Siberian ginseng: useful properties and contraindications for women. Siberian ginseng: medicinal properties and contraindications for men


2018-03-27 09:36:19




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In this article we will talk about the plant, which enjoys equal respect as an official medicine, and folk. This natural healer – Siberian ginseng. Useful properties and contraindications vary depending on the health status of the patient, his age, sex and some other factors. Special attention will focus on the admission of OTC drugs on the basis of Eleutherococcus women and men. Although this plant is considered to be useful for everyone, there are certain restrictions on its use. Tell what precautions should be taken to not be among the deceived buyers who purchased a counterfeit drug.Siberian ginseng useful properties and contraindications

Botanical description of the plant

Eleuthero belongs to the family Araliaceae. In our country the plant can be found in the far East, in the Amur region and in the South of Sakhalin.

Of the approximately thirty varieties of only one species have found application in medicine – spiny Eleutherococcus. The beneficial properties it has been well researched and are considered to be broadly similar to those of ginseng.

Drug Siberian ginseng – a prickly shrub with many basal branches, covered with a thin and sharp spines, pointing downwards. These spikes are only present on young branches. Old represent the smooth grey trunks resembling wood.

Leaves are compound – on long petioles palmately few-located back-oval leaves with small notches around the perimeter. The flower represents a basket of yellow and purple pistillate and staminate flowers. The fruit – bunch of black berries, each with a diameter of 1 cm, with five large seeds inside. They ripen in September.


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In medicine used the root of such plants as Siberian ginseng. Useful properties of berries are mild, so they are not widely used in medicine.Siberian ginseng medicinal properties and contraindications

The Most valuable part of the plant

For the preparation of drugs used perennial underground part, the roots. The best value has the plant is not under the age of five. Despite the fact that the root system is highly branched, it can be easily removed from the ground, as is the upper layer of the soil. Space to stretch rhizomes one plant can reach up to 30 sq. m.

In Europe well know far Eastern Siberian ginseng. Its beneficial properties are valued less than those of ginseng or Rhodiola rosea.

The territory of Siberia and the foothills of the Caucasus, where the climate is similar to far Eastern, Siberian ginseng is grown in nurseries. It likes to grow in warm, well-lit high places in the humid and warm forests with prevalence of coniferous and deciduous trees.

In September, dug the whole, have attained not less than a meter in height Siberian ginseng. Useful properties and contraindications (berries in our review do not participate because of their low pharmacological value) is always considered from the point of view of the value of roots and rhizomes of adult plants. It is based on them and preparing medicines.

The Content of nutrients

What accounts for the very high biological value such plants as Siberian ginseng? Useful properties and contraindications it is due to the presence in the roots of rare anthocyanins, essential oils, resins, gums, pectic substances and glycosides. Glycosides, called polysaccharide – the most significant component of medicinal plants. They stimulate the production of endorphins, and promote the synthesis of enzymes that accelerates the process of burning carbohydrates, not allowing them to be deposited in the ballast adipose tissue. Eleutherosides in Siberian ginseng to seven, five of them relate to ligninom. They are responsible for the unique antitumor, antihemorrhagic, antimicrobial, stimulating and adaptogenic properties. Siberian ginseng, useful properties which sometimes correlate with those same qualities of another natural healer of the family Araliaceae, ginseng, unlike the latter, does not contain saponins.Siberian ginseng benefits for women

General therapeutic effect

Drugs on the basis of Eleutherococcus are very fast, but not too long.

The Main focus – to strengthen the resistant functions of the body. When outbreaks of influenza and SARS must take daily Siberian ginseng. The therapeutic properties and contraindications are usually specified in the instructions supplied with the product.

Siberian Ginseng unique due to the mild and mixed obscenities impact on the entire Central nervous system.

As for the restrictions, and age has no contraindications, only natural, without the inclusion of additional components, extruded preformed Eleutherococcus. The therapeutic properties and contraindications of each drug should be described in the summary attached to the drug. It does not depend on whether the drug is multi - or mono-component. Even if it is considered a dietary Supplement and is sold without a prescription.

