Antibiotic "Remedia": instruction manual, reviews, analogs


2018-04-02 02:52:23




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Modern treatment of infectious processes is not conceivable without the use of antibiotics. The growing resistance of microorganisms leads to the search of new drugs or different combinations of old, well-established antibiotics. Not in favor of the rational use of antibacterial drugs is evidenced by uncontrolled administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, instead of the initial evaluation of the sensitivity of flora to drugs of this group. Drug “of Remedia”, having significant pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic advantages in a number of fluoroquinolones are increasingly used for the treatment of infectious diseases of various etiologies.

Clinical and pharmacological characteristics

The Drug “Remedia,” or “Levofloxacin" (international nonproprietary name) is an antibacterial drug from fluoroquinolones of a number intended for enteral and parenteral routes of administration.

remedia usage instructions

By their nature "of Remedia” (the instructions for use gives such information) is monitoringom-isomer of ofloxacin and in comparing with other drugs, has significant pharmacokinetic advantages:

  • The oral bioavailability is 100%, the degree of relationship to plasma proteins is 40%;
  • The maximum content of the drug in the blood serum is observed after 1-2 hours after ingestion and is comparable to that after intravenous administration;
  • “Remedia,” characterized by an increased volume of distribution in the body, due to intense penetration into tissues;
  • Has a long half-life of the body, which leads to only a single dose of the drug per day.

Given that a significant therapeutic effect of fluoroquinolones leads to fast slew rate therapeutic concentration of the drug in the blood, the above pharmacokinetic parameters, create favorable conditions for the complete elimination of microorganisms.


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The type of the effect on the growth and reproduction of bacteria “Remedia,” has a bactericidal effect, affecting not only the active forms of pathogenic bacteria, but also on vegetative and inactive.

The Metabolism of small amounts of the drug occurs in hepatocytes through oxidation or deacetylation. However, about 5% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys as metabolites, while the rest is excreted by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion. It should be noted that after oral intake of a significant portion of the drug (70%) excreted from the body within 24 hours with the urine, and about 80% of the dose is eliminated within 48 hours. The proportion extracted of the drug through the gastro-intestinal tract is small and is only about 4%.

remedia antibiotic

When using the drug in a dose of over 1000 mg per day (two pills 500 mg) there is little likelihood of a cumulative effect.

Mechanism of action

The Mechanism of action of the drug is based on inhibition of a specific enzyme called DNA-gyrase, which is involved in the processes of replication genetic material, matching the positive turns of the DNA helix in the negative. In the result of the oppression of this enzyme impairs processes of DNA replication, cell division occurs cell death.

“of Remedia": instructions for use and indications

Today the main indications for the drug are infectious processes of bacterial etiology caused by antibiotic-sensitive strains of microorganisms in patients older than 18 years.

remedia 500

The Drug “Remedia,” an excellent way has proven itself in the treatment of respiratory bacterial infections of the upper and lower Airways such as acute bronchitis, sinusitis, inflammatory diseases of the lung tissue. This is primarily due to the excellent penetration of the drug in the epithelium of bronchi and lungs, where even after the first dose of a drug effective concentration.

The product has been successfully used for the treatment of urinary tract infections (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, etc.), infections of the biliary tract, prostatitis, skin infections, intra-abdominal infections and septic conditions.

For the treatment of infectious respiratory diseases "of Remedia” is appointed (depending on the severity of the disease) 1-2 times a day, 500 mg in tablet or injectable form of the drug.

For the treatment of urinary tract infections a sufficient dose is 250 mg 1 time per day, and in severe cases daily dose can be 500 mg (“Remedia 500”). Instruction manual says double the dose of 250 mg can be replaced by a single 500 mg, depending on the severity of the disease.

remedia usage instructions

For the treatment of infectious diseases of skin and mucous membranes “Remedia,” is administered in the dosage of 250 mg twice a day.


Absolute contraindication to the drug is increasedsensitivity and allergic reactions in history to drugs of fluoroquinolones group.

Definitive data regarding drug intake during pregnancy, no, because controlled studies of the teratogenic or embriotoksicski action was not performed.

