Cranial nerves 12 pairs: anatomy, table, function


2019-05-27 02:20:30




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Nerves, entering into the brain and moving away from it, medicine is defined as cranial or cranial nerves (12 pairs). They Innervate the glands, muscles, skin and other organs located in the head and neck and in the abdominal and chest cavity.

Let's Talk today about these couples and those violations which they occur.

cranial nerves 12 pairs

Types of cranial nerves

Each of these pairs of nerves are indicated by Roman number one to twelve, according to their position at the base of the brain. They are in the following order:

1) olfactory;

2) visual;

3) oculomotor;

4) block.

5) trigeminal;

6) outlet;

7) facial;

8) the auditory;

9) the glossopharyngeal;

10) wandering;

11) extension;

12) the hyoid.

They involve autonomic, efferent and afferent fibers and their nuclei are located in the gray matter of the brain. Depending on the composition of nerve fibres, all cranial nerves (12 pairs) are divided into sensory, motor and mixed. Let us consider them in this aspect.


This group includes the olfactory, optic and auditory nerves.

The Olfactory nerves are processes in the nasal mucosa. Beginning with the nasal cavity they cross grid plate and approach the olfactory bulb, where the first neuron ends and starts on the Central path.

12 pairs of cranial nerves anatomy function table

Consists of a pair of Optic fibers extending from the retina, cones and sticks. All the nerves are in a trunk in the cranial cavity. First, they form the optic chiasm and then optic tract, enveloping the stem of the brain and giving the optic centers. One is about one million nerve fibres (axons of the neurons of the retina) and, in addition, it has one vagina on the outside, and more — inside. The nerve enters the skull via the optic canal.


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For the eighth pair are the auditory cranial nerves - 12 pairs other than these three, are motor or mixed. From auditory nerve fibers directed from the middle ear to the nuclei. Each of which includes Predgorny and the cochlear root. They depart from the middle ear and enter the cerebellopontine angle.

Motor types

In another group of 12 pairs of cranial nerves include the oculomotor, trochlear, accessory, hypoglossal and abducent nerves.

The Third pair, that is, the oculomotor nerves contain autonomic, motor and parasympathetic fibers. They are divided into upper and lower branches. And to the motor group includes only the upper branches. They are the muscle that lifts the eyelid.

The following group includes block nerves leading to the eye in motion. If you compare all the cranial nerves - 12 pairs - these are the most subtle. They originate from the nucleus on the lid of the midbrain, and then wrap around the stem of the brain and head in the eye socket, innerwire the upper oblique muscle of the eye.

Abducens nerves are related to direct eye muscle. They include engine core in the hole. Leaving the brain, they are sent to the upper orbital fissure, innerwire there direct the eye muscles.

Plus nerves originate from the medulla oblongata and cervical sections of the spinal cord. Separate the roots unite in a single trunk, passing through the hole, and divided into external and internal branches. The internal branch, in which there are fibers involved in the innervation of the larynx and pharynx, it is attached to the wandering nerve.

And last of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves (table which for convenience is presented at the end of the article) related to the motor, are the hypoglossal nerves. The origin of this nerve is of the spinal. But, over time, his spine moved in the skull. It is clear that it is the motor nerve of the tongue. Roots emerge from the medulla oblongata, then pass through the carotid artery and enter into the lingual muscles, separating into branches.

core 12 pairs of cranial nerves

Mixed types

This group includes trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. In mixed nerves have ganglia, similar to those that have the spinal, but they have no anterior and posterior roots. They have motor and sensory fiber types are joined in a common trunk. Also they can just be around.

Output of 12 pairs of cranial nerves different. So, third, seventh, ninth and tenth pairs have parasympathetic fibers at the output portion, which are directed to vegetative ganglia. Many of them are United by the branches, where different fiber.

Trigeminal nerve has two roots, where is more sensitive, and less — motor. Innervation of the skin they occur in the parietal, ear and chin areas. Innervation also captures the conjunctiva and the eye, the Dura of the brain, the mucous membranes — the mouth and nose, teeth and gums, as well as the main part of the language.

