Vivisection - what's that? The meaning of the word "vivisection"


2018-04-02 13:40:16




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Are You familiar with the term “vivisection”? The word you probably heard more than once. Someone will surely remember a band with that name, and someone will say that is the eponymous computer game. Probably will be found those who will argue that the notion of vivisection – is a medical term, rather the term pathology - the so-called action, which is the autopsy dead animal (human) for the structural study of organs and determine the cause of death. None of these statements is not correct, but about what it is actually, just have to know every one of us.

this is vivisection

Vivisection – what does that mean?

In short, vivisection – experiments on animals. Vivisection (meaning in Latin) descended from vivus (living) and sectio (cutting or dissecting), that is “cutting alive”. Because, to be honest, it is a monstrous experiments on animals, in which they (being alive and conscious) doused with acid, burned by fire, frozen, placed in a vacuum chamber, performing an autopsy, and the list can be extended indefinitely. Yes, maybe what you just read made you wince. In our country do not advertise and generally do not speak about what is happening within the walls of scientific laboratories. After all, whatever happened – all for the benefit of us humans, and we don't really delve into the details. But here in Europe everyone knows about it, and they are active in the fight for a ban on vivisection. And I must say that pushes them to take this step not only love for animals. And what then? Let's do understand, it's really important to know.


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vivisection photo

The Secrets of the laboratories

Why do we need vivisection? It is carried out in order to understand how to behave in the animal organism under the influence of any factors. In this case the animal must be in its natural state, the introduction of anesthetics, sedatives or any other drugs is not allowed, with rare exceptions. For example, in order to find out how much will be able to live a living organism without medical assistance in case of receiving a chemical burn 80% of the body, the animal doused with acid and… leave to die slowly. There are several dozen such experiments, and displays the total life expectancy in each case.

For humanity

Every day in many countries, killed hundreds of thousands of animals: they drown, poison, they break bones, burn my eyes, their starved with thirst and hunger, beat shock, them skinned, they are not allowed to sleep, injected poisons, infect with viruses, test new weapons, medicines, cosmetics, alcohol and nicotine, cause aggression and bring them to madness and much, much more. Over the last 20 years a huge number of animals subjected to vivisection, this number is higher than casualties in all their wars around the world combined.

vivisection is the meaning of the word

It is a pity that often in the minds of people includes the notion that animals – biomass, which is created only for the convenience of man, it has no senses, mind, emotions. We human beings are the crown of development and there is no one stronger than us, more important, wiser… But is it?

Removed from production?

You once again go to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but you waiting for a surprise: “This is not – production banned. Would you take this,” says the pharmacist, holding a strange box. Why is this happening? But the list of prohibited drugs is not so small, here are just a few, reminder:

  • “Thalidomide" (a sedative) causes abnormal development of the fetus, about 10 thousand children were born with physical disabilities;
  • “Lariam" (antimalarial drug) causes of mental disorder;
  • “Vioxx" (pain) disturbs the functioning of the cardiovascular system, caused deaths;
  • "Baycol" (to lower cholesterol) caused the deaths of 100 people;
  • “Citramon –R” has caused a sharp decline in blood sugar.

All of these drugs have been tested on animals and did not cause absolutely no deviation, that is was completely safe. What happened, did the negligence of the medics?

the vivisection of a people

Horse & nicotine

Many scientists are well aware and do not deny that the use of vivisection-it's a waste of time and money. It's all quite simple: people and lab rats (cats, dogs, pigs, frogs, etc) is totally different. We are different anatomically, physiologically, and what is good to one, to another – death. Each of us has his sores, than we get sick, not affects animals and Vice versa. Long known that a drop of nicotine can kill a horse, cat owners know that their pet can easily destroy ordinary “Aspirin”, and Valerian better away to hide, and “R” effect on the rats as a carcinogen. Yes, and not quite reasonable to smear rabbits sunscreen, given their and our faces. Animals are not obese, don't do drugs, alcohol, do not suffer from Alzheimer's, don't know what migraines are. Sometimes we even live in a different ecosystem, they eat differently, we have a different immune system, metabolism, environment, life expectancy.It is impossible to treat a person's medication, which had helped the dog, and be sure that it won't hurt. To have the guarantee shall be performed vivisection of people, but not animals.


Where There is money, sometimes totally lack common sense, and what those more money, the more depressing the situation is. Experiments on animals give huge profits. Manufacturers are willing to pay dearly for the fact that their products recognized useful and safe. And it needs to go through many tests to test a single drug can take years. This requires expensive equipment, protection equipment for staff, the staff, and the thousands of jobs. Yes, and those participating in the experiment need very much. Lab rats should be grown in ideal conditions of sanitation, monkeys, the situation is the same here and they are very expensive - someone gets a lot of money. But the worst part – it pays the price of life of our smaller brothers, and often our own.

vivisection of living people

Vivisection on people

Vivisection of living people seems to be something out of science fiction. But, unfortunately, history remembers such cases. It was mostly a concentration camp, the prisoners or simply stolen by people, often children. Hundreds of thousands of people caught in the meat grinder of war, was subjected to severe torture, the names of which – vivisection. Photos and some records of the time done on “work” and came to the us. But we will not go down in history, but rather look to the future.

In many countries have abandoned such tests already many decades ago, because they are really dangerous. Self-respecting manufacturers refuse from such experiences and often indicate on the label – “the product is not tested on animals”. Today the society for the protection of animal rights in many States are actively working towards ending vivisection. After a long time found an excellent alternative-the study of tissues.

For many hundreds of years, mankind has received great knowledge about their health and body. But new discoveries have the perfect solution – testing of computer models that were created based on human cells. Developed methods to determine the toxicity of substances using ordinary eggs, and for some it is enough just one drop of blood. Humanity had studied the genetics, which allows testing on human modules. The only thing we need today is to develop and maintain such a science. With it, you have made a lot of new high-precision discoveries, and most importantly – do not have to kill anyone.

Surgery – the reverse side of our lives to talk about it is not accepted, but this must be done necessarily. We should learn from the experience of other States and to make this practice as soon as possible has become a relic of the past in our country. There are lots of new diseases, Oncology is growing exponentially, often develop infertility and there are many other problems. A bad environment? Yeah, maybe, but there are many other factors that we just don't know or don't want to know.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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