Agaricus, or larch sponge: application, reviews, healing properties


2018-03-27 10:33:14




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The Majority of modern medicines originate in nature. Although some plants were used as medicines for millennia, still opening new therapeutic properties hidden in them. Larch sponge – unusual wood mushroom, which has unique properties. About this unique plant will be discussed in our article. We describe the General characteristics of the fungus, the methods of preparation of medicinal as well as contraindications.

larch sponge

General description

Agaricus (this is another name for fungus), a parasite on coniferous trees, most often on the larch. The area of distribution coincides with the places of growth of this tree – North America (Canada, USA), Europe (the Alpine part of Slovenia) and Russia (Siberia, far East and European part).

Agaricus (larch sponge) has two common scientific names. First - Laricifomes officinalis – refers to those species that live on the trunks of larch. The second Fomitopsis officinalis – the so-called mushroom, which occur on the trunks of softwood trees. It can be fir, spruce and canadian Hemlock.

the Mycelium of the fungus penetrates deep into the wood, extracting from it the nutrients and accumulating them in the fruit body. Larch sponge grows to a diameter of 30 cm, the Cap has a rough surface covered with tubercles. The outer crust is hard and often to crack. From the bottom of the cap is a tubular layer which grows at 1 cm per year.

as the pine trees live for decades and sometimes centuries, and mushrooms on their trunks-it is also long-lived. Is no exception and larch sponge. Photo taken by American dusty Yao in Washington state (USA), recorded the instance of Agaricus aged about 40 years.

For the preparation of therapeutic agents collect young mushrooms. Their flesh is soft, friable, unlike the old copies, which it resembles in the structure of the dense wood.

larch sponge photo


The ancient Greek healer Dioscorides described Agaricus as “the elixir of long life”. Antique researcher mentioned it in his work “On medicinal substances”, the first in the history of the catalog, which describes more than 1000 different drugs from a variety of diseases studied at that time. His contemporaries appreciated this mushroom and took out his entire convoys from their colonies, located on the shore of the Black sea.
In Tsarist Russia larch sponge was exported. Through the Northern port of Arkhangelsk to Europe annually exported a hundred thousand tons of raw materials.
the Russian peasants used this mushroom not only as a medicine but also as a soap or a means for dyeing fabric in red. Young mushrooms are also eaten-out delicious soup.


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Agaricus larch sponge application reviews healing properties


The Valuable properties of Agaricus due to the high content in pulp of a mushroom of resinous substances, higher fatty acids, polysaccharides and phytosterols. The main component in determining the therapeutic effect of Agaricus is contained therein agaricina acid. It has sedative and hemostatic effect, but also affects the body as a laxative.
Scientists from the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA) found in the composition of the fungus two new coumarin-organic substances, which shows high activity against tubercle bacilli.

Agaricus larch sponge

Method of application

The Mushroom start to harvest in the spring months. Collection ends in mid-July. all fruiting bodies should be dried in a well ventilated area. Basis for preparation of a therapeutic agent is dried larch sponge, which is most effective in the form of decoctions and infusions.
For the broth you need to chop the mushroom and put one tablespoon of raw materials in an enamel bowl. After this, pouring 350 ml of water required to bring the composition to a boil. Cook the mushroom on low heat for half an hour. After the broth should stand for four hours. Then it must be filtered. The decoction should be taken three times a day for one tablespoon.

To prepare the infusion, place one tablespoon of Agaricus in a thermos, Bay 250 ml of boiling water. When our medicine is ready, it is required to drain and cool. To adopt infusion is necessary 1/3 Cup three times a day.

You Can also prepare alcohol tincture. One Cup chopped raw materials, pour alcohol (0.5 l) and clean up for 14 days in a cool place. As saturation of the infusion should be periodically stir the container. Make the necessary before meals to 30 drops three times a day.

To soften the bitter taste of infusions and decoctions from Agaricus, you can add peppermint, honey or lemon. This will not spoil the medicine, and only enrich it useful components.

larch sponge application

Healing properties

Larch sponge – this is not only an effective anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. Its extracts can be usedas anti-virus tools.

Studies have shown that the particularly strong action of the Agaricus has anti-virus of smallpox, swine and avian influenza, and herpes. This makes it a very valuable herb.

The Solution prepared from the alcoholic extract of the mushroom, is ten times more effective against flu viruses than a strong antiviral medication “that makes treatment so expensive”. While Agaricus has no toxic effect on the human body.

An Important property of the considered mushroom used in folk medicine, is the ability to adsorb the toxins and remove them from the body. This is especially important for people with cancer. After chemotherapy, many patients helped larch sponge. Reviews of people who managed with its help to cleanse the body, best to talk about the unique properties of this tool.

larch sponge reviews

Contraindications, and side effects

Agaricus cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to drink teas and infusions of this plant for problems with the liver and intestines. In case of allergic reactions should stop the treatment.
Side effects when using Agaricus can be a rash, diarrhea, vomit reaction. These effects are caused by the violation of the recommended dosage of the medication.


A Good alternative to conventional drugs in which the active substance – is an artificially synthesized chemical compounds is Agaricus (larch sponge). Application, reviews, healing properties – all interested supporters of the popular methods of treatment when they are looking for information about this unique mushroom. Therefore, Agaricus – this is exactly what will help in the fight against diseases in our time. For now, viruses and bacteria mutate, ceasing to respond to drugs and treatments of traditional medicine.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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