Capsules "Ibufen ultra": instructions for use, analogs, reviews and


2018-05-18 02:00:39




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Painkillers and antipyretic drugs are the most popular types of drugs on the pharmaceutical market. Daily these tools, millions of people need. One of the drugs needed to relieve headache or toothache, others use them to eliminate symptoms of viral diseases. Some people have to take these medications throughout their life. Modern medicines produce variety of tablets, capsules, suspension. Popular drugs based on ibuprofen. This component is included in the drug “Ibufen ultra”. Instruction and features of its application will be described for you today.

ibufen ultra application instruction


Pain – a natural reaction of the human organism to the stimulus of nerve endings. It can be caused by different reasons. Pain medications are able to block an unpleasant feeling. It is important to take the media properly. Most home kits contain different types of painkillers. Some have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, relieve spasm. Others inhibit the synthesis of certain enzymes.

Most of the painkillers available without a prescription. This allows the patient during the appearance of disturbing symptoms to use the drug. It is believed that the drug “Ibufen ultra” is not only effective but also safe. Whether so it actually? Should know about this tool in more detail before applying it.

Structure and description

Tablets “Ibufen ultra” the statement comes as anti-inflammatory, pain reliever that also reduces fever. Each capsule contains 200 mg of active ingredient, which is ibuprofen. Produced the drug with the addition of secondary substances: macrogol, potassium hydroxide and water. Each pill is covered with a gelatinous sheath that allows you to deliver the original composition in the stomach.

Is Sold the drug at 10 or 20 capsules of blue colour in the packaging (1 or 2 blisters, respectively). On the box in big letters indicated the trading name of: “Ibufen ultra”. Manual attached to each unit of the drug. At the pharmacy you can also purchase the suspension “Ibufen ultra”, which is often used for children.

ibufen ultra instruction

The Effectiveness of medication

How does the drug "Ibufen ultra”? The manual says that the active ingredient found in maximum number in an hour after taking the pill. If you take the drug during meals, this timeout can be increased in two times. Ibuprofen penetrates the tissues and joints, reduces vascular permeability. The drug blocks the synthesis of prostaglandins, which contributes to anti-inflammatory effects. Antipyretic effect occurs after an average of 30-45 minutes after taking the tablets, analgesic – in 10-20 minutes. The effectiveness of the drug lasts for 8-12 hours, but in some cases it may be less or more.

ibufen 200 ultra application instruction

Who is assigned to “Ibufen ultra”?

Instructions for use recommends the drug for an emergency appointment when the pain and fever. The manufacturer permits independent adoption of tablets, but still recommends that you consult a doctor. If you read the abstract, you can find that the drug helps to cope with the following problems:

  • Febrile syndrome due to different causes (viral or bacterial disease, colds, vaccination, poisoning, intoxication);
  • Pain (toothache, headache, joint, caused by trauma);
  • Periodic ailments in women;
  • Inflammation in the body.


Although “Ibufen ultra" instructions for use positioning safe drug, the drug has its contraindications. You cannot apply the medication under the following circumstances:

  • High sensitivity to ibuprofen;
  • Intolerance to NSAIDs;
  • An allergic reaction to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Ulcers of the intestine or stomach in the acute form;
  • Renal or hepatic failure;
  • Diseases of the blood;
  • Pregnancy 1 and 3 trimester;
  • Children under 6 years.

“Ibufen ultra”:

For children and adults the drug is prescribed for internal use. The capsule you need to drink clean water. Pre -tablet not opened and not chewed. To accelerate the effect of the medication it is advisable to take it at the beginning of the meal or 1-2 hours after. If the use of the drug during the meal, it may act slower.

Adults and children whose age reaches 12 years of age must take “Ibufen ultra” 200 mg. the instruction permits the use of double-dose (400 mg). The daily amount of medication should not exceed 1200 mg, which is equivalent to six tablets. Re-taking the drug be administered no sooner than 4 hours after the first use.

Duration of use of analgesic capsules should not exceed five days. If the medication is taken in order to reduce the temperature of the body, the treatment can be carried out only three days. The lack of improvement after this time obliges the user to consult a doctor.

ibufen ultra tablet instruction manual

Adverse reactions and effects of overdose

What happens if you use large doses of the drug “Ibufen ultra" (tablets)? Instructions for use warns the consumer, stating the daily and occasional normal. If overdose occurs a decrease in blood pressure, lethargy, drowsiness. The patient may lose consciousness and fall into a coma. Poisoning high doses of the drug accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms of intoxication. In case of overdose it is necessary to consult a doctor for action. Valid self-induce vomiting (if the drug passed recently) and use the sorbent.

