Hair mask with capsicum tincture: recipes and usage


2018-03-22 16:41:07




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What associations you have with the word "pepper"? Probably, you mentally imagine something spicy, hot and spicy. Yes, pepper is good in moderation and some cannot tolerate it at all. But did you know that it is widely used not only in cooking but also in cosmetics? For example, the mask for hair with capsicum tincture are able to literally work miracles, accelerating the growth of hair on two and four inches monthly. But let's get everything in order.

hair mask with capsicum tincture

So the hair mask with pepper tincture will come to the rescue. Not only in those cases when you decide to make locks more robust and strong, but also in those when you, unfortunately, notice thinning and hair loss. To return hair to its former density will also help for hair pepper tincture.

Of Course, you can't wait to unravel the secret of this wonderful in all respects plants. But in fact its mechanism of action is very simple. Pepper is not only vitamins that are contained in it and directly affect the skin. It is primarily its ability to stimulate blood circulation, to expand the pores, thus allowing you to get inside the oxygen, so necessary for the hair follicles. In fact, it is because of these stimulating properties and it became one of the leaders in numerous hair masks.

Now, let's see, what should be the perfect hair mask with pepper tincture.

Remember the main rule - the pepper must be diluted. This is a requirement because the use of only the tincture by itself can cause skin burns and allergic reactions. In addition, if the skin has scratches and abrasions, then it Seems that it didn't fit in, you have already provided, what are the sensations? Of course, in this case, the mask with pepper tincture must wait until complete healing of the skin.the masque of the red pepper


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In any case, it is highly recommended to do it 1-2 times a week, so as not to overly irritate the skin. And a last caveat: if your hair is light, then such a remedy - the mask of red pepper will give it a reddish hue.

Now, if you took into account all the caveats mentioned above, you can proceed directly to the magical act of turning the hair lush and healthy tresses.

The First recipe is very simple: mix in a 1:1 ratio of pepper tincture and castor oil. After that apply the mixture on hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse well with water. Castor oil can replace any oil that is at hand - burdock, olive, sunflower, flax, etc.

mask with capsicum tincture

The Second recipe: in a Cup of yogurt (about 200 ml) add 2 tablespoons tincture and apply for 15-20 minutes on hair. This mask will make hair silky and get rid of dandruff (this is a unique property of yogurt).

Of Course, if you embark on this method of strengthening and stimulating the growth of hair for the first time, be sure to check your skin for sensitivity. Apply a little skin in the area of the elbow. If after a few minutes there was a burning sensation or itching, you can safely apply on the scalp!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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