How to increase leukocytes after chemotherapy


2018-03-23 20:42:07




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Chemotherapy – this is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer, however, despite the efficiency of this treatment, it has its drawbacks in the form of a wide group of side effects. boost leukocytesBecause chemotherapy drugs often affect the circulatory system, one of the most common symptoms is the decline in immune protection, that is, reducing the number of protective blood cells-leukocytes.

In medicine a long time is the term that describes this phenomenon, leukopenia. Depending on how much the decrease in the level of cells, leukopenia assess on a scale.

A visit to the oncologist - a necessary step in choosing the right ways to eliminate the effects of chemistry as it will fully answer the question “How to increase white blood cell count after chemotherapy?”. how to raise white blood cells after chemo

First and foremost, patients with cancer are assigned a health diet. To increase the white blood cells will help products containing substances that stimulate the proliferation of blood stem cells in the bone marrow, namely: buckwheat, milk, yogurt, natural pomegranate juice. In addition to  the above products, greatly enhance the white blood cells capable of protein in your diet-red meat, fish, caviar, shrimps, crabs, mussels and so on. The more you eat protein, the faster you will recover the body. Eating fresh vegetables, you will provide the body with additional vitamins, however, if this is not possible, then it is possible to use an additional multivitamin preparations.


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In severe forms of radiation to increase the white blood cells help drugs acting directly on the stem cells of the bone marrow, namely, the branch of myelopoiesis. Such drugs include “Filgrastim” and “Lenograstim”. These drugs cause increased cell division-predecessors of myelopoiesis, resulting in the number of red blood cells, and thus the white blood cells, increases significantly. In some cases, adjunctive therapy hormonal medication.

how to increase white blood cell count after chemotherapyHow to increase leukocytes after chemotherapy folk remedies? Folk medicine recommends to use during the month, the infusion of sweet clover. Drink this remedy several times a day a quarter Cup before going to sleep, and your WBC a month later will be restored to normal.

It is Important to remember that the methods of elimination of radiation – recovery of leukocyte count to normal is chosen according to the degree of its severity. In some cases the lack of treatment or the use of unproven folk remedies might only aggravate the current state of the body.

So before you decide to increase the white blood cells, consult your doctor. He will be able to help you in all matters related to the restoration of your body. It is much easier to initially properly provide treatment than to continue to get rid of the negative consequences of self-treatment. Your health – is the most important thing given by nature. Therefore, it needs to be protected with all available means.

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