Lignin - what is it? Lignin hydrolysis. The use of hydrolytic lignin, properties


2018-04-05 22:15:30




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Lignin – what is it? Not everyone will be able to answer this question, but we will try to understand. Lignin-a substance that enters the composition of all plants on Earth. Besides it also such useful components as cellulose and hemicellulose.

The Main purpose of lignin – ensuring the integrity of the vessel wall, which moves water and dissolved nutrients. Lignin and cellulose being together in the cell walls to increase their strength. Not all plants have the same amount of this compound. Most of it is contained in coniferous species, about 40%, while in deciduous – only 25%.

Properties of lignin

This material is a natural polymer is a dark yellow. It is practically insoluble in water and organic solvents. Lignin – what it is from the point of view of structure? A simple answer to this question will not work, because, being a member of different plants, the substance may differ significantly in their structure.

The decomposition of lignin is formed rich in nutrients and humus, which plays an important role in nature. Processing of lignin in the natural environment is an army of bacteria, fungi and some insects.lignin is what it is

The Main advantage of this substance that there is no need to produce it or to produce. Yes, it's almost impossible, lignin is so strongly associated with plant cells that its artificial separation is a complex process.

The lignin, the production of which is carried on today, not that other, as ordinary waste in the processing of cellulose. A large mass is lost, but increases reactivity.

Methods of isolation of lignin

The Process of extracting this substance from the wood is carried out with different goals:

  • Study of properties of substances;
  • Determination of the amount of lignin in different plants.

Methods of extraction of a substance selected depending on the purpose of its use. If the future task is to study, methods of allocation must be least affect the structure and quality of lignin. Although there is virtually no such methods that would guarantee the obtaining of a substance in a steady state.lignin properties

After the separation of lignin contains several impurities:

  • Extractive substances upon hydrolysis give insoluble compounds;
  • Products of humification sugars;
  • A mixture of polysaccharides.

The most suitable conditions for isolation of lignin are those in which is formed the greatest amount of substance. In this case, the lignin is obtained practically free of impurities, and observed his small losses.

The Most common is sulfuric acid method and hydrochloric acid that are used much less frequently because of the inconvenience in working with concentrated acid.

Types of lignin

The Main sources of lignin is the industrial production of cellulose. In different enterprises in this direction can be used by different production technologies, therefore, the lignin obtained in this case, is of uneven quality and composition.

In the process of production of alkalis or sulphates obtained sulphate lignin, an acid-sulfite.

These types Differ among themselves not only in the composition, and method of disposal. Sulfate lignin is subjected to burning, sulfite and sent into storage in special storage facilities.

In the hydrolysis enterprises are lignin hydrolysis.

Properties hydrolytic lignin

This is a powdery substance with a density of 1.45 g/cm³. Its color varies from light beige to various shades of brown. The lignin content in this matter may vary from 40 to 80%.

Lignin has toxic properties and a high capacity for adsorption, based on that its use in medicine.hydrolysis lignin

If you spray a substance which in dried form is getting fuel, there may be a risk of explosion. Dry lignin when burned, emits a sufficiently large amount of heat. The temperature of ignition is 195 degrees, and the decay begins at a temperature of 185°C.

Production of lignin preparations

Lignin isolated from wood in order to obtain then it drugs for different studies. Consider the time of allocation of lignin:

  • Shredding wood to a state of sawdust, and in some cases, and flour;
  • Treatment of alcohol-toluenea mixture for getting rid of extractives;
  • The use of acid catalysts, which prevent the transition of lignin in a soluble state.

In the production process is some part of the soluble compounds are precipitated, purified and dried, resulting in powder.

The Use of hydrolytic lignin

Despite the fact that this substance is quite difficult to processing because of their complex nature and instability, it is possible to list various sectors that use lignin. Use of the substance has the following fields:

  • Production of fuel briquettes;
  • As boiler fuel;
  • Production of reducing agents for certain metals and silicon;
  • Filler in the plastics industry;
  • Production of fuel gas;
  • Production of fertilizers;
  • Production of herbicides;
  • As raw material for production of phenol, acetic acid;
  • Production of activated carbon;
  • As a sorbent for the treatment of municipal and industrial effluents;
  • The manufacture of medical products;
  • Manufacture of bricks and ceramic products.

Causes of increasing demand for lignin

The hydrolytic Lignin is an excellent fuel, which during combustion gives large amount of energy. Besides raw material for the production of this energy resource readily available and renewable.

application of hydrolytic lignin

Not only in our country but around the world currently topical question of the production of alternative energy sources. For this there are a number of reasons, among which we can list the following:

  1. Natural carriers of energy-coal, oil and gas require for their production the use of various costly methods. It can not affect a constantly growing value.
  2. Energy Sources that are currently in use, are exhaustible natural resources, so there will come a time when their reserves are almost used up.
  3. Production of alternative energy sources is stimulated by government in many countries.

