Bowl Kloybera x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity


2018-03-23 07:43:11




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When there is a suspicion that the patient intestinal obstruction, require instrumental examination, which helps not only to diagnose but also to determine the causes of disease. One of the signs of intestinal obstruction is a bowl Kloybera.

Definition of intestinal obstruction

bowl kloyberaSymptoms of intestinal obstruction is simple: when the disease food cannot pass the intestinal tract due to mechanical obstructions or broken of the bowel. The main symptoms that a person may experience:

  • Abdominal distension;
  • Constipation;
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Arching abdominal pain, sometimes radiating to the back.

Most Often, the obstruction is a consequence of changes in diet, tumours, polyps or motility disorders of the intestine. To determine the disease is necessary to do an ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract.

Study x-rays

Xray abdomenUpon the slightest suspicion of intestinal obstruction is necessary to do an x-ray of the abdomen. To start doing only review x-rays, in which specific characteristics can be diagnosed. X - ray is the main method of research of the intestine.

There are 5 main signs of bowel obstruction:

  • Intestinal arches;
  • Bowl Kloybera;
  • Lack of gas in the gut;
  • The transfusion of liquid from one loop of intestine to another;
  • Striations of the colon in the transverse direction.

Read More about the bowls Kloybera

bowl kloybera on radiographsConsider a bowl kloybera on radiographs in more detail. Upon detection of such bowls in the picture you can see the swollen areas of the intestine filled with fluid in the horizontal position (the patient is in the upright position) and gas. Gas is above the liquid, on the x-ray picture is manifested in the form of an inverted bowl. Detection of lesions in the form of bowls occurs only in the case when x-ray is done in a vertical or lateral position of the patient.


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Normally, when intestinal failure emerges not one bowl Kloybera, a lot of them, and they are located in the area of the loops of small bowel, approximately in the center of the abdomen. It is noteworthy that the width of the liquid in the bowl should not exceed the height level of gases. The bowls can have different size, while maintaining the proportionality of the height and width.

A Manifestation of many small foci indicates that in the small intestine accumulates a significant amount of fluid. They are rarely a symptom of obstruction of the colon.

Treatment of intestinal failure

You first need to determine the diet. First you need to strictly follow a diet and do not overeat. Overeating causes failure symptoms can worsen, especially if it happens after a long break. Next you need to refuse from food, which leads to flatulence. Such foods include beans, peas, soy, cabbage and other similar products. It is best to eat more often but small portions, this prevents overeating.

ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tractBegin treatment with a more humane and conservative methods: enemas, removal of stomach contents, the introduction into the organism of special fluids crystalloid based, and the introduction of protein drugs. In advanced and severe forms is surgery.

Diet after surgery

After you do an x-ray of the abdominal cavity, the doctors determine whether to perform an operation or restricted by conservative means. In the case where surgery is carried out, after the surgery the patient for 12 hours should neither eat nor drink. In order to enrich the body with nutrients, doctors use a probe or with a glucose drip. After that you need to eat only liquid nutrient mixes until the permission of the doctor to switch to another food.

Followed by a zero diet. The meaning of it is that you need to take only light food which is quickly digestible and does not contain salt. To eat you need 6-8 times a day very small portions, and caloric content of the daily ration must not exceed 1020 calories. Also you can't eat something cold or hot, all products must be room temperature and the jelly-like form.

Bowl Kloybera is a terrible symptom, so at the first sign of intestinal failure should immediately go to the doctor and to x-ray the abdominal cavity.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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