Stage breast cancer: classification and treatment


2018-03-27 12:14:24




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Breast Cancer (or breast cancer) is the most frequent among women with a malignant neoplasm in which the glandular healthy tissue is reborn in the malignant cells. The development of breast cancer provokes strong and completely uncontrolled abnormal division of cancer cells. Delayed and incorrect treatment of the tumor can quickly grow, even grow into the chest muscle and skin. What are the stages of breast cancer and how they are treated? The answers to these and other issues given in this article.


During the development of this disease is very difficult to identify his pervorechensky. Cancer can occur for many factors. Principal among them are:

  1. Age. The older a woman is, the greater the chance of cancer, more than 80% of cases cancer occurs after menopause.
  2. Genetic factor. Cancer most often occurs in those women whose loved ones are also faced with the same misfortune.
  3. If the menstrual cycle started very early (at ten-eleven years) or menopause has come after fifty years, it is very dangerous to the health of women, because it is very long lasting action of the hormone estrogen.
  4. If a woman was unable to have a baby. The woman who had an abortion with no children or gave birth for the first time after thirty five years, also runs the risk of getting breast cancer.
  5. It is Very important and breastfeeding. If a woman breast-feeding her baby, she is less at risk of the disease a malignant tumor.
  6. Excess weight. When menopause, you need to watch your weight because extra pounds can also have a negative impact on health.
breast cancer stage 2


The symptoms of the disease are determined by its stage: take into account the size, prevalence, and presence of metastases. Since the first two stages are usually not observed obvious signs of diagnosed breast cancer is usually by a mammogram or x-ray examination that should be performed annually.


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A Very significant feature of cancer is the presence of seals, and a woman can identify their own, feeling the chest.

At a later stage may be a manifestation of other signs: soreness and lumps in the breast, change of color of the skin and their structure, swelling in the armpits, nipple discharge and retraction.

The Tumor increasing in size, can be seen with the naked eye. The Breasts may become hard, painful, and edematous as the result of the germination of cancer cells in her tissue.

During late - stage 4 breast cancer - it is noted metastasis of malignant cells in lymph nodes and other organs: brain (muscle weakness), bones (pain in large joints and spine), lungs (dyspnoea and prolonged cough), kidney and liver (feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating). The skin over the enlarged tumor may Microtiterwells, chest ulcers, which heal poorly.

how many stages of breast cancer


At an early stage of breast cancer self-diagnosis is very important. Self-diagnosis is carried out more often if a woman is over 35 years old. Although at the initial stage, the disease manifests itself a little, do not be lazy to examine their Breasts on the matter:

  • Seals (one or several);
  • Increase in one breast;
  • The emergence of the so-called “lemon peel”;
  • Discharge from the nipples, often bloody;
  • Chest pain;
  • Retracting nipple.

If something of the above has found, you should immediately contact a specialist. In addition to palpation and breast exam, your doctor may prescribe diagnosis in the laboratory. It is aimed at procedures such as:

  • Ultrasound glands;
  • X-ray (mammography);
  • Tests.

These are the main methods of diagnosis. It is also possible to conduct an MRI or biopsy of the glands. Only after a total medical examination (inspection and laboratory tests) specialist mammolog will make the diagnosis and give an opinion on the nature of education: a malignant (cancer) or benign, and prescribe appropriate treatment. And even if obvious abnormalities on the chest is not observed, annual examination by a mammologist will not be superfluous.

breast cancer stage 1 prognosis

First stage

The Prognosis and treatment of breast cancer depend on the stage of the disease. Signs of breast cancer at an early stage are characterized by the presence of penetrating carcinomas develop from the cells of epithelial tissue of the breast. The size of malignant tumors or carcinomas at this stage does not exceed two centimeters. Breast cancer at this stage is the localization within the mammary gland does not affect other organs or body parts. The disease develops without any symptoms, even palpation of the affected organ, the pain is not felt, only in rare cases there may be swollen lymph nodes. In the first stage to detect this disease is difficult because of obvious signs of inflammation and organ damage are notobserved.

