Intel Core i7-930: overview, specifications and reviews


2018-03-26 05:57:16




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For anybody not a secret that a powerful processor is the main component for building gaming systems, that's the only choice worthy device on the market difficult. After all, the manufacturers assure buyers that all products that appear on the storefront, will easily cope with the tasks, but in practice all is much worse.


The focus of this article is a quite interesting representative of Intel, crystal i7-930, which was developed specifically for the gaming solutions. Review specifications and owner reviews will allow the reader to learn about the processor interesting and useful information.


Many users believe that the key to high performance is the clock frequency of the processor. The higher it is, the nimble work of the nucleus of the crystal. There is logic in this, but an important factor is the speed of information exchange with RAM and other controllers. It may seem that the crystal has i7-930 characteristics are nothing special and do not stand out, however, the potential of the processor is:

  • 4 physical cores with support for Hyper-Threading, allowing virtualization to increase the number of cores twice;
  • Cache 1 level of 64 kilobytes each graphics core (256 KB);
  • The cache of 2nd level is 256 KB per core (total 1 MB);
  • The cache 3 level - 8 MB.
  • Effective frequency of the bus of processor - 4800 MHz
  • Operating frequency of each core - 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost 3.06 GHz);
  • Power dissipation of 130 Watts.

Advanced crystal

Let the characteristics of the crystal and have similarity with other members of the line Intel, but the CPU is i7-930 has additional functionality, which can not boast of competitors. This product supports triple channel mode RAM, as all the processors, created under the LGA1366 platform.


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Intel Core i7-930

The Crystal at the hardware level supports DDR3 controllers operating at frequencies of 800 and 1066 MHz. The maximum amount of RAM which can handle the processor is 24 gigabytes. Yes, for professional video processing and 3D-modeling the figure is low, but it's enough to run all resource intensive toys.

If you believe the reviews, the only downside of crystal is that it does not work with ECC, and therefore cannot be recommended as a server-side solution to work with databases. But then again this crystal and its reduced analogue of the Intel Core i7-920 was created only under the game problem.

Unexplained technology

That the product Intel is equipped with all modern statements that are not even worth mentioning, as there are many other useful functionality which are not provided all the crystals. Oddly enough, the manufacturer has equipped the processor with integrated graphics, because for many fans of games that use acceleration video cards, this is a mandatory criterion when buying computer components.

Intel Core i7-920

But the hardware manufacturer has implemented the Intel Core i7-930 support VT-x and VT-d. When gaming solutions use the resources of virtual machines and domains based on them? This list of useless and inexplicable technology ends, and judging by the feedback, it's positive news.

Two brothers

That the culprit review a younger model Intel Core i7-920, known to many potential buyers, but not everyone knows that crystals do not have significant differences that seriously affect the performance of the testing platforms. And the price difference of both products is significant, which leads to the generation of rumors among customers.

Intel i7-930

The Problem is that the youngest member is the processor of the previous generation, which has a low threshold for power dissipation in case of overheating. That is, to get 4 GHz when overclocking for both crystals is not difficult, however, younger model when the threshold is reached 230 watt would shut down, while the i7-930 will continue to work (perhaps with errors). In General, for such processors the threshold of 4000 MHz is a psychological barrier, which guided the majority of users. In fact with a decent cooling crystal and capable of more – every product its limitations.


Judging by the numerous reviews of users to increase performance in many demanding games applied acceleration not only GPU, but CPU. This question is primarily interested in the future of the owner of the crystal i7-930. Overclocking is possible, but the market is that there is not one video card, which will cause the processor to unleash its full potential.

i7-930 price

If you go to the numbers, there is something to surprise the buyer. Crystal with decent air cooling easily reaches 4GHz, demonstrating stable operation. A significant drawback is the increase of power consumption of the CPU and its power dissipation. The future owner, who will have a desire to disperse the crystal,at hand needs to be powerful PSU and a decent cooler.

Bread and circuses

At the first meeting in the market are confused by the cost of the Intel i7-930. Price 10 000 RUB. for the game engine looks really weird because the storefront Junior members of the Intel Core i5 have the same value. Naturally, a potential buyer will have questions, and he will begin to study the test results of the processors. Yes, in synthetic tests, which produces only mathematical calculations with floating point, the representative of the Core i7, it doesn't show the best performance.

However, not need to pay for such comparisons attention, because the game application does not run on a single processor, but require the participation of RAM, video card and motherboard. And here the culprit of the review have nothing to show themselves. However, it should be met all the conditions of the manufacturer (we are talking about triple channel memory slots PCIex).

Competition sheet

And here is a comparison of Intel Core i7-930 with a competitor from AMD the FX-8350 is able to interest any buyer who wants to save a few thousand rubles on the purchase of computer Assembly. After all for anybody not a secret that AMD products are cheaper than Intel products in the world market.

i7-930 characteristics

In synthetic benchmarks, who love to be proud of all of the owners of FX processors, 8-core representative of a competitor demonstrates high levels of performance, leaving the crystal i7-930't stand a chance. It is understandable – twice the physical cores, higher clock speed (factory version), and also increased the cache of 2nd and 3rd level.

But we need only to launch the toy on the highest setting, as soon as it becomes clear who the market leader is. In all tests, without exception, the Intel representative demonstrates the best performance. Here are just a representative of AMD to cope with the task and supports games on high, even with a lower FPS.

Build platform

Before looking in the direction of product i7-930, is a bit to learn about the specifics of the LGA1366 platform, which many users forget in the process of operation. That motherboard must be installed a minimum of three memory modules, do not need to say, because it is the first cause, on which the user prefers Intel and its product.

Do Not forget that all of the motherboard under the considered crystal is provided with three slots x16 slots that also support triple-channel mode. Accordingly, focusing on the Core i7-930, the buyer must possess and three of the same video card. If one of the requirements is violated, but this wine only user.

i7-930 overclocking

Think is the player on the video cards that can unlock the potential of such a powerful processor. Entry level graphics cards are obviously not suitable. To look closely to gaming solutions that are in the lower price range on the market powerful video cards.

In conclusion

Following all manufacturer's recommendations, many users are destined to remain without a powerful CPU i7-930. After all, as practice shows, the majority of buyers are focused on the cost of computer components and abundant advertising in the media. Therefore, before purchasing, it is recommended to get acquainted with the characteristics of the crystal and to solve several important problems, which will depend on the overall performance of the gaming platforms:

  • A minimum of three DDR3 memory modules (ideally – 6);
  • 3 identical video gaming class;
  • Powerful power supply that is able to cope with the support of all constituents;
  • Decent cooling system (if you will be overclocking).

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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