Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home: advice and tips


2018-03-23 04:30:16




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Many women are interested in treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home. It is quite normal, because a woman in an interesting position, and without the doctors go very much. And it is a huge stress for the person and for the whole body. And hemorrhoids in pregnancy itself appears very often. So this is not some deviation, but the norm. Not the best, but it is the place. And when you consider that pregnant and nursing women cannot take most drugs, the question of independent and non-pharmacological treatment of this disease plays a huge role. So let's try to understand how it is possible to improve the situation.treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home


Before you treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home is to pay attention to what actually caused this phenomenon. Sometimes, this moment helps to rectify the situation. Pregnancy is not a disease. And it is foolish to believe that she was the cause of the hemorrhoids. Rather, it is the fault of the processes and changes occurring in the body of the girl, who is in an interesting position. What this could include?

For a start – the growth of the uterus. And as a consequence, its pressure on the pelvic veins. This is the norm. So, should not be afraid. Usually this phenomenon is observed in the second and third trimester. That is, towards the end of pregnancy. Violations of the chair – another reason why, after which will have to reflect on today's theme. When such phenomenon in the intestine increases the load, can bear the mechanical damage. They, in turn, cause hemorrhoids. Nothing surprising or strange!


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Power and the decrease in the activity of girls is also creating trouble and are forced to think about how to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home. Sedentary lifestyle in itself clogs the blood vessels and disrupts blood flow. Hence, there are inflammatory processes hemorrhoid nodes. But how to handle it?

Whether to Go to the doctor?

Self – a very serious thing. They, in General, to engage in sometimes dangerous. Only now pregnant it is often such a method is selected to maintain their health. Remember: everything is good in moderation. You caught hemorrhoids? In pregnancy, the treatment at home – this is the best solution. However, not always.hemorrhoids in pregnancy treatment at home

Actually, many are thinking whether to run to the doctor with a similar situation. Someone says Yes. Only in this case, note: proctology folk methods are not advised. This files most often assigned or a course of antibiotics, or surgery, or any medications. And they during pregnancy is not recommended. In addition, doctors usually carried out the treatment of hemorrhoids chronic. Or disposition in connection with heredity.

Thus, you should not immediately run to the proctologist, if you notice unpleasant disease. The exception – an acute manifestation of hemorrhoids that is accompanied by profuse bleeding and discomfort (3-4 stage of development). In other cases, you can try to self-medicate.


You are interested treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home? Traditional methods offer so many treatment options. But first, it is recommended to try more or less as usual. Not quite medical, but having medical efficacy proven. For example, you can use Antihaemorrhoidal ointments. A very good way, which helps during pregnancy. However, this approach is relevant only in the initial stages of the development of the disease.treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home fast

Well suited to use gel “Vitamins». You need to lubricate the anus and hemorrhoid lump after a bowel movement this ointment 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is about two weeks. Or at night, make a compress with ‘Vitamins». You will notice the result in most cases.


But not only by means of ointments is treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnancy at home. Quickly get rid of this disease help a variety of herbal teas and baths. It's not the most popular, but effective methods. For example, we can recommend herbal and bramble, Rowan juice, decoction of viburnum or carrots. These liquids can be taken internally. Just proceed with caution if you do not have allergies to components. Or as an alternative (most likely this option) is to apply compresses and take a bath with these tinctures. You will see the result very quickly. The treatment is the same in all cases – about two weeks. Usually progress is noticeable before.


Wondering how is the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home? Tools that can be used for the realization of ideas, diverse. It is clear that most often suggest herbal teas and tinctures. Just as with any illness. But there is one amazing reception – the use of hemorrhoids vegetables!treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home folk

What are you talking About? Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home – it's a bit involved. Accurateprescription no. It will have to be selected individually. Sometimes it makes sense to use some vegetables for the treatment. Enough to put them on some time to the affected areas to see the result.

What to do? To prepare the plugs, which are inserted into the anus. For example, raw potatoes. Only need the middle – it has more starch. Cut smooth candle, then dip them in the honey (you can do without it), and after inserting the rectal for the night.

Onions can also help. For this you need to peel the onion to get to its core. It is useful to us. Now you should soak it in warm water, scalded with boiling water several times and a little cool. Next, insert the bulb into the rectum for the night. Thus the act will have 10 consecutive days. So precarious is the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home. Causes of illness can be different, but the ways of elimination thereof, is almost always the same. To choose what to try, only for you!


This is not the end treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home. People also often offer fabrication of rectal suppositories of natural ingredients. Moreover, this option is the most effective, albeit unpopular.treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home remedies

For example, as the material at hand suitable juices: carrot, potato. Starch, for example, is beneficial to the intestines and restores it. Also recommended the juice of plantain. What you want to do?

Squeeze the juice and then freeze it in small rectal suppositories. Store products have in the freezer. better if they are wrapped in foil. Paste in the intestines need to be once a day, before bedtime. The duration of treatment varies, but often is around 10 to 14 days. Doubtful, but effective. This method is rarely taken into account, because you can make candles out of juice is too troublesome.

Aid pharmacy

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home can mean more and unauthorized use of certain medications. Yes, pregnant women should stay away from these drugs away. But there is a special candle that really is designed for women in an interesting position. They need to pay attention to.

Most Often among the most effective means isolated rectal suppositories “relief”. Twice a day, insert them into the rectum. And the hemorrhoid is gone! Help even in advanced stages. Very good, though pricey tool.treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home folk remedies

Often women are advised to use the candles under the name “Natalise”. Also suitable for use during breastfeeding. Can be used as a “Relish”. Please pay attention to “Niepan” and “Betiol”. Also a good rectal suppositories. On average the course lasts for 7-14 days. Once the hemorrhoid will leave you recommended a few days to use candles. To fix the result.


What else can you offer? What are the treatment options of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home? Besides these tools and techniques, you can try to agree to a risky activity. Namely, the use of ice compresses. Cold in the blood flow has a beneficial effect, restores it. This is done for hemorrhoids.

5-10 minutes is recommended to apply ice to the rectum. Or do cold compresses. Alternative – to wash with cool water after a bowel movement. Moreover, it is desirable to use these options in combination with any other method. For example, with candles. Then we will be able to quickly make progress.


Here we learned what options are treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnancy occur. Direct course to choose you. Very effective use of candles and cool compresses.treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy at home the reasons

Contact a doctor only when you have acute hemorrhoids, which, after self-treatment fails, but only intensified. Otherwise, medical intervention – this is unnecessary. Often, the hemorrhoid itself appears and disappears. So, this situation is also possible. Now it is clear how the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. At home folk remedies is very often extremely effective. Do not neglect them!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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