How to choose coffee bean tips


2019-02-23 15:00:45




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Difficult to find a person who does not like coffee. Almost every one of us used to starting the morning with a fragrant drink. How to choose organic coffee bean? This frequently asked question. The stores presented a good range of grains, but they all have good quality, and the prices are very different. Let us look at the question of how to choose a coffee bean?

Why choose a coffee bean?

Of Course, the drink is much easier and faster to cook. But real gourmets suggests that real coffee can only be beans. And it's true, since the production of the soluble product using low-grade raw materials – the splinters and fragments of granules, sometimes even amazed by the weevil. The production can go even precipitate formed at harvest. You should know that the manufacturers, that is to say, “enrich” a mixture to drink all kinds of additives crushed chicory, oats, barley, to choose coffee beans

Then the whole mass is cooked for three to four hours, and then as much again evaporated. Knowing the production technology, it is easy to understand that the natural coffee instant drink very little. For this reason, experts recommend the use of beverage made from natural grains. Now let's look at how to choose coffee beans in the store and what you need to know.

The Best coffee

In order to know how to choose coffee beans, you need to navigate the types. In the world there are only two kinds of beans - Arabica and Robusta, which differ fundamentally from each other. Arabica gives the drink a very refined taste and exquisite aroma. These grains are used for making soft, refreshing drinks with hazelnut, cream or chocolate aftertaste. This is the coffee like many of us.

By Itself, Robusta is not very good. Usually it is used for making blends with Arabica. It gives the drink some bitterness and everyone's favorite, creamy foam. Robusta in its pure form is not used, because the drink from makes a very bitter and strong. It contains three times more caffeine than Arabica. Expensive varieties of Robusta have a very specific taste, but still there are people that love beans how to choose

All varieties of Arabica Robusta are much more expensive. This is connected not only with taste but also with the fact that it has a lower yield. In its dense beans contains a lot more essential oil, causing the maturation process takes longer.


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Coffee Roasting

The taste of the drink depends on the roasting. Unroasted beans have a light green tint. Depending on the degree of thermal processing, they change color. Generally distinguish between ten degrees of roast. The stronger their thermally treated, the more flavor they exude. Therefore, in order to decide which coffee beans to choose, you need to pay attention to the label, to determine the degree of roasting.

Light roast

Light roast has several degrees:

  1. Scandinavian. The grain is heated at low temperature. The beans are not disclosed, but a little increase in size. In the result, the grain flavor is a bit similar to the smell of fresh bread. This is suitable for roasting of Arabica beans from Kenya, Nicaragua and Jamaica.
  2. The American. The grains have a light brown hue, and the drink is bland in taste.
  3. City. Coffee of these beans turns darker, and the taste of the beverage is dominated by acidity.

Universal roasting

Medium roast, or as it is called, universal – this is perfect. So roasted beans, imported from Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Colombia and Brazil.what is a good cheap coffee beans to choose the Average heat treatment also has its degrees:

  1. City. This roast is made to the second cotton. In the process of processing the beans appear oily droplets. But the drink made from these beans has a wonderful aroma and a certain malleability.
  2. French, velvet or Vienna. the Beans are roasted to dark brown color, the result of which appears above them the smoke from the burning oils. Drink of these grains gives a very strong and rich, with a characteristic bitterness.

Dark roast

Dark roasting gives the beans a dark brown hue. Drink of these beans has a very rich aroma and a noticeable bitterness. In this way fry varieties Brazilian, Cuban and Guatemalan Robusta and Arabica.

There are Also dark roast, also called Mexican, Cuban or Spanish. Bean after heat treatment practically does not remain water. Bob used to make blends to get a new flavor to choose natural coffee bean

But the Italian roast is used to prepare blends for espresso. Beans first, heavily fried, and then rinsed air. After that, the grains remain open to relax, because they still actively produces carbon dioxide. In the future, coffee is Packed in paper bags with foil. Such packaging slows down the oxidation process and allows you to maintain an acceptable levelhumidity.

Knowing all the treatment options coffee beans and focusing on their preferences, the store you will not have the question, what coffee beans to choose from.

Packaging the bean

When you come into the store, having knowledge on how to select good coffee beans, you can safely proceed to the search for a suitable option. The range of goods in supermarkets rather impressive. What should you pay attention to when making your choice? Of course, packaging. It is very important to preserve the quality of the product.

