Crafts made from plastic with your own hands for beginners: ideas, photos, master class


2018-03-27 10:15:23




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A Lot of interesting and original crafts, plastic made by craftsmen to decorate the interior of the premises and garden plots. The material is easy to work and cheap in price. You can create crafts from waste material, and from the new, whatever the work is performed.

In the course are plastic cups and used bottles, spoons and forks, of different colors, and some functional items are made of tubes made of PVC plastic. DIY can be simple, which can make both children and quite complex, which can fulfill only by skilled craftsmen.

The article will look at some finished products made from different plastic like to work with him, what wonderful and useful things you can create. Will give detailed instructions on the manufacture of each item, imagine the pictures of the finished product. So, how to make crafts from plastic?

Christmas tree Design

To create for the holiday is the decoration of the apartment, you need to buy a few PVC pipes of different diameter. They must be cut into thin cylinders, equal in length. For cutting plastic, use a specially designed tool-scissors for cutting pipe, accumulator pipe, there are pipe cutter roller type. If you run such articles made of plastic for the first time and do not have in the closet of these devices, then do not worry, because you can always use a hacksaw.

The Only disadvantage of this tool is that it leaves on the plastic burrs. But that does not matter, enough edge for sanding or clean up with a knife. For the trunk of the tree should be left from the pipe of the large diameter piece of 30-40 cm, depending on size made from plastic.


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Christmas Tree made of PVC pipe

Then you need to prepare the base for the wall panels. It can be a shield from plywood or fiberboard, you can buy colored. On the floor are all pipes – from the smallest to the biggest – so as to obtain a triangular form. The first to lay out large items, and has between them to fill the void of small details.

To attach items to the base uses a sturdy glue "Moment Plastic". It is transparent, so that visual decoration will not spoil.

How to decorate a unique Christmas tree?

After performing the main part of the work on making Christmas crafts from plastic takes over the filling of each cylinder. As for the usual Christmas tree for the New year, the designer also used for Christmas decorations. On top is attached a star of any color. Further decorative elements are allocated depending on the size of the cylinder.

Together with the child to make many home-made toys and beautiful their place in the round of emptiness. Nice angels, balls. If the child wants to put the toy, do not scold him, because it is his feast day. To decide how to decorate, DIY plastic, their hands should come together as a family. It unites family members, and the creative process of performing such work fascinates children and adults.

Convenient stand for needlework

If you are seriously keen on making things of tape, for example, working on the production of bows, gift packaging, or, for example, decoration of glasses and bottles on a wedding, this handy stand will help you to avoid desktop chaos. All the coves with ribbons are placed on a plastic PVC tube, access free, ribbon in the sky without effort, one can see where a color is placed.

Cut off pieces of tape without removing the roll from the stand. If you need to add strips of other colors to work, it is just replacement – pulling the piece of pipe from the corner. When you put on a new roll, the plastic tube is simply inserted back to its place.

Looks like this stand very carefully, it is possible to wash with detergent. If the damage of any one element will not have crafts, plastic with your own hands to throw away, will be enough to replace a single element by cutting the pipe to size.

Stand for needlework

For the frame of plastic pipe you need to buy the material itself and an additional 8 corners with three inlet holes placed at an angle of 90°. Cut with a hacksaw or pipe cutter 4 identical cut, size 50-60 cm, They will be located in the length of the DIY top and bottom. Then cut the pipe to the sides. The length of each is also the same and equals approximately 25-30 cm

You just have to insert tubes into the holes of the corners and collect crafts from plastic. The photo clearly shows what constitutes such a stand. The finished product comes out light, clean, not ashamed to have on your desktop. If you want to add to the stand for additional details, for example, a Cup for scissors or pincushion that you can hang them on elastic or plastic hook. Mounted it on double sided tape.

Table a Christmas tree made from plastic forks

Once we have the article touched on the Christmas themes and considered how to make wall panels in the form of a tree made of PVC plastic pipe, now let's make crafts from plastic with your hands for beginners. Because it istree made of disposable forks. It has a small size, and it can be installed on the Christmas table or shelf in the room. Also, such a tree can be done for the school Christmas fair.

