The smiles of the Japanese characters and text. Japanese emoticons kaomoji


2018-03-19 17:17:15




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Social media Users and messagerow know how to look and what smiles. Japanese ideograms, accurately convey emotions with the help of dots, dashes, commas, letters and other symbols, became popular all over the world. Smile got wide circulation on the Internet and SMS messages but is now used everywhere.

Japanese emoticons

What's a kaomoji?

Kaomoji-Japanese emoticons, which are constructed on the basis of characters, punctuation marks and other symbols. They are used to Express the emotion of the interlocutor during conversation. Translated Japanese emoticons kaomoji means “face” and “sign”. The main differences between the European from the Japanese emoticons are not only in horizontal and vertical writing, but also in the details. So, in the writing of Western smiles, great attention is paid to mouth ": O", and in Japanese eyes "O_O". The Japanese - creative and emotional nation, so they use kaomoji always and everywhere.

Japanese emoticons kaomoji


Everyone knows that the eyes-a mirror of the human soul. Japanese emoticons just and confirm it. A big plus and a feature kaomoji – vertical writing. No need to be mentally rotated the smiley to read. Variety, originality, the simplicity of writing the Japanese emoticons allow you to understand them, regardless of language proficiency. The Internet found more than ten thousand kaomoji, given that they are much more. Any emotion the Japanese are easily portrayed through text emoticons or symbols. The reason for the diversity is due to the double-byte character set (unlike Latin or Cyrillic), which covers more characters. In addition, Japanese emoticons kaomoji represent not just emotions, but also complex combinations. It can be actions (going to the movies, taking a shower) and even a story written symbols.


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Emoticons are divided into categories depending on emotions, views, symbols, actions or image of a particular object. Often, kaomoji can be found meaning, and extended characters. Incredibly accurately they convey positive, negative and neutral emotions: joy (◕‿◕), love (❤ω❤), sympathy, embarrassment, anger, resentment, fear, sadness, indifference, doubt, surprise. For example, in the joyful emoticons eyes are located high, and the mouth – below, or in the middle. Lovely and cute kaomoji in Japan called kawaii. Japanese emoticons represent not only human emotions, but animals, actions, objects, food, music, games.

texting emoticons Japanese

How to become a master kaomoji?

To learn how to create complex Japanese emoticons, you must have an Arsenal of symbols, layout and other tools. In addition, for writing typing takes a lot of time. Today to insert kaomoji in the text of the message easily. There are apps for Android and Apple with a ready-made emoticons. Japanese emoticons of symbols can be available for Internet browsers. Chrome prompts users to add a floating window with access to kaomoji. Categorization, the ability to quickly copy and paste with one click of a button in correspondence simplify the writing of smileys manually. Google Play has the opportunity to download the keyboard emoticons and kaomoji. For Windows have to use or to install additional software. IOS users, no doubt, was more fortunate. The developers have created the perfect keyboard layout for iPad and iPhone.


The Japanese writing style of smiles is rich, variety of emotions, feelings. Built on the basis of kanji characters, punctuation, and symbols, it gained popularity in cyberspace. Japanese smilies are more like pictures, which is why the accuracy of the transfer of emotions invisible interlocutor reaches a maximum. Often when writing Japanese kaomoji add tears, stars, hearts for more expression and transmission of feelings. Love the emoticons used a combination of heart symbol ♡, set chu English letters to denote a kiss, also used the asterisk, the letter “o” (°◡°♡).

To indicate the emotions of embarrassment use characters that mimic the blush, sweat drops, face, closed hands (asterisk, letters, semicolon) (⌒_⌒;). If you need to Express sympathy through message, you will need some Japanese emoticons (o・_・)ノ"(ノ_<、). Negative feelings and emotions are expressed by facial wrinkling, hence the appearance of a similar kaomoji of the affected characters (#><). Anger outline emoticons, consisting of several elements, with an emphasis on eyes (ー´). They are the display of the status of the interlocutor. As in life, the emotion of fear is indicated by the departure from danger. Kaomoji denote fear with forward and backslashes, characters imitating the scream, face closure (ノωヽ).

Japanese emoticon characters


One of the favorite Hobbies of users of social networks and messagerow the collection of text emoticons. There is a huge directory of emoticons that denote emotionsactions and objects. The wide spread of encoding "Unicode" has allowed users to access tens of thousands of different signs, and that individual symbols of the exoteric layouts. The simplest to date – textual smileys. Japanese kaomoji are composed of complex characters, while the text – plain and simple – :D :-D =D :^d in writing such smiles uses brackets, dashes, punctuation marks, letters. They are simple to understand and need no additional explanation.

Japanese emoticons VK

Most popular smiley

The Internet is gaining popularity kaomoji became a meme. In Europe smile «¯\_(ツ)_/¯” called “PageMaker”. It represents the carefree, smiling man, who shrugs. It is used not only for writing messages, but also in the media, speeches, advertising. Different smile from the usual emoticons writing. To create it using the characters from the Japanese alphabet. In traditional kaomoji are used to build them parentheses, letters, asterisks, dashes. Beauty, distinctive style, convenience – this is the difference between the Japanese emoticons. VK and other social networks have long had the opportunity to copy ready kaomoji in messages no limits (^_^).

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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