The drug is "Vis-Nol": instructions for use, composition, analogues


2018-03-20 03:19:12




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Problems with the stomach and intestine arise periodically in many people. However, not everyone knows how to properly treat such diseases. For this we recommend to contact an experienced gastroenterologist. The latter should conduct a survey and appoint a special medicines.vis Nol usage instructions

In the treatment of ulcers, erosions of the stomach or gastritis is very good medicine "Vis-Nol”. Manual, composition, application, analogues and contraindications for acceptance of the tool will be presented below.

Release Form of the drug, description, packaging and composition

That is part of the medicine "Vis-Nol”? Instructions for use, description drugs report that the current element of the drug acts subtitrat colloidal bismuth. It also contains auxiliary compounds such as potato starch and calcium stearate.

The tool available in the form of white-yellow hard gelatin capsules. Their content is white-yellow or a pure white powder with odor of ammonia.


How are the capsules “Vis-Nol”? Instruction manual says that this drug is intended for treatment of peptic ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Thus, it exerts gastroprotective action.

Getting to the acidic environment of the stomach, subtitrat colloidal bismuth forms on the surface of ulcers and erosions protective film. This contributes to their early scarring, as well as protection of mucous membranes from exposure to gastric juice.


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Not to mention the fact that the medium stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandin E 2, and increases secretion of bicarbonate and the formation of mucin, reduces the activity of pepsinogen and pepsin, stores epidermal growth factor in area damage.vis Nol usage instructions price

Properties of the drug and its kinetics

What are the inherent properties of the drug “Vis-Nol”? Instruction manual reports that the product exhibits antimicrobial activity against Helicobacter Pylori.

Colloidal bismuth subcitrate almost not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Only a small amount enters the bloodstream, and then excreted along with the urine.

The Concentration of bismuth in blood after discontinuation of therapy decreases rapidly. The drug is mainly excreted along with the feces.


What diseases can be treated capsules “Vis-Nol”? Reviews, manual, description of the drug argue that the indication for the use of this tool is the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Duodenitis and gastritis (chronic) in acute phase (including that caused by Helicobacter Pylori);
  • Peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer and stomach, including caused by Helicobacter Pylori (as part of H. pylori treatment);
  • Erosive-ulcerative diseases of the mucous membrane of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer, which were caused by use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Functional dyspepsia, not associated with organic disease of the digestive tract;
  • IBS, flowing with symptoms of diarrhea.pills vis Nol usage instructions


Who can not take pills “Vis-Nol”? Instruction manual says about such contraindications to the drug, such as:

  • Increased sensitivity to the elements of LS;
  • Severe renal insufficiency.

The Capsule “Vis-Nol”: application manual

The Price of this tool will be presented next. Necessary to take it inside, 30 minutes before eating, squeezed small amount of water.

The Dosage is determined by your doctor and depends on the age of the patient.

Adolescents over 14 years and adults the drug is prescribed one capsule four times per day. The last pill just before bedtime. It is also possible to dose two capsules twice a day.

In children from 8 to 14 years the drug is prescribed 2 tablets a day, before meals.

Kids 4-8 years the drug is recommended to not take more than 2 capsules per day. With the dose calculated according to the following scheme: 8 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the child (a day).vis Nol usage instructions description

Duration of therapy is 1.5-2 months. After completion of treatment within 8 weeks should not take medicines, including bismuth.

In the combined treatment of diseases that are caused by Helicobacter Pylori, it is required to strictly comply with all recommendations of the doctor. Typically, this therapy involves the ingestion of 120 mg of the medication four times a day, 500 mg "Metronidazole" (thrice a day), 500 mg “Tetracycline" (four times a day) and proton pump inhibitor (e.g., "Lansoprazole”, “Esomeprazole" "Omeprazole" or "Pantoprazole"). The course lasts about 10-14 days.

To accelerate and improve healing of erosions and ulcers, the drug can be taken one capsule four times a day. Thus it cannot be used for more than two months.

Side effects

Are there side effects after taking the capsules “Vis-Nol”? Instruction manual indicates thatthis tool can cause itching, allergic skin rash, diarrhea, change in color of stool (black), constipation, nausea, vomiting, anaphylactic shock.

Overdose medicine

What are the symptoms that occur when taking high doses of medication "Vis-Nol”? Instruction manual States that in this case develops renal failure and increasing the level of Bi in the blood.

To treat this condition used dimercaptosuccinic and dimercaptopropanesulfonate acid.

vis Nol reviews manual description

Drug interactions

For 35 minutes before and after administration of the drug is prohibited to consume food, liquid medications and dairy products.

This tool reduces the absorption of tetracyclines.

It is Forbidden to combine "Vis-Nol” with drugs containing bismuth.

Models and price

The Value of this asset is about 200 rubles for 30 tablets. If necessary, you can substitute such drugs as “Calm”, “Gastro-Norm”, “De-Nol”, “Amprop”, “Venter”, “gaviscon”, “Vikalin”, “Vikair”, “Rabeil”, “Gastrozepin”, “Sucralfate.”, “Omez D”, “Domstal-On” and other.

vis Nol instruction composition the application of analogues

Customer Testimonials

Now you know how the drug "Vis-Nol”. Instructions for use, price of this drug has been presented above. Reviews about it, there are few. However, those that are, are positive.

Patients say that the drug helped them cope with a stomach ulcer, and also contributed to the recovery of digestion.

Of the side effects of this drug often causes nausea and diarrhea. It should also be noted that against the background of his admission, the stool becomes black, forcing patients to additionally go to the gastroenterologist in order to exclude the possibility of developing any diseases and bleeding.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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