How to connect the dishwasher properly


2018-03-24 22:50:09




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This article will answer the question about how to connect the dishwasher. When it is embedded in the working kitchen area, to her directly down the sewer, power and water. But if equipment was purchased separately, over how to connect the dishwasher will have to break your to connect a dishwasher

The First thing for this item of household appliances need to find a suitable place. In order to avoid excessive load on the pump or extend the sewer hose, the machine preferably positioned closer to the drain. Extend water and electricity is possible without any consequences.

How to connect dishwasher to water

In most modern homes the plumbing is made of plastic or simply plastic. Bumping into him is not too difficult. Most importantly, before installing the dishwasher, shut off the main valve to the house water. Select a place as close to the device and install a tee, then go crane. It will help to quickly turn off the water in case of breakage. In addition, can be damaged inside the dishwasher inlet valve, then the apartment faces a flood. You should pay attention to the fact that the modern representatives of this appliance is equipped with protection from flooding, and it is called differently in each firm. This option should be considered when buying. connect the dishwasher

If your house iron water pipe, it is recommended to install in front of the machine the water strainer because the mechanism of this technique can fail from rust. If the tap is not enough hose length, it needs to be replaced with longer. This option, though not very cheap, but reliable. A more economical solution may be the purchase of extensions.


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How to connect the dishwasher to the sewer.

The Waste water are removed through a flexible hose, which can be increased in case of shortage of its length. Here the main thing - do not overdo it. To lengthen the hose for no more than 2 times to avoid heavy loads on the pump. Another option could be the connection of the pipe to the machine. In addition, you can connect to a siphon kitchen sink drain dishwasher, if it is provided the drainage for this purpose. To prevent flooding of dirty water back in the machine, it is necessary to lift up the hose just above the siphon having a bend horizontally.

How to connect dishwasher to electricityhow to install a dishwasher

It is recommended to make an individual outlet with a machine that will go directly from the meter. The socket must be earthed and the cable with cross section not less than 2.5 squares or with three conductors. This is done taking into account the fact that the dishwasher has a large capacity. You must open the meter and find the phase of the main cable on the flat and zero, using a flat screwdriver. After connected to the machine, it is displayed in the kitchen. After it has to be the very outlet. After washing dishes, turn off the machine, and only then reach for it.

And most importantly with the installation of the dishwasher is to put it on the level. There are two main ways. If you plan to hide equipment under the Desk or in the closet, then the level can be set by trial, determining the degree of vibration during operation of the machine. The other method involves mounting to the stop of feet and creating a site under household appliance clearly in the level.

Before starting, don't forget to read the instructions for the device. Good luck!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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