How many calories in an Apple, only removed from the branch?


2018-03-26 01:03:07




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We are from childhood accustomed to eat apples. What is the value of this fruit? Why is it so useful? Finally, how many calories in an Apple? The last question is especially interested in fans of various diets. It turns out that the Apple contains 45 calories per 100 grams of product. It is believed that in the green fruit of less calories than, for example, in the red, but it's nothing more than fiction. Their number does not depend on the color of the fruit, but it is important in what form you eat apples.

The Most useful – fresh fruit. Not in a hurry to remove their peel. It is extremely useful because it is full of fiber and pectin, which improves heart and digestive system. How many calories in Apple not contained, all of its substances have beneficial properties and simply necessary for our organism. So, for example, fiber can help avoid constipation and displays the accumulated malicious toxins. Due to the content of this component, the apples are ideal for those who want to lose weight. how many cal in an AppleIn Addition to detoxification, fiber well fight obesity, lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Apples are rich in various organic acids and vitamins (C, and A1). Pectin, carotene, magnesium, iron and calcium present in the fruit, make it a real storehouse of nutrients, is extremely essential for healthy functioning of our bodies.

There are carbohydrates in Apple. The content of nutrients per 100 grams of the product of the following: carbohydrates – 8-10, proteins – 0.2 to 0.4, fats – 0.36 to 0.4, the majority of girls and women who want to lose weight, try to limit yourself to food, exhausting diets. But nutritionists say that to reduce weight you can just eat 1 Apple a day. In this case, you will feel healthy and free from excess weight. dish of apples


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How many calories in baked Apple in the oven?

Do You like baked apples? Well, do not deny yourself this pleasure. However, if you lose weight, keep in mind that baking apples with cinnamon, sugar or honey increases the caloric value of the dish by about 70 kcal. Along with this greatly reduced the quantity and quality of nutrients. If you want to diversify the diet use this fruit and wish to discover new dishes with apples, note the delicious and healthy salads. Diced sweet apples can be combined with bananas, grapes, slices of melon and watermelon. A good combination will work well as raisins. In this case, you will receive a variety of nutrients and significantly enrich the body with vitamins. the carbs in an Apple

Do Not ask the question: "How many calories in an Apple?" No matter how many – they are all extremely important to us. This fruit can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Buying apples in the store, keep in mind that for best storage, they are often treated with wax. So before you eat them, rinse the fruit in water and rinse off all the wax. Try as much as possible to delight themselves with tasty and healthy apples. They are especially useful for children because their growing body constantly needs vitamins. All the necessary nutrients for healthy growth of a young body is this fruit.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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