The purpose of “Remedia,” pregnant should be avoided except in those cases where the potential risk of prescribing is lower than the benefit from it.

In the case of use of the drug in patients with porphyries, you may experience the worsening of the disease.

With caution the infusion solution should be used in patients with prior Central nervous system (strokes, heart attacks, traumatic brain injury), given the high likelihood of the development of convulsive States.

For patients, working with complex mechanisms in manufacturing or operating vehicles, no special instructions, but should take into account the possibility of side effects from the Central nervous system such as drowsiness, confusion, etc. therefore, you should refrain from this kind of work.

Side effects

One of the most significant side effects that develop in patients receiving fluoroquinolones, is a developmental disorder of cartilage caused by damage to the chondrocytes of the epiphyses and of the fabric itself. The drug is contraindicated to persons under 18 years of age and pregnant women. It should be noted that in patients older than 18 years on the background of long-term medication not mentioned the appearance of arthralgia or dysfunctions of the joints. Among other side effects are the following.

From the gastrointestinal – nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, the appearance of discomfort in the epigastric region, may cause gastrointestinal bleeding and gastroenteritis; increased aminotransferases in plasma.

cure of remedia

From the Central nervous system – the development of symptoms of encephalopathy, headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness, sleep disorder and frequent mood swings, the appearance of paresthesias, hallucinations and delusions.

The immune system – the development of allergic reactions such as skin rashes, itching, and subject to increased sun exposure can develop photodermatitis.

From the urinary system – the development of crystalluria.

The respiratory system is probably the appearance of bronchospasm, and from the circulatory system – a sharp decline in blood pressure, hypoglycemia reaction from the cellular component of hemostasis (thrombocytopenia development, etc.).

Interaction with other drugs

The Drugs group fluoroquinolones are not administered in conjunction with antacids, as this significantly reduces the absorption and bioavailability of antibiotics. Not recommended simultaneous application of “Remedia,” with iron supplementation and medications that affect the functional activity of the Central nervous system. In addition, data are available regarding the influence of probenecid and cimetidine on the elimination of the drug from the body (these substances can reduce the elimination of the antibiotic).

Unambiguous indication drug interactions with levofloxacin there. Because of the low metabolism of the drug in the liver tissue and the lack of interaction with enzymes of the group of cytochromes P450 “of Remedia” does not change the activity of the latter, however, notwithstanding this, as other members of the fluoroquinolone, this drug should not be combined with drugs teofilina number of indirect anticoagulants, in view of possible increase in concentration of the latter in the blood.

Use of medicine during breast feeding

To date, no information concerning the ability of the drug to penetrate into breast milk. If you need antibiotics during feeding breast milk, the time should stop (the duration depends on the severity of the infectious process and the anticipated duration of antibiotic therapy). If necessary, for the purpose of preservation of lactation produce periodic pumping or stop lactation completely by medical means.

remedia manual counterparts

In extreme cases, breastfeeding and antibiotic treatment is possible when assessing risks to baby and mother.

Release Form and dosage

“Remedia,” comes in two forms: for enteral and parenteral administration. For oral administration there is tabletirovanne form containing 250 or 500 mg of the drug (respectively under the trade names "of Remedia 250” and “Remedia 500”). For parenteral administration available solution for infusion.

Tablets “Remedia,” are taken 1-2 times a day before meals or in between her techniques, not liquid, squeezed enough water. In case you need to split the dose in half, the tablet may break the label into two parts.

For parenteral administration available solution for injection with a concentration of active substance of 500 mg / 100 ml (“Remedia 500”). In the caseintravenous injection, the drug should be administered no faster than 1 hour.

After the infusion it is recommended that further transition to the tablet form. The estimated duration depends on the severity of the infectious process and the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to the antibiotic. Therapy (regardless of the form of acceptance) is recommended to continue for 3-4 days after normalization of body temperature. Self-treatment and early termination of the drug is not recommended because of high risk of occurrence of side reactions and the probable development of resistance of microflora to the drug.

Special instructions

Before starting therapy with the use of “Remedia," instructions for use requires holding the sample in the strain sensitivity of microorganisms to this drug. However, the sight of broad-spectrum, treatment can be started without the sample, followed by identification of the most effective drug.