Using the methods of mamografia, it is possible to know in advance the presence or absence of malignant neoplasms. There are also methods of self-examination, consisting of palpation of the chest to verify the presence of seals. According to statistics, up to 70 percent of cases of detection of breast cancer are detected by patients themselves, that is, when breast self-exam. If a malignant tumor is localized, it is removed surgically taking inch of the healthy part of the body.

At this stage after surgery is assigned to the following range of treatments: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, adjuvant treatment and therapy with the use of antibodies. A selection of one, two or combination of methods depends on the size and properties of the tumor and direction of its distribution.

According to statistics, in the first stage of developing breast cancer five-year survival rate is at the level of one hundred percent, that is, all patients in compliance with the treatment regime make a full recovery.

breast cancer stage 4

Second stage

The Superiority of deaths among the female half of the population is Oncology. Yet the diagnosis of breast cancer in the second degree is not the end.

The Cause of breast cancer 2nd degree lies in the continued development of the disease, the increase in the number of pathogenic cells, their distribution in tissues and organs. The breast cancer symptoms are usually observed the following: the formation of seals in the breast, discomfort, unreasonable pain in the breast, change in shape, edema, asymmetry of the breast, skin changes in the breast area, with the swings arms appear fossa armpit or near the collarbone, inflamed lymph nodes, changing the shape of the nipple or discharge from it.

The Second degree of cancer is considered primary. Clinical features: carcinoma of 2 to 5 cm is Divided into 2 podstawie:

  1. 2A - this podstudio malignant tumor reaches 2 cm.
  2. 2V - education to 5 centimeters, the process can hit from 1 to 3 lymph nodes.

For early diagnosis of cancer must self-monitor their health. To produce the feeling breast, to make sure that there are no seals. Breast cancer second degree has obvious signs, which easily finds a gynecologist or a breast. Doctor while feelings can make a diagnosis, the woman assigned to additional tests ultrasound, mammography, urinalysis and blood tests, biopsy, examination of lymph nodes on the subject of metastasis and so on. Such breast cancer is treated through surgical intervention. Experts determined, however, to keep your Breasts or not. After surgery, tissue samples sent for histological examination. If the malignant tumor has reached 5 cm or lymph nodes found metastases, chemotherapy is prescribed. This procedure before the surgery reduces the size of tumors, and after reduces the risk of metastasis and relapse of the disease. Timely administered chemotherapy, surgery in combination with radiation therapy in the second stage, in most cases, lead to full recovery.

signs of breast cancer at an early stage

Third stage

Breast Cancer stage 3 is divided into a few paragraphs:

  1. 3A stage is characterized by identification of the tumor of any size, or lack thereof, but the presence of cancer cells in 4-9 axillary and thoracic lymph nodes, or the identification of the tumor size of 5 cm and the presence of a small amount of cancer cells in the axillary and sternal lymph nodes, or tumors larger than 5 centimeters and detection of cancer cells in 1-3 axillary and sternal lymph nodes.
  2. 3B stage. This stage is characterized by identifying cancer of any size or identifying cancer cells in the breast, causing swelling, as well as identifying cancer cells in 9 and less axillary and sternal lymph nodes.
  3. 3S stage. This stage differs from stage 3B identification of cancer cells in 10 or more axillary and sternal lymph nodes.

Treatment of operable stage 3A and 3B is possible with preservation of the breast and partial or full removal. Depending on the results of the biopsy of the lymph nodes may be assigned to radiation in the chest region. After surgical treatment in these stages mandatory assigned chemotherapy.

Treatment of inoperable stage 3B and stage 3C is possible only with the complete removal of the breast and a piece of infected axillary or sternal lymph nodes followed by radiation. Depending on the results of the biopsy of the lymph nodes may be assigned to their irradiation in the thoracic region. As with stage 3A and 3B operable after surgical treatment, these stages of mandatory assigned chemotherapy or hormonal therapy. After a positive result of treatment of stage 3 disease possible breast reconstruction, aimed at restoring the shape and size of the breast.