Tablets “Ibufen ultra” - user manual reports – is usually well tolerated. In rare cases they can cause unpleasant reactions, which are called side effect. To go to the doctor is necessary if, after the adoption of the drug the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, irregularity and other intestinal symptoms;
  • Headache, drowsiness or agitation;
  • Change the blood pressure;
  • Allergy (swelling, rash, itching, hives).

The Drug can affect the condition of the blood. Independently, these changes are quite difficult to observe. Therefore, when any form of ill health should consult a doctor.

The Opportunity to use it with other drugs

The Drug “Ibufen ultra 200" instructions for use allow to use simultaneously with other medicines. However taking certain medications with analgesic can affect the health of the patient is not as expected. The user specifies the features of the complex therapy. Before using any other medication make sure you read this paragraph.

  • Concurrent use of aspirin and other NSAIDs is contributes to the likelihood of a negative reaction from the digestive system.
  • Diuretic and purgative compounds reduce the effectiveness of fever reducing medications, reduce their anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Caution should be used capsules “Ibufen ultra” together with anticoagulants. In combination, these tools increase the likelihood of bleeding.
  • Should Not be used together with preparations containing lithium, as it increases its content in the body.
  • Steroid means, taken along with the drug “Ibufen ultra”, increase the likelihood of side effects.
  • Antacids reduce the effectiveness of suction of the active substance capsules “Ibufen ultra”.

The Use of the drug along with caffeinated drinks enhances the analgesic effect. In combination with alcohol increases toxic effect on the liver.

pills ibufen ultra instruction

Additional information

There are certain groups of patients that need to consult a doctor before using the product. This includes:

  • Breastfeeding women;
  • People with any diseases of the liver and kidney;
  • Children under 12 years;
  • Allergies;
  • Patients with bronchial asthma;
  • Ulcer;
  • Hypertensive patients.

If you need to take the medicine “Ibufen ultra” for a long time, it is necessary to periodically monitor blood counts.

ibufen ultra instruction manual capsule

Medical preparation

Doctors strongly recommend that before using the drug "Ibufen ultra" (capsules), instructions should be studied by each consumer. Doctors say that this medicine is proven and safe. It is used most often. A negative effect on the liver is even lessthan famous "Paracetamol". Experts warn that the drug increases the risk of bleeding. Therefore it is not necessary to use this tool before surgery. Even if you have normal tooth extraction, give preference to other analgesics. Doctors do not recommend to take the medicine, if it is about abdominal pain. Of course, the drug can help alleviate the condition. But it can make the correct diagnosis. Blurred clinical picture does not allow doctors time to provide necessary assistance to the patient.

What consumers say?

The majority of patients who once had to use the means “Ibufen ultra”, I leave positive reviews about it. Medicine – tell people – effectively helps to cope with painful feelings. Use anesthetic women during menstruation. It allows not to change their lifestyle and to work. You can hear the reviews about the drug that report weak effects. Tell patients that took the drug to reduce the temperature. The capsules helped, but not quite. That is, the values of the thermometer fell to 1-1,5 degrees, but not back to normal.

The Manufacturer does not recommend to deviate from the standards of application prescribed in the regulations. But some patients manage to take the medicine according to its own rules. Known cases when parents give capsules to children under 12 years. However, no adverse reactions are noticed. The drug is perfectly coped with its task. The newly minted mom told me that they had to make a “Ibufen ultra” during pregnancy. No bleeding, no other consequences have not occurred.

ibufen ultra capsules instruction

Alternative tools

The Not uncommon situation when the patient is in need of replacement drugs. Counterparts you can select structural and drugs of similar action. To absolute substitutes include all drugs, which consists of the active ingredient ibuprofen. The most popular by far is a drug called "Nurofen". It comes in different forms: tablets, capsules, suppositories, suspension. This medication is prescribed for children from three months of life. Other alternative means less popular, but no less effective: "Advil”, “Moment”, “Brufen” and so on.

If the patient has Allergy to ibuprofen, it is advisable to replace it with another drug that has a similar effect. Analgesic and antipyretic effect can be obtained with the use of drugs: "Paracetamol”, “Drunk”, “Pain”, “Next”, “Baralgin”, “Pentalgin”, “the best medicine”, “NIMULID”, “Ketonal” and many others. To choose a replacement for the drug “Ibufen ultra” can every pharmacist. But it is better to consult a doctor before using any other medicine.


Today you learned that tells the consumer about the drug “Ibufen ultra" instructions for use. The capsules are also submitted for your review (see photo). Every person sooner or later needs to use of antipyretics. Reviews, which are formed subsequently, can be good or bad. Do not blindly rely on them. The same drug has different efficacy in different diseases. The medication really helped, and its use was safe, you need to go to the doctor and to the individual purpose. Good health-live without pain!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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