Hivamat therapy: what is it, indications and contraindications


2018-03-21 17:31:18




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Doctors Often strange terms and names confusing his players, has a rich imagination which draws a complex and painful procedure. For all patients in this case should be one rule: do not cheat yourself, fuelling imaginary fears, and to get maximum information. Imagine that after an injury or surgery called hivamat therapy (photo).

hivamat therapy is that it

What is it you don't understand, so first of all ask the doctor. This is absolutely normal behaviour, because the patient is important to know how painful this procedure or not. A qualified doctor is not difficult to give an explanation on fizioterapevticheskoe treatment - hivamat therapy. What it is, let's try to analyze in detail in our article.

Who came up with hivamat therapy

Speaking of hivamat therapy, what it is, is easily explained. It is an innovative method of physiotherapeutic effects on tissues by using electrostatic impulses. Generates these pulses the device, patented by a German company Physiomed (PHYSIOMED), known as the "Hivamat-200". The manufacturer has a wide experience of introduction of scientific developments in the field of medical equipment. "Fysiomed" delivers equipment of varying complexity in 70 countries.

hivamat therapy reviews

History of the device "hivamat-200"

The development of the methodology started in 80-ies of XX century. German scientists Waldner and Seidl suggested that the electrostatic field can be used for medicinal purposes. In their opinion, such method of treatment could stimulate the results of manual treatments and therapeutic massage. Experimentally scientists proved the hypothesis and contributed to the creation of the device "hivamat-200".


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As explained

Reviews on hivamat therapy is always positive. In fact, this kind of vibration based on the oscillation (oscillation) of the tissue by an alternating electrostatic field. Vibration hivamat therapy affect not only superficial tissues, but also subcutaneous tissue (fat), connective tissue, areas the venous and lymphatic system. Such deep oscillation is often called gloss therapy. Patient and doctor are connected to the instrument, an electrostatic field is generated between the hand of the physician and the patient's body. If the procedure is executed independently, the role of the hands performs a special applicator. The doctor's hand and the body of a patient are always charged oppositely, that eliminates the phenomenon of electrolysis. When the arm (applicator) for skin tissue attracted to her, and when is given – released. The fabric is nice vibrate within the given frequencies. If the selected lowest frequency less than 25 Hz, there is a suction effect. If frequencies above 80 Hz, the vibration is soft.

In the treatment of a manual applicator to connect to the device is not necessary.

hivamat therapy where to do

How it happens

So, hivamat therapy. What is it and how is it performed? The patient is positioned on a couch or sits in a comfortable position. The doctor adjusts the machine, exposing the desired frequency, and wearing vinyl gloves (they do not conduct electricity). The patient is given a titanium element (it is neutral). The range of the ripple frequency from 5 Hz to 200 Hz.

The Attending physician in the direction of the procedure indicates the frequency of exposure, burst mode, time of procedure, number of procedures and their frequency.

Therapy gloves involves the use of basic techniques of manual massage, that is, stroking, rubbing, kneading and so on. Manual applicator may only stroking and rubbing parts of the body.

hivamat therapy is that it is a photo

In acute pathologies the procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. First, the effect occurs at high frequencies, and then the device switches to low. Treatment of chronic diseases requires a longer exposure. Procedure expect more than 15 minutes At the first stage the average frequency is programmed, the second-highest, and at the end of the session – low. The duration of treatment determined by the physician.

Where the applied methodology?

We have found that hivamat therapy is a specific type of vibration, which is applied in many medical fields. The methodology used by the gynecologists, cardiologists, neurologists, oncologists, orthopedists. Quite often the procedure prescribed otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, traumatologists, urologists, plastic surgeons and sports medicine physicians.

hivamat therapy contraindications

Proven action

Assigning hivamat therapy, doctors pursue one or more objectives from the list below:

  • Using deep oscillation can improve blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • You can speed up the removal of toxins from the body;
  • The procedure helps to relieve spasms, reduce inflammation and to reduce swelling;
  • Hardware vibromassazh able to activate the regeneration of tissues;
  • Under the influence of this procedure accelerates the metabolism and increases collagen production;
  • A profound impact on the fabric improves mobility.

Indications for hivamat therapy

Indications and contraindications for hivamat therapy are always considered in the appointment procedure. But about contraindications'll talk later, but right nowlet's consider, what problems contributes to this procedure:

  • Effectively restores venous blood flow and lymphatic drainage, eliminates venous congestion. Is often prescribed after surgery.
  • Relieves all sorts of pain origin and localization. This applies to diseases of musculoskeletal system, arthritis, arthritis, injuries, migraines, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, and so on.
  • Reinforces muscle contraction after stroke, trauma or multiple sclerosis.
  • Restores metabolism in tissues, helps in the treatment of pressure sores, osteoporosis, burns, trophic ulcers.
  • Effectively acts on the bronchi and lungs after surgery of the thorax. Tones the respiratory tract in bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis.
  • Accelerates regeneration after plastic surgeries. Is the prevention of formation of scars, reduces cellulite, helps rejuvenate the skin, tightens facial muscles, reduces wrinkles.
  • Athletes, using procedures recovering from hard training and competition, remove bruising, reduce swelling and to recover from injuries.

hivamat therapy indications and contraindications

List of contraindications

Contraindications hivamat therapy include the following States:

  • Suppuration and infection in the acute form;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Chronic cardio-vascular diseases (stage of decompensation);
  • Mounted electronic devices (pacemaker, etc.);
  • Inoperable malignant tumors and blood diseases.

Hivamat therapy is that it

Be aware that the contraindications apply not only to patients but also to therapists who perform the procedure. Medical professional, having one of the above problems, can't work with this machine, as it could harm his health.

What goes hivamat therapy?

The Effect of hivamat treatments is enhanced if they are prescribed in combination with other treatments. This could be heat therapy, other electric procedures, Wellness, cryotherapy, manual therapy and other types of exposure.

Do I have to visit the clinic?

If you are assigned to hivamat therapy, a course of treatments, you can choose your own. The best variant-use the services of a professional physiotherapist. However, there are portable devices for home use. But before primenenem it is necessary to consult with your doctor and carefully study the user manual.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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