As a basis, you can use a Styrofoam cone or a thick piece of penoporolon, cutting out from it a similar form. For the decoration of elite packaging, prepare the ear cotton swabs that are placed in the form of rays of the sun, in a circle. In order to keep them firmly in this position, you must first cut the wool at one end. Plastic chopsticks are placed on a piece of plastic cut to the shape of the sprocket and attach with glue "Moment Plastic", or use a glue gun.

Tree of forks

From the Bottom to the top is glued over a long stick that will keep the entire structure. Then, at the intersection of all parts (in the center) is attached to another star. Tip ready, work begins on the hack of the plastic with your hands (photo a above).

To create such a barbed beauties need 30-40 plugs, depending on the height and width of the cone. Each plug is trimmed at the base. Leave a small smooth cut length 1-1,5 cm it will be applied the glue. Begin wrapping the cone from the bottom, moving in a circle. Each following row is shifted by half of the disposable plug to the "branches" of the tree looked no rows, and was "fluffy" from all sides.

The Tip is inserted into the apex of the cone a simple indentation for a stick to put a bit of glue to the top of the tree fell when carrying articles, for instance in school. During the preparation of materials for crafts from plastic (photo above) to look for in selling plugs green. After you create colourful and original masterpiece of plastic forks, you can cover them with a layer of glue and sprinkle with glitter or chopped into small pieces of tinsel.

Snowman from plastic cups

Thin plastic for DIY allows you to create work without glue. For example, from plastic disposable cups you can collect this wonderful snowman for the holidays. This product is able to decorate not only home but also applicable in institutions, offices and other organizations.

The Inner part of the snowman from plastic cups is void, so often there are light bulbs and colorful lights of garlands. After the inclusion of lighting a room is instantly transformed, and during dance parties like this snowman will play the role of light effect.

It Is substitution of plastic with your hands (photo below) two main elements. It is the body of the character and his head. They are in the shape of a torus, that is, they are not completely spherical and flat parts of the top and bottom. This is done in order to have a good grip elements together. And the bottom of the figure turns out flat and can confidently stand on the floor or bench, rolling on his side.

Snowman of cups

Taken to work the glasses in white, are arranged with the open side out and fastened with a stapler among themselves. Due to the fact that the Cup is not smooth, and has the shape of a truncated cone, after the bonding will form the "donut" or torus geometrical figure.

To the next row was wider than the previous one, added an additional Cup. When you reach the necessary idea of the diameter, can in each row to take one item. Done to achieve the original number of cups. For example, if we took on the first layer of article 8, and ends the work on a layer with eight glasses. All the layers together bonded by the same principle, that is with a stapler.

In the manufacture of the head shape is smaller, but the principle of action similar. It remains to attach the staples in the head and torso. Then the work continues, because you need the shape to decorate. This can be done in different ways, according to the desire of the master. Neck usually tied a scarf on the head can wear a hat, make a paper bucket or fabric to sew a cover.

Nose-a carrot is simply inserted into the empty Cup to the desired level. So we can proceed with the other parts.

Children's tableware

Second life plastic-crafts made from it. So do not rush to throw empty bottles or cans from the detergent. Because of them, you can create wonderful objects. Consider further, as of plastic bottles to make a beautiful set – a Cup of tea. Need material of different sizes. For example, Cup better to create a small half-liter bottles to the bottom of the kettle will purchase a two-liter capacity, smaller – 1.5 liter – useful for the manufacture of the cover.

Children's tableware

Trimming from the bottles do not throw. Of them cut thin strips for the handles. They are glued on adhesive transparent Crystal or "Plastic Moment". To spout find a small tube of thin plastic and cut out with a knife hole, tight paste it into the kettle.

Now for the decoration of dishes. To paint you can use acrylic paint. They have no smell and great hold on the plastic. Figure you can come up withdifferent. The only caution! Each cut should slightly melted with a hot iron, then the child will not be able to cut yourself on the sharp edge of the bottle. Handicrafts from plastic to do just, products you can think of an infinite number, especially for gaming activities for children and for the interior garden.