Lignin as fuel

Today is increasingly as an alternative fuel is lignin. What is it and how does it look?

use of lignin

The Substance is a sawdust with moisture content up to 70%, which differ in composition depending on the raw materials. Their structure is very similar to charcoal, which also has a large number of tiny pores. The properties of such substances can be subjected to the briquetting and pelleting. If you fire a high pressure on a cake, it turns into a viscous plastic mass.

Pellets made from such lignin, have high heat, but do not produce a lot of smoke. Briquettes and pellets are of good quality material, the combustion of which generates a lot of heat, and soot are almost there. Hence it can be concluded that lignin is an excellent raw material for production of fuel briquettes.

Using lignin in a powder state

The substance in a state of powder finds its application as an additive in asphalt concrete production. The use of hydrolytic lignin allows:

  • Increase the strength, water resistance and resistance to cracking;
  • To save road construction materials;
  • Significantly improve the ecological situation in the places where stored waste;
  • Return the fertility of the lands that are used for dumps.

In the road sector is quite beneficial to use the lignin. Its properties are such that it allows to significantly improve the quality of construction material. In addition, lignin provides the opportunity to replace expensive additives.

Derivative of lignin

Derivatives of this substance are lignosulphonates, which are formed by the sulfite method of processing wood. Lignosulphonates have a high activity, which enables them to find their application in various industries:

  • Oil industry (they control the properties of drilling fluids);
  • Foundry (act as a binder in mixtures);
  • Production of concrete;
  • Construction industry (as emulsifiers in road emulsions);
  • Raw materials for the production of vanillin;
  • Agriculture (tillage, erosion control).

Sulfate lignin has a high density and chemical resistance. In the dry state – it is a brown powder, which dissolves in ammonia, alkali, ethylene glycol, dioxin.lignin production

Sulfate lignin does not possess toxicity, not sprayed and not dangerousthe point of view of fire risk. It is used:

  • As a plasticizer in the production of ceramic products, concrete;
  • As a raw material for the production of plastics and phenol-formaldehyde resins;
  • As a binder in the manufacture of cardboard, wood and paper boards;
  • As an additive in the manufacture of rubbers and latexes.

Now it becomes clear how widely used the lignin. What it is, from now on, no one raises questions as due to its characteristics, this material is very popular in the modern world.

Medicine on the basis of lignin

As we have seen, the use of hydrolytic lignin and possibly in the medical field. You can list the following drugs based on it:

  • "Lignosol" is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food poisoning;
  • "Polifan" has the same recommendations for use;
  • "Polifepan" brings relief in diarrhea and overgrowth;
  • "Filtrum-STI";
  • "Integrin".

Application "Polifepan"

The Other name this drug – lignin hydrolysis. It is available in the form of granules, suspensions, powders and tablets. The drug of plant origin, it is based on lignin. Instruction manual says that this drug is able well to bind the microorganisms and their waste products.

In addition, under the action of the drug are neutralized toxic substances of different nature: heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, ammonia. Lignin hydrolysis provides detoxification and has antioxidant and lipid-lowering effect.

Here's a vast list of achievements is lignin! The manual also says that taking this drug can compensate for the lack of dietary fiber in the intestine, which actively participate in the process of digestion, normalizes intestinal flora and improve immunity.

Indications for admission "Polifepan" are:

  • Chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Cholera;
  • Intestinal bacteria overgrowth;
  • Mojito;
  • Colitis;
  • Allergies;
  • Disorders of fat metabolism in the body;
  • The recovery period after chemotherapy or radiation;
  • Gynecological problems: candidiasis, vaginosis.lignin instruction

Quite an extensive list of readings is a product such as lignin. The statement also notes some contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • Chronic constipation
  • Gastritis
  • Diabetes.

In the admissions process lignin can be side effects: an allergic reaction or constipation.

The uses of medication and its dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis and complexity of the condition. Usually prescribe a treatment of lignin during the week, however for some problems the duration of therapy may be increased to one month.

Ecology and lignin

This substance is formed in large quantities during the processing of cellulose. It stacked in large dumps, which contribute to environmental pollution. In addition, there are cases of spontaneous combustion of lignin.

Today is particularly acute a question of use of substances as fuel, after combustion, a large amount of waste that is harmful to nature. Lignin finds its application in many industries, so it is first important to solve the issue of ecological safety of the environment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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