Nikolay Bulgakov and family legend sort of


2018-06-02 03:00:14




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Nicholas Afanasievich Bulgakov was born in Kiev, August 20 (1.09) 1898. He graduated from the Alexander gymnasium and then enrolled to study in alekseyevskoye engineering College of Kiev, where he acquired the title of cadets.

Nikolay Bulgakov


Nikolai Bulgakov was a participant in the October fighting. After fought on the Crimean Peninsula, where seriously wounded in the right lung. 1920 was evacuated Gallipoli. The following year was awarded the rank of ensign. In the same 1921 from Turkey went to Croatia, where I received training in the University of Zagreb.

After 8 years, Bulgakov defended his doctoral thesis at the same Department, where he studied. His scientific works in the field of bacteriology became interested in French Professor, soon Nicholas collaborated with him. In his instruction of the young scientist left for three months to Mexico, where he lectured. During the war of 1941 was arrested by the German invaders, was forced to work as a doctor under their control. Died 13 Jun 1966 at the age of 67 years.

The laurels

Nikolai Bulgakov-known domestic and French scientist in biology and bacteriology. Prepared and defended candidate and doctoral dissertations in philosophy, with the result that he was awarded the degree of doctor of philosophy. Nikolay Bulgakov – the brother of Bulgakov, the science fiction writer. The writer captured his personality in the way Nikolka turbines - one of the heroes of the novel «White guard".

Nikolay Afanasyevich Bulgakov

How Beadle Maxim saved the Nikolka

Nikolai Bulgakov in 1918 he entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. The time then was already restless. The student status he was about two months.

By mid-November of this year in Kiev already declared martial law. For this reason, the city has closed all educational institutions of the highest rank. Students of the Kyiv University zealously supported the volunteer squad of the National guard of the Kiev, then it commanded the lion nilovic Kirpichev in the rank of major-General. The squad was created under the auspices of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine headed by Kistiakowsky. This volunteer militia was Nikolai Bulgakov.

In 1918, the detachments of volunteers from the front line went to Kiev, they were pursued by the troops of the Ukrainian parts. A little later the volunteers were captured in the building of Pedagogical Museum. Young nick realized that it was a trap. It is through the window of the second floor jumped to the yard, where he met week Maxim. The guys exchanged their cadet uniform to civilian. Nicholas plainclothes freely came from school and went home. The rest of the guys were shot.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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