Currently, the coffee market has several packaging options. Some of them are – paper bags. They Packed grain purchased in coffee shops or coffeehouses. To buy the goods in places – a great option, however, should not take more than 200 grams, as in a package of grain stored up to two weeks. So, it is always better to take a portion of fresh.

Vacuum packaging

Vacuum packing can be performed in two variants - cans and covenants. How to choose a quality coffee bean, if it is already Packed? Focus is on the quality of the packaging material. After all, his main task is to protect the grain from exposure to the air. If the beans will be in contact with the environment, it will react and will lose its original to choose coffee beans in store

The Most popular gas-filled packaging with a venting valve, through which the fumes out, but at the same time does not fall inside the air. Valve gives the opportunity to feel the flavour of the beans after clicking on the pack. In such a sealed package of coffee can be stored for 18 to 24 months. Tutu is made from a durable material that will not tear at the folds. Sealed bags with valves and banks use those companies that value their reputation. The greater part of companies packs the grain in the cheaper packages with foil. Now, knowing how to choose a coffee bean package, you will be able to easily navigate in a large assortment of goods.


Good quality packaging – it's not all that worth paying attention to. Experts in this matter it is recommended to see the label. Here the manufacturer should indicate the maximum amount of information about beans, denoting the country of origin, type of grinding and roasting. The degree of grinding may be specified schematically. The presence of such information allows to hope that the manufacturer cares about customers and provides information on production to choose a coffee bean packaging

Also pay attention to the data about periods of storage, packaging and roasting. To recognize low-quality goods can by break time. If the package has a check valve, you can smell the grain. In that case, if you feel the rancid flavor, coffee should not take because it is stale. Knowing how to choose coffee beans, you can thoroughly approach to purchase, paying close attention to all the details.

The appearance of the bean

How to choose coffee beans, if you buy them in bulk? In this case, you should pay attention to the appearance of the bean. Remember that Arabica and Robusta differ in appearance. Their beans have not only different size but also shape. Arabica largest range in the range of 5-8 mm. Large beans of this type are an indicator of excellent quality. But even here there are exceptions. For example, there are species which possess excellent characteristics, but have modest size (Yemeni Arabica).

How to choose a coffee bean appearance? Any mixture of all beans should be approximately the same size and have the same form. If you see that the grains have differences, there is a high probability that a lot added cheaper to choose coffee bean for the Turks

Good coffee should have the correct form of the beans that even to the touch, velvety. In the mix all beans must have the same color. Not allowed the presence of pieces of grains and stains on them. All these shortcomings indicate low quality.

Only in mixtures melange can be the beans of different color, because they are connected the types with a different degree of roasting.

Another indicator of quality is the flavor of the coffee. Good seeds have a strong aroma, no burnt and rotten impurities. The rancid smell those beans, which have long shelf life has expired.


What is a good cheap coffee beans to choose? Any Barista will tell you that in this case is not worth saving. The higher the price, the best quality drink you can get. This statement is clearly a relatively elite types. Good coffee can not be cheap. On the contrary, the low cost needs to engender doubt as to the origin of such grains. The most avid coffee drinkers prefer the elite class.

However, ordinary people usually pay attention to the product average cost. In this category you can also find quite a decent coffee. Any Barista recommends the purchase of grain in a specialty store. Of course, this is not a guarantee that you will not encounter a defective product, but still in such places, the sellers may assist in the to choose coffee bean

Besides, in such places, coffee is not in contact with foreign goods, the smells of which can negatively affect flavor of the coffee. In specialized areas you will be offered a greater choice of blends and varieties. In addition, you have an opportunity to visually see the beans and feel their fragrance. To prepare quality drink you need freshly roasted coffee, which is held in accordance with the regulations. In supermarkets this fact does not pay attention, and in specialized outlets, the beans are stored in containers that allow you to preserve all the properties.


How to choose coffee bean for the Turks? You should pay attention to the grinding of the coffee beans. Of coffee you need to grind into dust. With this task cope not every professional coffee grinder, but not that home. The finer the grind, the greater the degree of solubility of substances inside coffee, which means the more aromatic and stronger the drink. The process of cooking in the Turk takes just a few minutes. During this time, the substance must have time to dissolve and to give flavor and aroma. This effect cannot be achieved using coarsely ground coffee.

Instead of an epilogue

The Right choice of coffee beans – is not easy. And yet, it's worth it. If you have current coffee preference, making the choice reasonable. Following simple rules, you can learn to choose the correct grain, from which you can prepare the perfect drink.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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