Myeloma - what is it? Forecasts in myeloma


2018-03-21 13:43:14




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Pathogenic mutations and growths-it is a serious threat to human life. Among these diseases are diagnosed and such as myeloma. What is it? So we call the process by which blood plasma or tissue of bones spread of a malignant tumor. Very often this disease affects older people (and the sick men much more than women).

Myeloma. What's this

The Disease is myeloma. What it is

Malignant tumors affect cells of blood plasma. Latest release substances that can protect a person from infections. Multiple myeloma blood helps to ensure that the data cells become cancerous and multiply. Their quantity after some time higher than normal. Subsequently, they replace healthy bone marrow cells. The number of erythrocytes and thrombocytes decreases, increasing the likelihood of bleeding. However, the process of blood clotting in this disease is disturbed. Although the affected cells are also capable of producing antibodies that effectively protect itself from infection the body is not able to.

Classification types myeloma

There are several types of multiple myeloma. The classification is carried out on the composition of the cells (plasmacytoma, plasmablastic, small cell, polymorphonuclear cell myeloma) and the nature of tumor spread in the bone marrow (focal, diffuse and diffuse focal). Also the disease is secretiruema, dichlorovos. Another kind – myeloma Bence-Jones. But that's not all. Depending on the class of secreted immunoglobulins, there are several variants of the disease, for example A-, D - or G-myeloma. What is it? This is multiple myeloma, which significantly increases the immunoglobulin of the appropriate class.


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Myeloma blood

Symptoms of disease

The manifestation of the disease depends on what stage it is and what species it belongs. Often found in the complete absence of any symptoms. Since the protective functions of the body weaken, people are often exposed to infection. Besides, there are anemia, weakness, dizziness. Skin have a pale appearance. Basically localize malignant tumors in the spine, ribs, skull bones, so myeloma symptoms might have the following: pain in these areas, frequent fractures. Even if the disease does not manifest itself, sooner or later, the person can face with such problems as kidney failure, destruction of bone tissue, loss of weight, pain in the legs.

Myeloma. Symptoms

Possible causes development of myeloma

The Experts can not say exactly for what reasons begin to mutate plasma cells. However, there are several factors that can increase the risk of developing myeloma. These include the influence of radiation, aggressive and heavy drugs. It is established that substances such as formaldehyde, dioxin, varnishes, paints, acids can influence the beginning of cancer. The exhaust gases from internal combustion engines-another factor. Also of importance and heredity. Besides a disease such as myeloma (what it is, discussed above), more common in African Americans. Observed and age characteristics of the disease. In people under 40 years of such a condition is diagnosed very rarely (less than 1%). If diagnosed with “disease”, the forecasts largely depend on the timely detection of the disease.

How is the diagnosis of myeloma

The first source of information in cases of suspected myeloma – General analysis of blood and urine. As the pathogenic cells produce antibodies in large quantities, and their high level will signal about the possible presence of malignant tumours. To determine, do myeloma bone changes in their tissue, the doctor appoints inspection using x-rays. Also done a bone marrow biopsy. To detect the foci of tumors will help and computer or magnetic resonance imaging. It is best to carry out this procedure prior to biopsy. This will more accurately determine the location for sampling of tissue.

Myeloma of bone

Treatment of mild forms of myeloma

If the patient has not observed specific symptoms of the disease, the treatment is chosen individually, depending on the condition. At the initial, slow stage, the person is under the supervision of a specialist. Treatment with aggressive drugs may do more harm than benefits. Myeloma destroys bone tissue, so to strengthen them accept drugs based on calcium. Various methods strengthens the immune system. If there are problems in the kidneys, a specialist assigns appropriate medication.

Also, the positive effect is observed when included in daily diet of berries such as cranberries and lingonberries. Welcome drink watermelon. In severe forms of anemia. In this case, holds the events directed on increase of level of hemoglobin. Often patients have problems with blood, its clotting. A doctor prescribes drugs to strengthen blood vessel walls. It is also necessary to replenish vitamin C(decoction of rose hips, berries). To this: self-administration of any medication can cause unexpected side effect and worsen the patient's condition.

Myeloma. Life expectancy

Therapy in more severe stages of the disease

The Primary method by which works to fight myeloma is chemotherapy. The specialist selects the appropriate combination of therapies for more effective treatment. To reduce side reactions, you may need hormonal means. At the same time and radiation therapy, which is typical of radiation to the affected cells. Also can be used at treatment aimed at improving the overall immunity of the patient. If chemotherapy does not bring the desired effect, you may need a bone marrow transplant. Often the results are positive. Additionally, it may be surgery. The operation used in the case of tumor compression of the important vessels, with its large size, and to local strengthening of bone tissue. If time was diagnosed with myeloma, the life expectancy of the patient can be increased. But for this you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of experts. When manifestations of the symptoms requires the assistance of oncologists and hematologists.

Myeloma. Forecasts

Myeloma. Life expectancy and quality

Upon detection of such malignancies requires timely treatment. About half of the patients survive if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. The later treatment is started, the lower the percentage survival (in the third stage of the disease it is within 15 %). Multiple myeloma is incurable, but can alleviate the condition of the patient and to bring his quality of life to normal. This requires physical activity, which helps strengthen bones. It is also important that the patient drink lots of liquids (liquid dilutes specific proteins, and this will reduce the risk of kidney failure). Nutrition should be balanced, rich in vitamins and minerals. If done timely treatment, the patient's life is extended for several years (about 4).

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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