The most expensive cheese in the world


2018-06-05 10:00:34




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Cheese – is a unique product. It has an ancient history. Archaeological finds indicate that people learned to cook cheese long before the new era.

Today some cheeses are fabulous money. It's hard to call it the most expensive cheese in the world, because the price of a certain grade depends on many factors. In our article we will discuss types of cheese, the cost of which classifies them to the most expensive foods in the world.

the most expensive cheese


The Most expensive cheese in the world is not always obliged to be of excellent taste, aroma and quality. It so happens that the price tag due to the rarity of the components and a very modest amount of product produced per year. The cheese pool just such a story. It is produced in the Balkans from sheep's milk. The manufacturer claims that the production of one kilogram of cheese takes 25 liters of milk and donkey milk of which is suitable for the manufacture of the pool, there are only a hundred in the whole of Serbia.

the most expensive cheese in the world

The Cost of such cheese may exceed $ 1,250 per kilogram. Those who were lucky enough to taste the cheese pool, claim that it has a delicate taste and very delicate texture.

Exotic cheese from the farm House Moose

Another kind of cheese that is sure to appeal to fans of the exotic, produced in Switzerland. It produced quite a bit, about 200 kg per year. This, of course, also affects the price.

To Buy a kilogram of cheese is not less than 1000 dollars per 1 kg, which puts him on the top border of the top of the most exquisite delicacies. Make the most expensive cheese from the milk of moose. While the price effect and the long process of milking is about three hours, and that produce the cheese only in certain times of the year. Animals are kept on a special farm, eat organic food.


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Golden Stilton

Grade Stilton like many connoisseurs, but to call it the most expensive is not necessary. Another thing is – “Stilton gold”. He certainly can claim the title of ‘cheese is the Most expensive”.

What milk it is made, how it Matures and how it tastes, not so important. One need only look at a slice of this cheese, it becomes clear what caused the price of 1000 dollars per 1 kg. part of this cheese comes with real edible gold and gold liqueur.

Cheddar ‘Vayk farms”

Can you imagine what the most expensive cheese in the world – the regular cheddar? But the sort of ‘Vayk farms” special.

what cheese is the most expensive

It includes noble white truffle, and this is a serious bid for success. The cost of 1 kg of cheese more than 440 dollars.

Extra old bitto

This exquisite grade I just love a lot of cheese fans. The cost was not so great. But one cheese-maker from Hong Kong acquired a batch of this cheese and sent it to ripen. It happened back in 1997, and the sale of extra Bitta old started only 10 years. Today this cheese is sold in small quantities and only the true connoisseurs. 100 gr. this delicacy will cost $33.

Caciocavallo Podolico

The manufacturers to create the most expensive cheese. Here, for example, in southern Italy breeders of dairy cows for the whole summer steal them to graze in a clean province, where the cows eat strawberries, strawberries and cherries. This berry diet offers an unusual taste of milk, which is subsequently transmitted and cheese.

the most expensive cheese from milk

Noteworthy and unusual shape of the heads, similar to a pear or vintage leather flask. Kilogram of cheese is worth $ 111.

It is Noteworthy that the name of this variety translates from Italian as “Horse cheese”. Than it is caused is conducted by one manufacturer. In fact, no relation to the production of the cheese the horse does not have. But the second part of the name “Podolico” refers to the breed of cows, which eat the berries.

Old Ford

In an argument about which cheese is the most expensive, and got a variety of goat's milk. It is very different from “fellow”. Usually from the milk of sheep and goats prepared soft brine cheeses that are served young. But “old Ford” has a dense structure and before sale give him time to Mature and even aging. For one kilogram of this delicacy will have to part with a hundred dollars.


It's not the most expensive cheese, but clearly one of the most unusual. Grade epws adored by Napoleon himself. It is prepared from unpasteurized cow's milk by extraordinary technology. Cheese wheel coated with Apple brandy or Calvados, and then left to ripen.

the most expensive cheese of any milk

As a result, the product obtains a stable peculiar smell, which many openly called the unbearable stench. At home this cheese in France, even there are special rules that forbid you to carry this cheese in the city transport. The cost of this cheese ranges from 100-150 dollars.

Blue Jersey

This sort of – the most expensive blue cheese. It is produced in America from the milk of cows of the Jersey breed.

the most expensive cheese

This Famous breed that provides milk with higher fat content and a pronounced creamy taste. Thanks to this cheese has a rich flavor that highlights the delicate acidity of noble rot. Cost per kilogram of the head exceeds $100.

Unbroken record

It's Clear that the price level in cheeses can vary depending on the season, the remoteness of the buyer from the cheese factory and many other factors.

But there is the undoubted leader. The most expensive cheese in the world was auctioned for 6.3 thousand euros for polukilogrammovy head. It is noteworthy that this variety is produced in the dairy of Jesus Analy Juaristi not apply to the most expensive, usually selling not expensive $ 80 per kg. But a Spanish restaurateur has acquired a record expensive the cheese for promotional purposes.

Another record can be called a cheese plate, "Frome Cheese Platter", which was sold at the festival of cheese in the English Somerset more than $ 3,000. Lot represented a wooden dish, presents it collection of fine cheeses.

A few More facts about exotic, expensive cheeses

Some varieties are so unusual that many buyers stop not only the price. Would you like to taste the cheese, on the creation of which worked dust mites? But some gourmets are willing to pay for a slice of Milanese a tidy sum. The manufacturer claims that this product is healthy and is an excellent prevention of Allergy to dust. However, the use of the product will have along with the bodies of ticks.

the most expensive cheese

Equally unusual sort of Cass to Martz. A small head is produced from sheep's milk, and then give the cheese flies. In the process of fermentatio involved the larvae of this insect, which secrete enzymes. It is believed that if the fed cheese contains dead worms, a product for consumption is not suitable. Connoisseurs prefer to eat it until all the contained animals becoming more active.

Greek halloumi cheese is a unique product because of its very high melting point. It can be fried and grilled. No other cheese, even the most expensive, such characteristics is not. In Greece, halloumi is served with beer, wine, cider. It will take a picnic basket to cook over coals and eat a bit of sugar with skewer.

Another unusual variety – Vieux Lille. What only epithets are not rewarded with cheese. It is called acrid, and even putrid, and the packaging flaunts the man in the mask. The name translates into Russian as “Smelly marinade”. However, a peculiar smell and a sharp salty taste, don't frighten fans of this unusual variety, they are willing to pay for it considerable money.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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