How to treat varicose veins on legs: the basic methods


2018-09-05 11:00:24




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For many people today, varicose veins, or simply varicose veins, – this is a real prospect and a threat. The spread of the disease among the population like an epidemic. With gender differences, with each passing day it is increasingly true of the male sex, and initial stage – the so-called varicose grid – familiar to almost every woman. The reasons for its development and formation is simple only at first glance, but require constant attention.

How to treat varicose veins on the legs

Prevention of the disease here, as always, go in the first place. Nevertheless, you should understand why it is so often man fails to prevent the development of this disease. The fact is that, faced with the problem of varicose veins, carry the traffic on the road to recovery should be carried out simultaneously in several directions: strengthening the inner walls of blood vessels, improving their elasticity and reducing the formation of clots in the blood. A lot depends on the nutrition – a balanced diet and the presence of nutrients, quantity of fluids you drink and from metabolic processes and the healthy functioning of all body systems in General.

So, how to treat varicose veins on the legs?

For these purposes, modern medicine offers several methods:

1. Surgical treatment of the disease, its extreme degree of development that involves the removal of the painful areas of the veins and the implantation in their place artificial substitutes. This operation allows you to restore blood circulation and prevent tissue necrosis. Before how to treat varicose veins on the legs, such radical method, do not forget that this is a last resort. Removal of dilated varicose veins for cosmetic purposes is not possible, because very high risk aesthetically unappealing appearance of the operated site. After such an operation the expected and predictable to various complications. Likely to problem healing and further deformation.


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Varicose veins in men

2. Health practices, including the impact on specific problem areas of the body, help stop varicose veins in men and women, or to slow its course, eliminate the visual signs of the disease.

3. Should be to minimize exposure to heat. The main tool to influence the cell structure of the tissue, create microscopic, imperceptible spasms should be contrast normal body temperature and cold. Maintenance and return of the tone of the site-specific need to combine with similar effects on the entire body.

4. How to treat varicose veins on the legs, if a massaging effect, which is prescribed in the treatment of varicose mesh, is excluded in instructions for the use of special ointments contraindicated and is strictly prohibited in the case of deformation of the veins? Here is the effective action of medicinal leeches.

5. Will be the actual preventive effect on the internal organs and glands available and harmless herbal remedies. However, before applying the required professional expert advice. It should be remembered that regeneration is possible only up to a point, and don't miss out its very important. And miss, you need to understand that to keep the painful areas in the state of lack of progress of pathological processes as long as possible is a must. Quite possibly, it will help to eliminate the need for surgical intervention.

6. In recent years, gaining popularity in the treatment laser-, magneto-, pressed - and EIT.

Varicose veins photo

Varicose veins, a photo of which demonstrate all of its ugliness, – this disease is closely associated with the upright posture of the human spine and the forced prolonged fixation of the body in one position, the initially invisible overvoltage and overloads. Rational physical exercise – one of the means of prevention and treatment of disease.

However, before you can treat the varicose veins on the legs by yourself, you should seek the advice of a specialist. Only he can prescribe adequate treatment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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