Freeze the gooseberries for the winter?


2018-04-22 20:00:34




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Gooseberries-tasty and useful berry, which is used in different types. But the fruit in frozen form is not as popular as many others. But they are rich in vitamins C, P, iron, pectin. If you use the product throughout the year, it will allow to support the immune system in excellent condition. Freeze the gooseberries for the winter, is told in the article.

Use gooseberry

The Fruits have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Strengthening blood vessels.
  2. Reducing the risk of hemorrhage, hypertension, and diabetes.
  3. Recovery of metabolic processes.
  4. Stabilization of the emotional state.
  5. Strengthen the immune system and restore the body after diseases.
  6. Acceleration of digestion.
  7. Removal of radionuclides.
  8. Reduce inflammation.
  9. Accelerate the production and flow of bile.
  10. Slowing of the aging process.
  11. Cholesterol Regulation, glucose.

frozen gooseberries

Useful is fresh juice. Together with honey it is taken during avitaminosis and anemia. The drink has a cleansing effect on the intestines, eliminates toxins from the body, has a refreshing and toning effect.


Contraindications of berries a little. Damage with excessive use. Caution you need to take the product people with:

  1. Ulcer during the exacerbation.
  2. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea.

how to freeze gooseberries

It is Necessary to consider that from-for unlimited consumption of berries may occur hypervitaminosis, which is considered a serious disorder. To eliminate it will with medical treatment.

Select berries

There are many varieties of gooseberry. Externally it differs only in color. The ripe fruit can be light, red and green. Sometimes maturity is established with the appearance of spots. The use of the berries depends on the color grade. If it's greenish or white, it is a sign of immense utility. Red and brown fruit is usually the sweetest. If you freeze the gooseberries for the winter? This type of procurement is used frequently.


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First you need to select the ripe and hard copies. You should not choose to procure spoiled or unripe berries. Ripeness can be determined by touch. If the gooseberry is very hard, it is unripe. Softness confirms staleness or peresinotti. It is desirable to select the elastic results.

If frozen gooseberries will be stored for a long time, you should choose berries with peduncles. This will save valuable properties. It is important that the product was a dry, moisture should not accumulate. This protects from rotting and spoilage. Fresh berries should be left in a dark, cool room that is well ventilated. If they are to be stored in the refrigerator, should not be washed beforehand. Then the product will remain up to 60 days.


To frozen gooseberries efficiently save, you need to properly prepare for this berries. They should be ripe and with peduncle. Shell important is the absence of erosion. Have not ripe instances almost no taste and useful properties.

can you freeze gooseberry

If you use dry freezing, you want to choose a variety with a thick rind and honeydew pulp. Fruit with a thin shell, it is desirable to apply to obtain a puree with the sugar. They still can prepare the syrup. This method preserves the integrity of the berries. If their collection is performed independently, it is better to do it early in the morning when there is dew.

Before freezing you need to sort through berries to remove debris, twigs, leaves. You only need to retain the gooseberry with stem. Then it is necessary to wash with cool water using a colander. Then the fruits should be spread on a cotton towel for drying.

Mashed potatoes

How to freeze gooseberries, to preserve its beneficial properties? A great way is mashed potatoes. To cook mush, you need to take overripe berries. You need to wash them, remove the stalk, place in a blender.

For this procedure, it is advisable to use a wooden press (the pestle). This need for maximum preservation of vitamins. In the interaction with the metal is the oxidation of the berries, therefore, lose their valuable properties.

Sugar (350 g) mixed with fruits (1 kg). Puree should be spread out in containers made of plastic, place in the refrigerator. 1 hour to move the mass in a glass container, cover, put in the freezer. That's cooking the sauce over.

Freezing in the Sahara

You Can freeze the gooseberries in the sugar. It is necessary to sort, wash and dry it, put it on the cotton towel. The berries are put in an enamel pan. 400 g of sugar requires 1 kg of fruit. Components must be mixed, and then filled with bulk food containers, which should be pre-sterilized. The dishes are tightly covered and put in the freezer.

how to freeze gooseberries for the winter


You Can freeze the gooseberry for the winter in syrup. This method should be selected if the fruit has a thin shell. They need to sort, wash, place in small containers.

To prepare the syrup take sugar and water in a ratio of 1:2. It needs to cool and is then poured into containers of gooseberries. To the brim capacity is necessary to leave about 1.5 cm capped, placed in athe freezer.

If I wanted to eat this delicious dessert, you have to remove the packaging and leave at room temperature to thaw. For cooking dishes with whole fruit defrosting is not required. The use of such product is retained up to 6 months.

Harvesting whole fruit

Frozen gooseberries can be stored without sugar. It needs to be washed, dried and in 1 layer spread out on a tray, the laid parchment. The product should be removed for a few hours in the freezer. Then it must be packaged in packets in a small amount.

you can freeze the gooseberries for the winter

If the fruits of the dense shell, after drying, can be placed in large bags. Choosing convenient containers for storage, you get to save space in the camera. Berries in flat containers rapidly frozen and almost never lose favor.


For berry mix from the supermarket used blast freezing – a gradual decrease in temperature. This allows you to retain the rich color of the fruit, natural taste and aroma. In life you need to adhere to other rules:

  1. Storage from the 12 months need a temperature of -18 degrees or below. Consumer cameras usually do not fall less than 30 degrees.
  2. If freezing occurred from 0 to -8 degrees, then store the product to not more than 3 months.
  3. In new refrigerators and freezers present "deep freeze" operating principles of shock technology.

Helpful tips

Using these recommendations, you will be able to harvest fruit all year round

  1. The product includes water, do not freeze and thaw it repeatedly. Use it should be done immediately, so it is best to prepack small portions.
  2. During the shuffling necessary to remove damaged and rotten berries.
  3. To the fruits preserved taste and flavor as in the summer, no need to leave them next to meat and fish products.
  4. Frozen berries should be stored not longer than 15 months.
  5. It is Desirable to take a green-yellow fruit, medium firmness. Of soft pulp is formed.
  6. It is Better to take small containers of plastic.

freeze whether the gooseberry for the winter

Thus, frozen gooseberry persists for a long time, if it correctly to prepare. While there are beneficial properties. After thawing, the berries can be used for cooking various dishes. The gooseberry is used to create compotes, jam, jam. Blanks can be added to ice cream, mousses, fruit drinks, jelly, pies and dumplings. Each of these dishes is not only tasty, but also useful.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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