How to stew cabbage with meat.


2019-06-29 16:20:16




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There are meals to cook which takes a lot of time. But our conversation today will focus on the daily diet and exactly how to extinguish cabbage with meat. Perhaps many will think that this topic has long been beaten. But wait. Perhaps now you will learn something new for themselves and will take note.

So, how to put out the cabbage with the meat. For this you will need the following ingredients: four hundred grams of pork or chicken, depending on your preferences, a large head of cabbage, one onion, the carrot in the amount of one piece. Preparing this dish, you can not do without sunflower oil and tomato paste. Well, of course, will need some herbs and spices such as Bay leaf, pepper, greens, garlic and of course salt.

Now that all the necessary ingredients at hand, you can talk about how to put out the cabbage with the meat. To begin cut the meat into small cubes and place in a pan with hot oil. Fry it on high heat. Some time later, namely after will disappear, all the foam, add salt and pepper meat to taste, cover and take the sliced cabbage.

Slice it thin strips, then put in pre-prepared a large Dutch oven and bring it to a Golden brown. For a few minutes until cooked lightly salt the cabbage.

Parallel to this, don't forget about the meat. As soon as it is browned to a crisp, add the finely chopped onions. But after a few minutes in the pan with the meat put shredded carrots. Allow five minutes to stew . And after that add the tomato paste. It would only take one tablespoon. Just a couple of minutes in a roasting pan with the meat, pour boiling water, put the Bay leaf and simmer the resulting mass for forty minutes.


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Cabbage by this time also should come. Now you just have to mix the contents of these two braziers and simmer over low heat for ten – fifteen minutes. Final touch – sprinkle your dish with herbs and finely chopped garlic. And let stand for a few minutes. The taste of these dishes will exceed your expectations.

We are considered one of numerous recipes like to put out the cabbage with the meat. But, as this is the limit of the features does not end here. So now we will shortly introduce two more interesting recipe.

So, for example, if the hand was not meat or in your fridge accumulated a lot of sausage scraps, it can be a little to replay the situation. Let's consider how to put out the cabbage with the sausage.

There are no tricks. Cabbage stew separately, adding as cooked onions, carrots and tomato paste. In advance, prepare the sausage, cut it in small cubes. Fifteen minutes until cooked cabbage, add sausages. The final stage is only to spice up your favorite dish with spices and can be pleasing to the stomach so simple and incredibly delicious dish.

Well, for those who prefer vegetarian cuisine, consider how to put out the cabbage with mushrooms. If the analogy with the above recipes, just enough to replace meat products with mushrooms or any other mushrooms. They should also be cooked in a separate pan and then mix with sauerkraut. All other steps are similar to the earlier recipes.

If we evaluate the situation as a whole, cabbage in any of its manifestations has always been present on the table of the Russian people. Without her was not even on holidays. Even today it still remains one of the main products. And the dishes from cabbage bring joy to its great utility!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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