After long-term exercise for improving oxygen exchange within the cells very usefulto take pills, which is a powdered and pressed into Eleutherococcus. Useful properties and contraindications (tablets can be with shell or without) is linked to the individual performance of each individual person. They are directly related to body weight, age, lifestyle, immune system, presence of chronic diseases and other aggravating factors.Siberian ginseng useful properties and contraindications berries

Benefits men's health

At high physical activity, accompanied by stress, even completely healthy men should from time to time to take Siberian ginseng. Beneficial properties for men is expressed in the inclusion of adaptation reserves of the body. The plant helps to distribute the stress evenly to prevent complications to separate systems or organs. For men's health strongly recommended you to use useful properties of tincture of Eleutherococcus. The infusion is advisable to take just before the beginning of the intensive activity associated with mental stress and physical. Correct to add directly to the tea liquid alcohol extract of Eleutherococcus. The beneficial properties show up very quickly. One glass of drink enough thirty drops. You can pour boiling water over one pill pressed root, allow to stand for twenty minutes and drink.

Siberian Ginseng helps to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome and, importantly for men, a positive effect on the functions of reproductive organs (reduced libido and erectile dysfunction).Siberian ginseng useful properties and contraindications tablets

Restrictions on use relating to men

Representatives of the stronger sex is not always possible to drink preparations of Eleutherococcus. In this context, talk about what else has Eleutherococcus properties. Contraindications relate to those cases when a person takes drugs, intensively acting on the Central nervous system. This applies to both excitatory and sedative drugs. Epilepsy, without prior consultation with the doctor, also should not drink Eleutherococcus. Useful properties and contraindications apply to pills, and liquid solutions containing this plant.

Benefits for women

Pregnant and breast-feeding any medicines can be taken only after the appropriate verdict of the doctor. This can be said about Siberian ginseng. Beneficial properties for women during the period of rehabilitation after the transferred infectious diseases is difficult to overestimate. Hypotension, neurasthenia, asthenia and convalescence after somatic diseases are indications for use of preparations of Eleutherococcus. It is possible to use tablets, alcoholic tinctures and extracts, and syrups.

If hypotension very good drink Eleutherococcus. Useful properties and contraindications (tablets or it is in the form of a liquid emulsion, it does not matter) apply only to cases of individual intolerance. All preparations from this plant to quickly raise blood pressure, calm the nervous system and stimulate mental activity.

With increased emotional stress, and after severe stress, leading to critical reduction of blood pressure, it is recommended to take medicine that contains Siberian ginseng.

Many women feel bad during the premenstrual period. They have feelings corresponding to syndromes of chronic fatigue and seasonal depression. This is due to specific hormonal changes occurring in every woman of reproductive age per month. Significant impact on health can include in your daily diet multivitamin syrup or tablet with Siberian ginseng.

During menopause is also very useful sometimes to drink a course of eleuterokokka.Siberian ginseng properties contraindications

Restrictions on use on women

Well known performance, which the famous Siberian ginseng. Useful properties and contraindications most often detected when you try to combine it with other drugs. Is also important and the individual characteristics of the organism. Combining eleuthero should not barbiturates. Dual action on the Central nervous system strong medicines can lead to unpredictable consequences.

During pregnancy and lactation alcohol in the form of Siberian ginseng should be deleted. As for tablets, capsules and syrups, water-based, their use is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

As the unpleasant effects of an overdose can be allergic reactions such as itchy rashes and redness on the skin and a bit of it.

Release Form

Siberian Ginseng is available in liquid extracts and suspensions, as well as in the form of solid pills (tablets and pills) and capsules of powder.

Alcohol tincture represents the whole or the crushed roots infused with 40% ethyl alcohol. Ratio-1:1. As the main raw material take both fresh and dried roots. Perhaps the presence of sediment. Before use, shake.Keep an alcohol tincture in a dry, cool and dark place. Best of all – in the refrigerator in office for medications. Alcoholate can to maintain their beneficial qualities to five years.

