Cisco cooking: recipes, photos


2018-11-24 13:00:36




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Cisco call game fish of the salmon family and genus whitefish. Its length often reaches 64 cm and the weight-3 fish recipes

Cisco is a checkpoint fish. According to experts, it can be found in the coastal parts of the Arctic ocean. Spawning omul rises in the rivers of Alaska, Russia and Canada.

In the sea this fish feeds on large benthic crustaceans small zooplankton and young.

Baikal omul, the recipes of which are presented below, is a subspecies of the Arctic. According to genetic studies, it is close to slidevidshow and common whitefish.

General information

How best to handle such fish as omul? The recipe of this product can provide processes roasting, stewing, frying, Smoking, stuffing, etc.

For More detailed ways to create different meals of these fish are described below.

Cisco: cooking recipes in the oven

This dish is prepared only from fresh fish, without prior pickling. To implement the recipe in the oven you will need the following ingredients:

  • Cisco fresh large – 1 PCs.
  • Lime – 1 small fruit;
  • Garlic cloves-2 PCs.
  • Salt & ndash; at his own taste;
  • Buckwheat – about 100 g;
  • Cranberries frozen – approximately 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil – use recipes

The brewing Process

How should the preparation of Cisco? Recipes using this fish should know all Housewives. Because they always turn out very hearty and delicious.

Before you begin cooking dinner, the fish must be thoroughly washed, place it on a cutting Board and completely gut it. Next the fish need to sprinkle it with lime juice. Also, her belly must place the chopped cloves of garlic and buckwheat, boiled until soft.

By following the steps, the stuffed product is placed on the cooking foil. Then Cisco again sprinkled with lime juice and sprinkled with berries and the remains of the garlic.

Wrapped in a foil parcel place on a baking sheet, which put it in the oven. As such, the fish is baked for 40 minutes.

Before opening the foil, it is necessary to wait five more minutes. Only after that Cisco can bring to the table, together with boiled potatoes as a side dish.

Fish Stew on the stove

Trade Cisco, the recipes which we consider, can be done even in field conditions. The ease of creating this dish and its amazing taste will leave only positive impressions about the rest.


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With the help of which products should carry out the preparation of Cisco? Recipes stews require the use of:fish fish recipes

  • Cisco small fresh – 2 PCs.
  • Medium potatoes-about 1 kg;
  • Tomatoes fresh large-3 PCs.
  • Pepper, sea salt vegetable oil and lemon juice – at its discretion.

Cooking Method

Such As stewed fish? Cisco, recipes which we consider, is first subjected to a thorough processing. Thoroughly wash the fish, remove the bones, and then cut into several parts. After that, proceed to the processing of vegetables. Potato tubers and fresh vegetables rinsed. Next, they remove the peel and cut into fairly large slices.

Coat the bottom of a thick-walled pans with vegetable oil, it evenly spread a portion of root vegetables and tomato. Then on top of vegetables put the fish.

Salted and pepper products, the layers repeat. Top ingredients, pour drinking water in the amount of incomplete Cup.

Sprinkle the ingredients with lemon juice, close it with a lid and put on slow fire. In this form, the fish stew at least 50–60 minutes.

If you want to more fragrant and beautiful dish before stewing pieces omul, it is recommended to fry in a pan with vegetable oil.

Quick preparation of Cisco

Recipes using this fish are very popular among those who like to enjoy a hearty and healthy dishes that are ideal for regular meal, and for the festive recipes in the oven

If the fish you chose to use as snacks, we offer fry it in batter. For this we may require the following ingredients:

  • Fillet of whitefish, cleaned from stones – about 700 g;
  • Salt and various spices – to use at their discretion;
  • Chicken egg large size – 1 PCs.
  • Milk fat – about 50 ml;
  • Flour – about 20 g;
  • Vegetable oil-use for frying.


How should I do the appetizer tempura from such fish as omul? Recipes (fry this product with great eagerness) involve the use of different types of dough. However, the most popular of these is the egg.

A Chicken egg carefully whisk it with a fork, then slowly pour in to it fat milk. Salted foods to them gradually pour the flour and carefully stir.

Having been viscous andhomogeneous dough, it is put aside. Meanwhile you can start treatment fish. If it was purchased in whole, washed, gutted and cut up. With removed all the bones and skin, leaving only fresh and clean fillet. It again washed, and then cut into not very large pieces.

Dried fish fillet through paper towels, they are alternately dipped in egg batter and then immediately put in a saucepan with boiling oil.Cisco recipes with photos

Snack fry Evenly from all sides, it is carefully removed and incubated on the tissues for several minutes. During this time, the fish in batter must lose fat. It served with herbs and fresh vegetables and any sauce.

Salt fish at home

Give in if salted omul? Cooking recipes with photos show that this method of processing fish allows you to keep it for a long time. Furthermore, salted fish is better transported over long distances.

To cook fish in a similar way, you need to take the following products:

  • Cisco small fresh – 1 PCs.
  • Salt & ndash; discretion.

The Process of salting

Gutted and well wash the fish, it should be cut off the head and fins. After that you need to take the pot or barrel, and then pour it in table salt (optional). Then in a bowl you need to put Cisco to sleep and the remnants of the spices.

To fish salty, on top of a set oppression. In this form it is left in a dry and dark place for two days.Baikal omul recipes

Before using with Cisco shake off the excess salt, and then served to the table.

Prepare omul smoked

The Baikal smoked fish are sure to delight you unforgettable taste. No wonder this product is a delicacy. However, keep omul after such processing should not be too long.

To prepare delicious and fragrant dishes, we need smoke and sawdust.

Completely gutted and purified fish as well as salted and Dobrev spices, it is placed in a smokehouse belly up or suspended form. After the implementation of heat treatment Cisco acquires a beautiful Golden color and unsurpassed flavor. As a rule, this fish is ready after 45-50 minutes. It can be consumed both hot cold.

To Summarize

As you can see, cooking fish at home does not require the use of special products. Such fish need only salt and season with spices, and then subjected to stewing, frying or baking.

Very often this product is used for cooking various soups and main dishes. It blends perfectly with potatoes, rice and buckwheat.Cisco recipes to fry

If you are afraid of worms, a carrier which is often Cisco, before using it should be subjected to deep freezing, thorough cooking or pickling/Smoking. Only in this case, parasites would not be of concern to you.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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