Asparkam: indications for use


2018-09-24 11:00:23




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Asparkam-analogue of the imported Panangin, but worth every 8 cheaper. In its composition a compound of potassium and magnesium. In one tablet of 175 mg of asparaginata asparaginata potassium and magnesium. To treat what is used medicine “Asparkam”? Indications for use note its main feature – the strengthening of the heart muscle.

Of potassium and magnesium Ions regulate the metabolism, improve electrolyte balance, relieve symptoms of arrhythmia. Potassium conducts impulses along the nerve fibers, improves muscle contractions, busy in synaptic transmission, supports normal cardiac function. Violation of potassium metabolism leads to the excitation of muscles and nerves. Small doses of potassium ions enhance coronary arteries, in large, on the contrary, lead to narrowing. Potassium also acts as a mild diuretic.

Magnesium Ions participate in more than 300 enzymatic reactions. Are essential elements in the processes of receipt and expenditure of energy, the balance of many electrolytes, neuromuscular tone, permeability of membranes, the transport of ions. Magnesium is present in the structure of DNA, affecting the genetic apparatus. It affects cell division, increases cell growth.

Hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia – here are the main symptoms when prescribed to drink the drug “Asparkam”. Indications for use to determine the duration of the course with these symptoms. Asparcam is also an auxiliary means in chronic circulatory insufficiency, coronary heart disease. Use it for relief of shock, having different reasons. A deficiency of potassium and magnesium leads to disruption of heart rhythm, ventricular extrasystolia, atrial fibrillation. In the presence of such symptoms prescribe medication “Asparkam”. Indications for use include the dosage for each individual case.


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Contraindications for the use of the drug are renal failure both acute and chronic, the high content of potassium and magnesium (hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia), impaired atrioventricular conduction II-III stages, myasthenia gravis severe.

Before taking the pills, you will also need to see the side effects of the drug “one of the few who" of the indications for the use of which is extensive, but you need to be prepared for a possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. Not excluded abdominal pain, dry mouth, flatulence. With caution should treat drug hypotensive, as the reception may decrease blood pressure. Not excluded dizziness, sweating, may increase venous thrombosis.

Great care should be observed when administered intravenously, the drug “Asparkam”. Testimony, such application must be sufficiently justified because, with the rapid penetration of potassium ions and magnesium in the blood can develop symptoms of hyperkalemia and gipermagniemii, beginning with muscular hypotonia, paresthesia of the limbs, ending with the slow AV-conduction, arrhythmias until the heart stops.

It is Not recommended to take the drug “Asparkam” at the same time with diuretics, sberegayuschimi potassium, ACE inhibitors because of the increased risk of hyperkalemia. Chronic administration should monitor the condition of the blood plasma and the level of potassium in it. Medication “Asparkam” together with cardiac glycosides leads to the weakening of the latter.

Prescribed the drug in the first days 2 tablets after meals to 3 times a day. Then reduce the dosage to 1 tablet at a time. Preferable to take the courses.

An Important area of application of the drug “Asparkam” – sports. During strong physical exertion, the doctors prescribe this medicine to restore the lost ions in water and electrolyte balance. The dosage in this case depends on the loads and may be increased.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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