The Fourth stage

The Most severe stage of breast cancer – fourth. It does not matter the size of the tumor, nor the number of damaged lymph nodes. Breast cancer(BC) metastasizes to the bones of the skeleton, with a slightly lower probability in the lung and brain. Other organs and tissues affected significantly less frequently.


When it comes to stage 4 breast cancer, and it can be done. Changed their goal. First surgical intervention aimed at addressing the various complications of the underlying disease. Also with stage 4 breast cancer treatment may be used in radiation therapy, whose main objective is palliative, i.e., the removal of the pain associated with metastatic lesions of bones.

Thus, the main method of treatment is chemotherapy and hormone therapy (if the tumor is endocrine). Of course, at any stage of the patient is always interested in forecast life expectancy. We must understand that the prognosis for stage 4 breast cancer (and stage 4 cancer of any other organ or tissue) is negative.The vast majority of patients die within the first year after confirmation of the diagnosis. And death can come not only from the tumor but from the problems that it creates. Most of the patients die from the common cold. Strongly accelerates the depletion of the death of the patient, and also pain. Speaking about how many live with stage 4 breast cancer, the annual turn of the experiencing about 10-15% of patients.

breast cancer at an early stage

Risk Factors

When the cells DNA mutations, they become dangerous. In the modified cage begin to activate cancer. Castao tumor formation occur in the area of the breast. Increased likelihood of poor quality of tumor is called a risk factor. Each type of cancer your level of mutation, which leads to the activation of its development. There are risk factors, the development of which contributes to his behavior:

  1. Smoke.
  2. Consume a lot of alcoholic drinks with high alcohol content.
  3. Sitting on a diet and bring good health and only worsen it.
  4. Uses drugs different variations (breathing, intravenous, etc.).

In Addition to acquired risk factors, there are also those who have an innate nature, and man cannot influence them with the aim of improving its cells, DNA,

  1. Race.
  2. Age.
  3. Family history.

Scientists have not found what risk factors affect the regeneration of healthy cells DNA is changed. When and how are cancer cells in the mammary glands is unknown, to provide for the disease it is impossible. There is an assumption that the influence of hormones, but this version is still in the research phase.


Cancer cells are transported through the lymphatic vessels and initiate their development in the nearest lymph nodes. The bloodstream carries cancer cells in all the tissues and organs that often cause the formation of new tumors-metastasis. In most cases, breast cancer metastasizes to the bones, liver, lungs and brain. The disintegration of the tumor and associated organ can cause the woman's death.

breast cancer stage 3


Cancer – is one of the most serious diseases. To cure it is not so simple, and sometimes quite impossible. But there are ways that can help prevent the development of disease.

  1. Often consume cruciferous vegetables. It is the cabbage, radish. They will make the body healthy.
  2. Try turmeric. This product will help to strengthen the body's defenses. Mix it with pepper and take 1/8 teaspoon every day.
  3. To Include in the diet of gooseberries. It uses a lot. First, a large number of antioxidants, and secondly, it is rich in vitamins. This is important.
  4. Eat soy.
  5. Vacuum the house more Often.
  6. Use only plain soap. Is antibacterial better to buy a toilet. This will help get rid of toxins.
  7. Eat more mushrooms. It is a source of nutrients. Useful for the prevention of this disease.
  8. Avoid sugar. There is nothing useful. Firstly, increasing the risk of cancer, and secondly, sugar affects the growth of the tumor, thirdly, stimulates the metastasis.
  9. Sweets should be replaced by berries. You can try strawberries or raspberries. These berries contain antioxidants. They play a major role in the treatment of this disease.

In Order to prevent the development of breast cancer or in order to catch only an emerging disease, you need to regularly visit mammologist and gynecologist, and conduct x-ray examination. After all, how many stages of breast cancer, have many treatment options for each. It is also important to do self breast exam.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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