Trigeminal nerves go between the cerebellar peduncle, middle, and bridge. Fiber sensitive nerve root ganglion are lying in the temporal pyramid near the top, which was formed as a result of decomposition of the solid shell of the brain. They end in the nucleus of this nerve, which is located in the hole and the nucleus of spinal path continued in the medulla, and then heading to the spinal cord.Fiber root motor nerve originate from the trigeminal nucleus, which is located in the bridge.

the defeat of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves

Depart From ganglion upper, mandibular and ophthalmic nerves. The latter is sensitive, is divided into neoresins, frontal and lacrimal. Innervation of 12 pairs of cranial nerves differs not only from the couples themselves, but also derivatives of the branches. Thus, the lacrimal nerve innervates the lateral eye angle, passing the secretory branches of the lacrimal gland. The frontal nerve, respectively, is forked on the forehead and supplies the mucosa. Neoresins innervates the eyeball, and depart from him lattice nerves innervating nasal mucosa.

Sensitive is the maxillary nerve that runs in the pterygoid-Palatine fossa and opening on the front face surface. From him originate the upper alveolar nerves, which pass to the upper teeth and gums. The nerve on the cheeks extends from the ganglion nerves in the back of the nose to its mucosa and nasopharynx. Fiber here the nerves of the sympathetic and parasympathetic.

The mixed type is the mandibular nerve. It consists of a motor root. Its sensitive branches include the buccal nerve, supplying the mucous appropriate, of USNO-temporal lobe, Innervate the skin on the temples and the ears and lingual, which supplies the tip and the back of the tongue. Inferior alveolar nerve is mixed. Passing in the lower jaw, he ends up on his chin, branching here in the skin and mucosa of the lower lip. Branches from it are associated with autonomic ganglia.

  • Course ushno-temporal nerve — with the ear, innervating the parotid gland;
  • Lingual nerve — with the ganglion, providing innervation to the sublingual and submandibular glands.

Refer To the facial motor and sensory cranial nerves. Mixed fiber create taste sensations. Here some fibers Innervate the lacrimal and salivary glands, and others — the front two-thirds of the tongue.

The Facial nerve consists of motor fibers that begins in the upper part of the fossa. It relates to the intermediate nerve with gustatory and parasympathetic fibers. Some are outgrowths of the ganglion, resulting in gustatory fibers of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. While others begin in sljunootdelitelnoe and lacrimal nuclei, located near the motor nucleus.

The Facial nerve begins in the cerebellopontine angle of the brain, and then goes into the facial canal through the ear canal. Here is tympani and passing through the cavity, joins the lingual nerve. It includes a taste and parasympathetic fibers that reach the submandibular ganglion.

The Facial nerve exits the bones of the temples and is held in the parotid gland, intertwined there. Hence, the branches diverge fan-shaped way. At this time all are innervated by muscles related to expression, and some others. The branch on the neck from the facial nerve branches on it in the subcutaneous muscle.

12 pairs of cranial nerves neurology

Glossopharyngeal pair is implemented innervation of the lacrimal glands, the rear portion of the tongue, inner ear and throat. Motor fibers are sent to the stylopharyngeus muscle and the detrusor of the pharynx, and sensitive — for the parotid gland to the auricular ganglion. The nuclei of these nerves, in contrast to the other cores 12 pairs of cranial nerves are located in the fossa - the triangle of the vagus nerve.

The Parasympathetic fibers begin in sljunootdelitelnoe core. Glossopharyngeal nerve leaving medulla oblongata extends to the base of the tongue. From the ganglion begins the tympanic nerve has parasympathetic fibers continue to the auricular ganglion. Then start speaking, mindalikovye and pharyngeal nerves. The lingual nerves Innervate the tongue.

Wandering pair implements the parasympathetic innervation in the abdomen and in the chest and neck. This nerve consists of motor and sensory fibers. Here is the biggest innervation. The vagus nerve has a dual core:

  • Dorsal;
  • Single journey.

Leaving behind the olive-tree on the neck, it moves with the neuro-vascular bundle, and forks.


Dysfunction can have all the cranial nerves - 12 pairs. Anatomy of sites of lesions manifested at different levels of nuclei or trunks. To make a diagnosis, conducted an in-depth analysis of intracranial pathologic processes. If the lesion affects one side of the nuclei and fibers, then most likely we are talking about the dysfunction of any of the affected 12 pairs of cranial nerves.

