How to take a "Aevit" for hair. As vitamins "Aevit" promote hair growth. Where to buy, customer reviews and the approximate price in pharmacies


2018-03-24 05:00:14




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aevit hairWith the onset of Sunny spring days girls want to take off their hats and show the world shiny, manageable, shining tresses health. However, the reality is different: after winter you suddenly notice that the strands become dull, brittle and lifeless, lay them harder, and the hair retains a fresh and neat appearance of few hours. Weak, prone to hair loss, split ends on the tips of hair - such an unpleasant surprise can detect each one of us. The condition of the hair is influenced by many different factors: from food to climate, and also associated with the change of seasons, the deficiency - not the last reason of possible deterioration of the appearance of the hairstyle. About vitamins “Aevit" for hair, how to take them externally and internally, and effective recipes of masks based on this drug we tell in our article. You will have to choose the most appropriate form of issue supplements and to act. Beauty hair is now in your hands.

What to do to hair regained vitality

Drug "Aevitum" hair is a real boon. Combining the unique effectiveness of the combination of vitamins A and E, it is equally effective on hair inside (to the inside), and outside (when adding the content of the capsule in masks, conditioners, skin care compositions).

Mathematics of beauty: what is A + E?

aevit vitamins for hair growth

Both substances: retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) is a fat - soluble. They perfectly "get along" in one formula, complementing and amplifying the healing properties of each other. Retinol is known as a component of means against wrinkles and retain youthfulness of the skin creams: as a powerful regulator of metabolic processes in the tissues, it stimulates cell renewal, improves skin elasticity and hair, has beneficial effects on the sebaceous and sweat glands. Tocopherol is one of the strongest antioxidants, it slows down the aging process, protects cells from the harmful effects of the environment and the negative influence of products of metabolism. In tandem with the vitamin And its beneficial properties are fully manifested, and he, in turn, promotes proper absorption of retinol. Given all the positive qualities of the components, it can be argued that the use of the drug "Aevitum" hair - a great alternative to costly and not always effective masks and shampoos. Main – to do it regularly. Information about what dosage and how often you need to take vitamins and medicines, and other useful information are outlined below.


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What is it - drug "Aevitum" for the hair?

aevit for hair growth

First of all, "Aevit" is a drug, so before you take it inside, you should consult with your doctor. However, for outdoor use there are no restrictions and contraindications except hypersensitivity and Allergy to its components. If you suffer from chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor for appropriateness and safety of local application of the drug. Release vitamins "Aevit" capsules and ampoules, and it is the latter - the most suitable form of funds for use in cosmetic purposes. If you were able to find only the capsule - not a problem, they are also perfectly cope with the task, because the ingredients are the same! By the way, if you decide to take the tool inside, you can drink 1 capsule once a day. The duration of the course – 30 to 40 days, then should take a break of at least 3 months.

Problems and solutions

Well-proven drug "Aevitum" for the hair brittle, dry and lacking natural elasticity. For feeding the roots just enough every night to do a light scalp massage with the contents of one ampoule or more capsules of the drug. After the procedure is to tie on the head a handkerchief or wear a protective cap (so as not to stain the pillowcase), and then go to sleep. In the morning wash and style your hair as usual. However, complex hairstyles in the period of treatment it is better to avoid, as the use of metal and plastic hair clips, tight rubber bands, etc. hair mask with aevitumSufficient to do this massage 2-3 times a week for two months to see tangible positive results: the hair becomes supple, silky, thick and supple. Very good to use the tool "Aevit" to treat split ends. Of course, any hairdresser will tell you that the best remedy against the cross - hair haircut, but in between haircuts, especially owners of long hair, this medication will help to maintain your hair in excellent condition, feeding them, filling them with vitality and moisture. Method of application: rubbed on the night to dry tips the contents of several capsules, and rinse in the morning.

Troubleshooting: mask for hair "Evita"

In Addition to the use in pure form this vitamin the drug also can add to the finished masks and balms. But even better, make a mask with "Aevit" themselves. The ingredients needed for this wonder drug will be in the fridge or on thesupermarket shelf. Here are some simple recipes: take a tablespoon of thick fat sour cream, add the contents of capsules of the drug "Aevitum", mix thoroughly and apply it on the hair roots, gently rubbing into the scalp. Leave for 2 hours, then wash off with any shampoo. With regular use, 1-2 times a week over a long period of time this mask helps to get rid of dry hair, making them more supple and elastic. If desired, sour cream can be substituted with two egg yolks. aevit for hair how to takeWill Also be a great tool, if you mix the contents of capsules of the drug "Aevitum" with high-quality unrefined vegetable oil (e.g., linseed, sesame, avocado) in a ratio of 1:1 (2 teaspoon of the drug, 2 tsp oil). Is the perfect nutritional cocktail for damaged, dry and split ends. If this composition is to add 5 to 10 drops of essential essential oil (for all hair a really good job of ylang-ylang, verbena, rose, rosemary), then in addition you get a great aromatherapy session. Leave the remedy to act for 30 minutes, then carefully wash off.

More several ways to treat and strengthen hair with the use of means “Aevit”

Aware of the curative effects of burdock oil to the hair and scalp. And to intensify the experience will help, of course, the drug "Aevitum". It is sufficient to mix equal proportions of vitamins and oil (depending on hair thickness will need 1-2 teaspoons of oil and the same product). Another great example of how to use vitamins "Aevit" for hair growth, very effective recipe against their loss, which, despite some inconvenience (few people like smell of onion), really works well. Stimulating metabolic processes in the scalp, it speeds up the growth of the hair shaft and strengthens hair. To prepare a miracle-a mask should take a tablespoon of juice of onion, add the contents of one ampoule means "Aevit", mix until a homogeneous consistency and the resulting composition is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp.

Reviews about the drug “Aevit”

aevit for hair price

It is Hardly possible to find a more effective and, most importantly, inexpensive solution for problems with hair, than the drug "Aevitum", which when applied topically gives great results. Judging by the reviews, girls that used these vitamins as components of caregivers were satisfied with the result. So, many say that the drug helps against strong hair loss, the hair becomes shiny in appearance. Also improves the scalp condition.

Issue Price

Perhaps what can stop us from choosing a very effective if you believe the advertising, the means to care for problem hair - it's high cost. However, if you decide to use the drug "Aevitum" for the hair, price will surprise you: the average cost is about 60-100 rubles per pack depending on quantity of capsules. Packaging means "Aevit", which contains 30 capsules of 200 mg, is about 105 rubles. Agree, very low price for a beautiful, shiny, gleaming, healthy hair. Hopefully, the tips in this article will help you to use the drug “Aevit” for growth of hair properly and efficiently. After all, hair – wealth and one of the main indicators of beauty and women's health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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