Tremor: what it is and how manifested?


2019-07-29 20:00:19




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One of the manifestations of an unhealthy nervous system is tremors. What is it? This disease is characterized by rhythmical involuntary oscillation of a functional body parts. Mainly diagnosed hand tremor and tremor of the head. In addition to lesions of the nervous system, this condition may be indicative of endocrine, somatic diseases, various intoxications of the body.tremor what is it

Type of disease

Tremor is divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological tremor is present in any healthy person. It cannot be seen with the naked eye, since its amplitude is very small, and the frequency is 8-12 Hz. In the case when the frequency remains the same and the amplitude increases, diagnosed enhanced physiological tremor. What is it? It is a condition which may occur due to various conditions, for which there is a stimulation of peripheral adrenergic receptors (fear, excitement, certain medications). Appears quick and easy trembling of fingers, eyelids, and head.

Pathological tremor, what is it? This condition is caused by various diseases. This tremor has a number of electrophysiological and clinical characteristics that significantly differ from physiological tremor. This type of the disease may be accompanied by hyperkinesis such as dystonia, atetoz, chorea, ballism, tics, myoclonus.tremor symptoms

There are also such types of tremor:

  • Drug. This condition can be triggered by caffeine, aminophylline, neuroleptics, tricyclic antidepressants, psychostimulants. When mercury intoxication tremor appears alone, then, is enhanced by muscular movements and manifested by trembling of the muscles of the face and extremities.


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  • Alcoholic. The disease tremor in this case is manifested by trembling of the fingers and also facial muscles. Occurs when alcohol intoxication and alcoholism.

  • Hysterical. State of tremor occurs in hysteria. May be permanent or paroxysmal in nature, varying in rhythm and amplitude, is enhanced under the influence of psychological factors.

A special place is essential tremor. What is it? It is a condition that can occur when activity, maintaining position, maintaining posture. In a state of tremor can be involved the hands, head, jaw, legs, vocal chords. In half of the cases this condition is hereditary nature, but there is damage to the cerebellum.

Tremor: the disease symptoms

As mentioned above, the disease is manifested by rhythmic oscillation of body parts. Start shaking with a hand shake, which gradually covers the other. There may also be trembling of the head, language (this leads to disruption of speech), chin, in rare cases, tremor of the legs and torso. This condition does not allow a person to draw, write, hold a spoon, Cup, and other items. Alcohol and anxiety may increase pryavleniya tremor. Gait of the patient is not changed.

The Treatment of tremors

If the tremor occurs only with emotional stress, the treatment involves a single dose of agents that have a sedative and calming effect.

If essential type of therapy aims to decrease the amplitude of tremor and may include reception of antagonists of beta-adrenergic receptors, benzodiazepines, and anticonvulsants.

With cerebellar tremor, we recommend taking GABAergic drugs, it is common to use the bracelet for weighting the limbs.

However, be aware that to completely cure the tremor is impossible. You can only reduce the severity of the disease in order to optimize daily life.disease tremor


For the prevention of tremor, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations. To monitor the health of patients and to prevent his exhaustion, as this can worsen the condition. Limit consumption of foods and beverages containing caffeine and to refrain from bad habits. Regular exercise also have a good preventive effect.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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