Syrup Siberian ginseng is usually supplemented with ascorbic acid or rose hips extract. It is in the form of a thick sweet syrup with water, sugar or sweetener. The glass bottle with a volume of 250 ml. Method of storage similar to the alcoholic extract, but not more than 12 months from the date of manufacture. Open the syrup should be consumed within one month.

The Capsule – gelatin flask filled with dry powder from the dried and crushed roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus and ascorbic acid. Weight of one capsule-250 or 500 mg.

The Tablet release in the shell and without it. Tablets without shell are compressed powder of the dried roots of Eleutherococcus. They are used for making decoctions. Tablets in the form of pellets with a shell – is a multivitamin complex enriched with extract of nettle, rose hips and other medicinal plants with the addition of vitamin concentrates.the benefits of tinctures of Eleutherococcus

Method of application

Preparations of Eleutherococcus taking only oral. Therapy for women and men, in order to avoid habituation, shall not exceed one month.

A Concentrated alcoholic extract take 15-45 drops (depending on the individual indicators) two or three times a day. Pharmacy bottle is usually filling 50 ml. This is enough for one course. The second course is given after two or three weeks. Siberian ginseng can be taken not only as a preventive measure, but in emergencies, when you need to increase blood pressure or have enhanced mental or physical load and during the relaxation.

A Multivitamin tablet in the shell tablets and take one piece 20-30 minutes before eating.

Tablets without shell can be swallowed, sipped a glass of warm boiled water, but you can pour boiling water, to insist in a warm place for 20 minutes and drink immediately or within the day. It is impossible to drink milk and soda water.

Preparation of tincture of Siberian ginseng at home

Alcohol tincture of Siberian ginseng can be prepared at home. To do this, take three hundred grams of dried or 150 g fresh roots with rhizomes, cut into small pieces and pour with one liter of ethyl alcohol or vodka. Insist in a dark place for two weeks. Every day stir or shake. After this period, the tincture is ready for use.

A Daily intake is no more than 15-20 mg. For a course of treatment is recommended daily, in the course of a month, three times a day to drink a half teaspoon of the extract.


Preparations are Eleutherococcus dietary supplements to usual dietary intake and are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but you need to know in which cases you should refrain from taking medicines containing this plant. In this article we have mentioned some instances. This applies to pregnant and lactating women. It is contraindicated to combine the drugs Eleutherococcus with tranquilizers and barbiturates, but with taking antiepileptic medications. Do not drink Eleutherococcus at night – may not sleep. For hypertension to drink it also not recommended due to the property quickly to raise blood pressure. Anyway, in functional disorders of cardiovascular and Central nervous systems initiative with such a strong firecaster is fraught with serious problems. Therefore, in case of arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, stroke, arterial hypertension Siberian ginseng on have to forget.

The cancer described in the article a plant can not accept, but to help prevent the occurrence of tumors it may even be advisable to take several courses during the year.

I Must say that Siberian ginseng, as with any medication of plant origin, may provoke an allergic reaction. And allergic to it is not manifested immediately. Visible symptoms occur after several days of regular intake. In this case, the drugs have to give.

Another observation of herbalists applies to all herbal supplements. In one of the twenty cases in the possible reaction, opposite to the expected, that is, instead of improving the tone and improve your state of health, you can get a headache and deterioration of General health.Siberian ginseng useful properties and contraindications pill

Proper packing – a sign of a reliable contractor

To protect yourself from all possible risks, buy medicines containing Eleutherococcus, only in pharmacies, or from official representatives, carefully study the accompanying documents. Each package must be provided with instructions. Conscientious manufacturer of dietary supplements and medicines always tell the complete chemical composition of the product, indications and contraindications to its use, method of use, possible side effects, etc., Pay special attention to the composition of the drug, date of manufacture and expiry date, and make sure you have the details of the manufacturer.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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