, beads, glass, ribbon, leather, stones etc. the Canons of fashion dictate to us what it needs to be in a certain season. Although it is necessary to select taking into account all the features of their own body, texture, clothes and also the colour of the other accessories.

Having a plump wrist, you will not do massive bracelet on the hand, the better your choice will stop on the flat ornaments with a few pendants. But owners of fine hand you can find a wide model. In this case, they should be fishnet or multicolored.

Anyway, no need to put on at the same time many sizes – a maximum of 3 bracelet style in General. But in case if it is very massive or broad-better on your hand it will stay in splendid isolation. Exception is the thin bracelet on the arm in the form of a Hoop or chain.

If came the period of warm clothing, then on top of sleeveless sweaters can wear a wide bracelet in the form of a ring, which on the wrist must be fixed rather rigidly. Better to give him, if the sleeve downward extended or decorated in any decor.bracelet on which hand


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Not combining inexpensive jewelry with cocktail and evening outfits. In this case, it may be appropriate only precious stones and metals, regardless of the bracelet on which hand you will wear. In addition, cannot be combined with cheap costume jewelry precious jewelry.

If your clothing includes a different color, you need to choose a bracelet for any of them. For example, if you wore a dress in black and white colors with a predominance of black – choose white accessories, so you can create contrast.

With dresses for the beach is as beautiful bracelet made of wood, and for the summer airy dress is ideal plastic.

The Bracelets in the form of thin chains are considered as universal.

If you are thinking about which arm to wear bracelet, you should remember that traditionally, it is worn on the right wrist. If you wear them on two hands, they must be combined with each other.

Pick up the optimal size of the jewellery – “hang out” too loose on the arm it shouldn't. Best if it will be longer than one centimeter of the circumference of the wrist.on what hand carry a bracelet

Do Not forget to combine jewelry. Deciding to wear on the neck the string of pearls, a bracelet of gold it is advisable to also replace the pearl. To a massive plastic ring and earrings in the same tone it is advisable not to wear the bracelet at all, especially on the hand on which the ring. In addition, don't mix silver and gold jewelry, consequently, even the most favorite silver bracelet you need to leave the house in case you have ears of gold earrings. Bracelets with juicy bright print can be combined with monochromatic earrings, this way you will not feel that you put on too much.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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