Appointing a cure "of Remedia”, special attention should be paid to analyses aimed at the evaluation of renal blood flow, as the bulk of the drug is excreted through the kidneys. In dysfunction the last dosage of the drug needs to be adjusted in accordance with the clearance of endogenous creatinine.

Intravenous form of the drug never mix with solutions for injections, which have alkaline reaction (sodium bicarbonate), and heparin. For the purpose of breeding infusion solution "Remedia" is compatible with isotonic sodium chloride solution, isotonic glucose solution and solution of "ringer".

During the reception of the "Remedia" should avoid alcohol, as it enhances the toxic effects of levofloxacin on the Central nervous system and a more pronounced side effects.

the drug of remedia

If you decide independently to apply “of Remedia”, instructions for use, analogs, needs to be studied carefully, as the completeness of the information and support sufficient knowledge about the drug will allow to avoid gross errors.

Storage Conditions and supply of pharmacies

Special storage conditions, the drug is not required. Its safety is ensured at an ambient temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Pharmacy “of Remedia" (antibiotic) dispensed by prescription.

When buying a drug it is necessary to pay attention to the integrity and safety of packaging, date of manufacture and shelf life. Must be present in the box of medicine “Remedia,” the instructions for use. The tablets should be high-quality packaging. You can check tactile sensations from it (no matter how it seemed strange). This is due to the fact that increasingly appear on the pharmaceutical market counterfeits and fakes that at best is not able to exert adequate antimicrobial effect when administered, and at worst can cause serious side effects. Therefore, acquiring the drug, do not be lazy to ask the pharmacist about the availability of the quality certificate, confirming the origin of the drug "Remedia" (tablets). Instruction for use (prescription purchased product) must contain information about the origin of the funds.


In case of overdose there is no specific antidote. Symptoms when the dose of the drug is due mainly to the influence of the latter on the functional activity of the Central nervous system. There are confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, and symptoms of excitation of the nervous system in the form of psychoses, epileptic seizures, etc.

Treatment is aimed at the prompt elimination of the drug from the body. Given the high bioavailability and distribution of the drug throughout the body, hemodialysis methods of detoxification are ineffective. It is necessary to stop the flow of drug in the body and symptomatic treatment.

Given the substantial elimination of the "Remedia" by filtration in the renal glomeruli effective method of detoxification is the use of water-salt infusion solutions and loop diuretics action type.

Feedback about the preparation

Mostly are observed in the positive reviews about the drug because of its high effectiveness for the treatment of infectious diseases of various etiologies. As stated on the “Remedia,” instructions for use, reviews about the drug leave not only patients but also physicians, who note its high efficiency, up to the therapy of nosocomial and nosocomial infections.

Negative feedback and dissatisfaction with the drug will patients. This is due to the development in them of the side effects or misuse "of Remedia”. Manual, however, gives quite comprehensive information for this drug. Negative reviews due to the use of medicines in cases where it is ineffective due to the incompatibility of the spectrum of antibacterial action bacterial infection. It should be noted that critical opinions often leave patients dealing with self and accepting the self-appointed, or on the recommendation of friends or acquaintances “of Remedia" (manual in this case is often ignored, which is extremelyrecommended). Negative comments from medical professionals is practically not observed. This is the correct and rational use of medicines (for information about “the Remedia 500" of the manual contains enough information for correct prescription drugs).

Analogues of drugs ‘Remedia”

For the drug “Remedia,” manual counterparts describes in the following way: since this drug is ftorhinolona antibiotic levofloxacin, the full analogues can be considered virtually all drugs of similar composition. Among them should be noted: “Levofloxacin”, “Tolev”, “Swan», «levoxyl” and many others. For “of Remedia" (tablets) instructions for use analogues offers, in the form of drugs, such as “Lefloch”, “Floxium” and others.


Active component of the drug “Remedia,” the antibiotic levofloxacin. It is a great antibacterial drug with broad spectrum bactericidal effect. Due to the low frequency of occurrence of adverse reactions and absence of resistance to antibiotics of different bacterial strains, has been successfully applied in clinical practice "of Remedia”. Instruction manual gives quite comprehensive information regarding drug activity.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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