Neurology studies, however, and symptoms on the opposite side. Then diagnosed the lesion pathways. It also happens that disorders of the nerves associated and tumor, arachnoid cyst, abscess, vascular malformations and other similar processes.

cranial nerves table 12 pairs of neuroscience

The Simultaneous failure of 12 pairs of cranial nerves, i.e., hypoglossal, and vagus and glossopharyngeal, called bulbar palsy. This is a very dangerous disease, as there is a likelihood pathology the most important centers of the brain stem.

Knowledge of the topographic location of the cranial nerves allows you to properly reveal the narrow lesion of each of them. To conduct research, involve special techniques. With the appropriate equipment, todayit is possible to identify all the details of the fundus, the optic nerve, to diagnose field of vision and lesions of hair loss. Computerized research allows precision to localize the lesion.

Ophthalmic research

This method allows to detect irregularities in the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves pairs, to identify a limited motor activity of the eyeballs, the degree of exophthalmos and more. Pathology of the optic and auditory nerves may be caused by a narrowing of the channel in the bone, or, on the contrary, its extension. Diagnosis is made the upper slit of the orbit, as well as the different holes of the skull.

Verterbrae and carotid angiography

This method is important in the recognition of vascular malformations and intracranial processes. However, more detailed information on these issues will provide computed tomography. She visualizes the trunks of the cranial nerves, the tumor diagnose visual and auditory pairs and other pathologies.


The Deepening of the study of cranial nerves has become possible thanks to the development of this method. It determines the state of spontaneous muscular masticatory and mimic activity of the muscles of the tongue, soft palate and other muscles. Also, electromyography is used to calculate the speed of the pulse on the trunks of the facial, and hypoglossal nerves extension. For this investigated the reflex blink response, which is provided by the trigeminal and facial nerves.

Neurological examination and symptoms of the violation of individual cranial nerves

This technique is performed in a specific order. Begins the examination of the olfactory nerve. Soaked in stimulus of the fleece bring to the nostrils alternately. The optic nerve is tested on ophthalmological examination, on what basis, in addition to the direct impact, it is possible to identify even secondary changes. Pathology can wear stagnant, degenerative, inflammatory or nerve may be completely destroyed.

Following the defeat of three of the 12 pairs of cranial nerves (oculomotor, abducens, and trochlear) are the cause of the diplopia and strabismus. You may experience a drooping of the upper eyelid, mydriasis, diplopia.

Violations of the fifth pair, that is, in the trigeminal nerves, leading to deterioration of sensitivity on the part of the person, where they are available. This can be observed in the temples, forehead and cheekbones, eyes, chin and lips. It happens that one feels intense pain, rash and other reactions. Due to the fact that the facial nerves have many connections, then this pair is characterized with a variety of pathological reactions.

In violation of the auditory nerve deteriorating hearing, glossopharyngeal — impaired sensitivity in the inner ear, the hyoid — is limited to the movement of the tongue. In the case of vagus nerve develops paralysis of soft palate or vocal cords. Additionally, you may disrupt the rhythm of the heart, respiration, and other visceral-autonomic functions.

Complex disorders and cranial nerves (12 pairs): anatomy table

The Function of nerve fibers may be violated alone or in combination, together with different pathologies of the lower skull. So, if affects all the nerves on one side of the cranial base, they say the syndrome Garcina. If a tumor of the orbital bones and soft tissues occurs syndrome of the upper orbital fissure. With the defeat and obonatelnogo, and optic nerves syndrome occurs Kennedy.

These and other diseases occur both in adult and in childhood. For children in particular, often lesions of nerves, which are associated with the malformation.

Below is the structure on which it is possible to better understand how are cranial nerves (12 pairs). Anatomy (table is based on its knowledge) will help you navigate the intricacies of the functioning of different groups.

12 pairs of cranial nerves anatomy table


We reviewed all cranial nerves - 12 pairs. Anatomy, table of functions given in the article demonstrate that all of craniocerebral nerves have a complicated structure, closely linked with each other. And if any function is realized with the limitation or not performed at all, then you have a violation.

Helps to learn all the cranial nerves (12 pairs) table. Neuroscience, using these data and special thanks to the modern equipment has made significant progress in capabilities of modern diagnostics and effective treatment of patients.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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