How to test the freshness of eggs at home?


2018-04-02 14:30:15




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Eggs – one of the most protein-rich and useful properties of the product. Currently do eat chicken, quail and ostrich eggs. However, all the eggs of birds and some reptiles (turtles) edible.

History open eggs

One of the most common questions: which came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer to this question, scientists are looking for centuries. The ancient Romans began their meals with eggs and ended usually with an Apple. Hence the famous phrase: “egg”.

how to test the freshness of eggs

Since ancient times the attitude of the egg was very symbolic. In Russia they were painted and brought to the Gods, and gave each other the first day of the new year.

In paganism, the egg was considered a symbol of land fertility and prosperity. Even then people knew how to test the freshness of eggs, because the gift was to bring only the best products.

What eggs eating

About 2000 years ago on the shores of the Black sea were the first chickens, which are then humans domesticated and began breeding. Up to this point in the food consumed eggs of all wild birds. This was one of the easiest spoils of ancient man.

Now, without the production of eggs it is impossible to imagine any sector of the economy. This product is boiled, fried, baked, or added to baked goods, salads, on its basis produce cosmetics and even medicine.

Currently, the most popular are chicken and quail eggs. Goose and ostrich are also used, but much less frequently.

how to test the freshness of eggs in water

Duck and goose eggs are not caught in the daily diet because of its specific smell and taste, although the size they are at times more chicken, and the beneficial properties they do not concede.

European restaurants serves delicacies in the form of a penguin eggs, thrush, lapwing, gulls and some other birds. Of course, this delicacy will cost is not cheap, although special taste delights not wait.


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Energy value

Almost all the eggs have approximately the same amount of protein from 12.5 to 13 % and 1.3 % carbohydrates. Considered to be the most greasy duck eggs, they contain up to 15 % fat and the rest in the range of 12-13 %. Thus, the average caloric content of the egg mass is between 158 kcal (chicken) to 186 kcal (duck).

test the freshness of eggs with water

The greatest benefit and value in any egg is the yolk. There are all the nutrients, proteins and fats. But protein is 90% water, respectively, and the use of it is not much. It should be noted that egg whites contain essential amino acids: lysozyme and albumin, play an important role in the structure of the cells of the human body.

Many are wondering how to test the freshness of eggs in food value. In fact in any way. The energy capacity of any eggs of the same throughout the storage period.

Composition of egg yolk

Paradoxically, the caloric content of the yolk in 8 times the caloric content of protein, and almost twice the energy value of the egg as a whole is more than 360 kcal per 100 grams. Also it is composed of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and good cholesterol.

Benefits of eggs

The egg contains a rather high amount of vitamins A, C, D and E as well as Riboflavin, thiamine and Biotin. Useful cholesterol, as well as a large amount of protein, which makes them indispensable in the daily diet.

how to check chicken eggs for freshness

Marking of eggs

Of Course, at home eggs, no logo or marking, you'll find that you will not tell about the shop. On the packaging, and on the shell, be sure to stand marking (the letter), which denotes what type of egg.

Many Housewives are wondering how to test the freshness of eggs bought in the store. The majority mistaken in thinking that the letter on the package may indicate the production time of this product.

The Letter “D” suggests that the eggs must be sold within 7 days and is a dietary. But marking “With” corresponds to table eggs, which can be stored for 25 days. Thus, it becomes clear that to know the freshness of eggs can only specify the date of product release and to correlate it with a shelf life.

how to test a raw egg for freshness

Another logo is present in marking eggs – this figure indicating the value of the product. The third category – the little eggs, their weight does not exceed 45 g. the Second category a little more – from 45 to 55 g. Egg of the first category-the most popular product on the market – their size from 55 g to 65 g. But the selected products will have a mass of 75 g and the logo of the “About”. Marking “At” means that the egg weight of 75 g and above.

Today the shop sells a chicken egg enriched with iodine or selenium various size and type.


Leaders in the production of high energy product is America, India and China. Actuallyspeaking, the maximum volume of consumption of eggs per year, respectively, in these countries.

What threat can lay eggs?

No fresh eggs can lead to severe poisoning. Both in raw and in finished form. Therefore before use it is important to check the freshness of eggs with water.

Also during long-term storage in the eggs unable to proliferate Salmonella, which lead to the development of infection (salmonellosis). If untreated, this disease can lead to death.

The longer stored eggs, the higher the risk of developing allergic reactions to this product.

How to test the freshness of eggs at home?

First of all, the store is always need to look at the production date and shelf life of eggs. Make sure that the package saved the integrity of the shell, because when we damage the egg spoils much faster.

The Shell should not Shine and be spherical. This applies to both chicken and quail eggs.

how to test the freshness of eggs at home

In the store you can get an egg in your hand and shake. You don't have to hear anything. Any sound suggests that the egg is kept long enough.

Also worth a sniff the shell of the product, it should smell like lime.

For professional and mobile determination of freshness of eggs candling is used. This is a special device that illuminates the shell. In the area of the yolk should not have any dimming, and the egg be uniform across the surface.

The Hostess want to know how to check the egg on freshness without special tools, and fairly quickly. Just bring the egg to the light and see it through. If visible layer of air between the shell and protein, the egg is stored for a long time.

If you broke the egg into the pan and saw red dots – it's not scary. Such single point of inclusion is valid. But in any case you should not eat an egg with a red ring-shaped remnant of the embryo – it's ruined. Similarly, dark inclusions that cause deterioration of the product.

How to test the freshness of eggs in water

The easiest way to determine the suitability of eggs to eat – place it in a glass of regular water at room temperature. Fresh eggs remain on the bottom, but spoiled will float to the surface. Experienced Housewives know that there are cases when the egg "hangs" in the middle of the glass with liquid. This suggests that the product was kept about 2-3 weeks, but not yet spoiled. Remember, the glass should be about 10 cm of water, otherwise this method will not be reliable.

Now it becomes clear how to check chicken eggs for freshness and do not expose yourself and other family members of danger.

Make Sure before heat treatment of the product, check it for freshness in any way. This will help to protect you from negative consequences. And of course, fans of eating raw eggs in food should pay careful attention to the selection of this product.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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