Original vase

Time-lapse image of the process of making a vase from a plastic bottle can be clearly seen all phases of work. The first considers the height and color of the vase, because the bottles come in a variety of colors. If the product think wide, then you need to take a two-liter bottle. Cut the tapered neck and to one level incised thin strips, try to keep their width was the same.

Vase of bottle

After that, you need all the strips to bend in opposite direction at an angle 90°. Then begins the most difficult and laborious part of work – weaving strips together. As seen in the photo above, the bent elements at a time. Located next to the band, and in the subsequent two woven-in first item.

So the work to continue until all strips are not bent and beautifully intertwined. Do you have clear, well smoothing down the fold lines. If the hack is executed properly, then the vase will be beautiful and smooth edge. If one element is not performed accurately, or bend badly smoothed so undermines the whole harmonic structure decor vases.

Colors of spoons and forks

Of plastic Cutlery, namely, spoons or forks, you can make such beautiful candlesticks, as pictured below. To make them easy. In the same work can be combined and one, and another cookware item. In one flower the cooking utensils are placed face up, in another – down.

The base of the flower is taken of the cardboard circle. If you don't have white, you can take any, even corrugated, and glue it on two sides of plain white paper. Then cut spoons and forks. In this case, cut off the stem completely. Start pasting cardboard spoons or forks on the outer circle, the second row is shifted slightly to the side, so each layer was clearly visible.

Lamps made of spoons

Stick the plastic parts with superglue. Once inserted in the middle of the candle around the circle is enclosed in Styrofoam balls. You can make crafts "Flowers" made of plastic of different colors. For example, the first row to make green forks – the green of the lilies. Then a number of white, middle make yellow.

If these flowers stick on the foam, then you can run the resulting toy in a pond or pool, they perfectly stick to the surface of the water and not sink.

Beautiful flower from the bottom of the bottle

To make the original hack, you will need to cook 2 or 3 plastic bottles green. The size of the tank should be different. Outside will be a big part of it is inserted inside the other two, for example, take a 1.5-liter, liter and half-liter plastic bottles.

Flower bottles

You will Also need: a candle or a lighter, superglue, a decorative liner in the middle of the flower. He does not have to be the same color as the flower. You can use contrasting effect. Also bottles will look beautiful in different colours. All containers are trimmed to the level of the bottom.

Then cut out parts of the petals. After manufacture they are flat and unattractive region. This can be corrected with the help of fire. We must act carefully, keep the bottom need the edge to get burnt. Hold over the fire by the edge of the petal multiple times until it curved and wavy. Thus processed all the petals.

In the end it only remains to attach all parts to each other, causing the glue on the Central part of it. The second bottom is shifted to the side, so the flower will look more lush and voluminous.

DIY plastic garden

From plastic bottles you can make other colors easier, which are placed mostly in the garden, in the garden or in the garden. For their manufacturing it is possible to collect several bottles of the same size. Color doesn't matter much, as all the same crafts will be painted. The best way to make colors bright colors are considered to be acrylic paint.

First you need to cut off the top part of the bottle neck. The cover do not throw away as it is still useful to us in the work. The future stems of flowers should be made of a wire. For this, take a thin metal rod and bend one side down. The other, a flat part of the rod digs into the ground with indentations.

Flowers for the front garden

If you wish to have a Bush of plastic flowers, the cook sticks a little more. After the stem is buried in the ground, the top fits over the bottle green. The neck it is pointing down and the upper part cut into thin stripes. Pressure drop the neck below ground level.

Further work is being done on attachingprepared colors. They are already cropped as on the pictures painted, the edges are rounded. Do you make them rounded, as beautiful will look the part with corners or cut noodles.

The caps of plastic bottles making the hole, use a drill or sharp awl. After the cover is placed on a rod it is slightly bent and holds the flower in one place. For reliability, you can secure it with clay. All crafts, plastic garden with his own hands ready!

The article presents some interesting craft projects using plastic. As can be seen from the detailed directions and photos submitted to the attention of the reader to make such products is easy, too to spend money on materials you don't have, and to create beautiful and unique crafts will turn out easily.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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