The master of cold: isothermal bag


2018-03-24 01:17:07




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At the dawn of the 21st century the problem of maintaining freshness of the products remains as important as a hundred years ago. insulated bagEspecially relevant this question is for lovers of long journeys. How to keep benign products, so they could eat on the road?

At the end of the last century, a way out was found. There are special insulated cooler bag. What is this device? And how does it function?

This bag (an insulated container) is essential if you want your products as long as possible remained fresh. Most often it is used to cooling or storage of frozen products. But there are cases when it is used to maintain meals hot. In such people the model is called the bag-fridge, but that's not entirely true. Any refrigerator has a cooling device. Isothermal bag it lacks. It performs its functions due to the cold battery. Over time, the temperature inside becomes the same as ambient temperature. How long to keep foods in a frozen state depends on its technical characteristics. As a rule, containers of a larger volume will be better keep the cold.

All the beneficial properties of the thermal bag depend on the cold battery. insulated cooler bagThis is a plastic preform, which is filled with a special saline solution. The more of these devices in the container, the longer it maintains a low temperature. Without a battery the insulated bag can keep cold up to 3 hours, to him, this time can be substantially increased.

What are the advantages of this model?

  1. Insulated bag can support both cold and hot temperature.
  2. Compactness and mobility-two components that make this item so popular.
  3. Great design, many bags look very elegant and presentable.
  4. Reliable protection. All kinds of zipper, canopies help to keep the products in safe and sound. Protective locks them in securely, preventing accidental opening of the bag.
  5. Internal convenience. Usually the inside of the bag has several compartments. For example, cans or bottles. And some of them have included even and tableware. All this helps to position products easily and conveniently.

And perhaps the most basic question: "what to look for when choosing a model?"


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First of all, if you are interested in an insulated bag, decide on the amount. The capacity of them is different – from 5 to 30 liters. For an ordinary family is enough of the container medium volume.bag isothermal container

The Second important factor is the material of the insulated bag. Usually, for this purpose, nylon, plastic, polyester. They are durable and easy to clean. It is desirable that inside was a PVC material with reflective properties.

Next, pay attention to the ease of transporting the bags. She must be a special pen. In case you are stopped for a rather spacious models, the bag needs to be equipped with roller wheels. Otherwise transfer it, but still filled with a large number of products can be difficult.

Immediately at the store check the reliability and safety of carrying. The main thing that the bag did not open spontaneously. This must be a special safety locks.

If you have carefully inspected the item and you are satisfied it is, feel free to buy thermos. She faithfully will last you for years.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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