Reactive arthritis - treatment and prevention


2018-04-01 12:42:08




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Reactive arthritis is an inflammatory process in the joints, resulting several weeks later in response to bacterial infection, which occurs in the reproductive, digestive or excretory systems.

Most Often this disease affects people aged 20 to 40 years, mostly man. Most often, reactive arthritis occurs as a result of the disease chlamydia or gonorrhea, and as a result of food poisoning, caused by the action of hazardous bacteria which can be in food products. There is also a genetic predisposition to a reactive arthritis.

Symptoms and diagnosis of reactive arthritis

The Main symptoms are pain and severe swelling in the knee or elbow joints and in the fingers. If the cause of reactive arthritis is an infection of the genitourinary system, it is characterized by inflammation of the relevant authorities and constant urge to urinate. Long appears stiffness in the joints, with all lesions have asymmetric character. In addition, the patient may also suffer from conjunctivitis. Most often affects the ankles and knees. The diagnosis of "reactive arthritis" is often by exclusion of other diseases to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to take a blood test and urine. The symptoms of reactive arthritis may occur during the period ranging from 3 months to a year, in rare cases, they can be renewed.

Reactive arthritis - treatment for adults

It is Impossible to cure reactive arthritis, without solving the problem it gave rise to the infection. Therefore, a patient is prescribed dual therapy. For the treatment of infectious disease are appointed antibacterial drugs, as required for direct treatment of arthritis is usually prescribed drugs called "Ketonal", "Wobenzym" and "Phlogenzym". Also used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In the most severe lesions of the joints can be assigned to injections of corticosteroids.


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Reactive arthritis - treatment of children

Most child weakened by previous infection, can affect reactive arthritis of the knee joint. The cause of arthritis are often suffering acute respiratory disease and infection with chlamydia from adult carriers and animals. Also, the cause may be an intestinal infection. Arthritis in children is characterized by the same signs as in adults, but the consequences for the child's body can be much more serious. The doctor prescribes special antibiotics from the penicillin series, for a period of exacerbation, and further prescribes a special course of physiotherapy. As prophylaxis it is recommended to limit the child's contact with patients, as well as careful monitoring over-borne infectious diseases. Cured reactive arthritis the child should be very carefully protected from infection because the disease can return. If the doctor found reactive arthritis in children-treatment should be complete. It is unacceptable to miss any of the steps prescribed by your doctor.

Reactive arthritis - treatment of folk remedies

In some cases, the patient can appoint strong antibiotics, so in this situation you can take to "adopt" folk remedies. Typically, this application, ointments and compresses with active natural substances, which are superimposed on the damaged joints. As the main used animal fat or vodka, and the active ingredients are honey, fruit and dried leaves of different plants. If the doctor makes a diagnosis of "reactive arthritis" – treatment with folk remedies must have agreed with him.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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