Delicious wine from the "Isabella" at home


2018-03-25 17:57:09




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The Tradition to accompany a festive meal, drinking of alcoholic beverages dates back millennia. In ancient times in many countries, wine is consumed instead of water because of the unsuitability of the latter. And custom to serve alcohol ideally nothing to do with alcoholism has. Doctors emphasize that the benefit of moderate quantities of wine for the body, it all depends on the quality of the drink.

What is sold in our shops and supermarkets often has absolutely no relation to natural drink, with the exception of names on the price tags and labels. But you are not forced to buy a substitute. There is nothing difficult to make wine from the "Isabella" at from Isabella at home

Why we chose this grape? The fact that it grows almost all over our country, with the exception of Extreme Northern regions. The variety is quite hardy and frost resistant, it also has a pleasant taste and does not apply to table varieties. So the wine from varieties Izabella - perfect for homegrown distillers. Next, let's talk more about the process of preparing a beverage.

To make wine from the "Isabella" at home, you need actually the grape itself. If you have the opportunity to assemble it yourself, do it during dry and clear weather, preferably without waiting for the first frost. If your own vineyard you do not have the market look dry the grapes and make sure that the berries there is a grayish patina. About him we describe below. In the absence of plaque quality wine from the "Isabella" at home simply will not work.homemade wine from Isabella


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For every 10 pounds of grapes you will need about three pounds of sugar. Bunches if necessary, to dry, but wash in any case impossible. This categorical ban. The fact that the gray powder that is covered with berries, is a very real wine yeast. And if to wash it off, no fermentation will not. bringing wine from the "Isabella" in the home game.

Unwashed bunches of grapes need to manually strip from the berries. This is done in order to avoid excessive astringency and bitterness of the finished product. Bite slightly grape twig. Feel the bitterness? All of it and then switch to wine if you decide to ignore this advice. For lovers of tart wine note that the seed contains enough tannins, and if their number seem insufficient, you can just leave only a couple of brushes.

Then, in enameled bucket should be thoroughly mash all the berries by hand or with a wooden pestle. Of course, you can use and by the hero of Celentano from the movie “the taming of the shrew”, but in an urban apartment so mashing the grapes difficult. That not one berry left intact, you need to take the grapes are modest portions. Yes, it's not five minutes, but no one promised you the ease and speed of the process. After all the grapes will be crushed, the capacity of with it covered with a gauze and left for a week in a warm place. But forget about the fact that you have been juice, you should not. A couple of times a day wort should be mixed by hand or with a wooden spatula. wine varieties IsabellaOnce whole, the cake will rise to the top, it should drain through cheesecloth. Do not spare hands, and carefully press each portion of the pulp (cake). After all, it is the quality of the extraction depends on the amount of the final product. The drier the pulp is, the more work the wine.

Pressed juice poured into the bottle, add the sugar and are clogging the tubes with a water slide. If you don't have bottles of large capacity, you can use three-, five - or ten-litre banks, and instead of the tube with a water stopper to put on the neck of a rubber glove. The gauntlet must make a few punctures with a needle.

Homemade wine "Isabella" should ferment for about three weeks. That the process is complete, it will tell you the absence of gas bubbles in the water paddle or contraction of the gloves. Now the wine needs decanting, but so as not to disturb the sediment. The easiest way to do this through a flexible tube by the method known to every motorist, or aquarist. In a jar or bottle is lowered the flexible hose so that its end does not reach the sediment, and the other end in your mouth and take a little delay in it liquid. Then quickly transfer the tube with the flowing wine into a clean bottle. If you have a shortage of glass containers, temporarily you can use plastic bottles. Now the blame needs to Mature for about a month (at least). The whole of this period it must be stored in a dark and preferably cool place, additionally, you will have a couple of times to pump it.

Only after all these conditions, you can completely pour the beverage in a beautiful bottle and start tasting hand made wine.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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