What knowledge gives you the art man


2018-03-22 13:09:13




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Art and man existed and evolved together since the dawn of history. At first it was just an uncertain attempt to influence reality expressed in primitive cave drawings. Later, the man's skills improved, understanding of the world deepened, and art from parts of the magical ritual has become a completely independent sphere of activity.

To Determine what is art man, fairly easy, because the scope of its impact on the lives and consciousness of the population of the third planet from the Sun is extremely high. However, it's worth a try.

Start small

If you do not go into details and start with the most obvious things, of course, it should be noted the function of aesthetic pleasure. What knowledge gives art? First of all, it imparts to the human understanding of beauty, and understanding as a rational nature, and the spiritual.

Perhaps this difference should be explained. The person more or less versed in cultural studies and art history, is able to realize the value, the beauty and grandeur of the brush strokes, embossing or filigree construction notes. He will definitely see a certain system. In this case, the understanding is purely rational.

what knowledge yields the arts

Now a little about the spiritual appreciation of beauty. What gives us the art, if not pleasure from its perception? In this case it is rather about awareness, the formation of hypersensitivity of the human soul due to contact with the art.

Art and history

Why you need such knowledge? Giving the art the knowledge necessary for humanity to realize itself. Where better than in the works of great writers reflect the essence of the story in almost its original form? In fact, any act of creation is a response to a changed world.


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The Literary process, for example, is called the most accurate reflection of historical events: revolutions and rebellions, discoveries and inventions. The same can be say about the art, architecture or music. The only difference is the language in which art tells its story: is notes, features carving and sculpting, or the specifics of the strokes and choice of colors and shapes.

So what gives art? It gives us the story in all its grandeur past and mysterious future.

Art of speaking

Artistic heritage gives us knowledge not only about history, but about the man as such. Contact with the cultural values of other peoples, we join them mirovedenie more deeply understand their values, peculiarities of life, customs and traditions.

define art

If you want to define art in this context is the language in which the peoples of the world speak to each other. It is a dialogue, accessible to all humanity, not knowing of the language barrier.

Creation science

If you talk about what gives knowledge of art, we should not forget about its huge role in scientific progress. Modern man, by and large, perceives cultural heritage as applied, the secondary component of progress. This assumption can safely be called incorrect.

In fact, art has often acted as a most powerful engine of scientific thought. Fantastic aircraft, submarines, ships, capable of conquering the cosmos, pre-existed in an environment that is art, and then became scientists. Recall, for example, a flying ship from the famous Russian fairy tale or "Nautilus" by Jules Verne.

giving art the man

Leonardo da Vinci in his time, far ahead of the science, working on the drawings of not only weapons, but also aircraft. He is famous for his works in the field of anatomy. Most of the world it is known as a great artist.

The Ethical component

About the art simply cannot be taken out of the ethical context. It is, in fact, is the best indicator of good and evil, justice and greed, the spiritual beauty and inner ugliness. If you talk about what gives knowledge of art, not to mention the ethical component.

Almost all the artistic creations of world culture aims to explain humanity is unshakable truth, goodness and beauty. Of course, if you look at a work of art actually, it can be assumed that due to certain features it epitomizes the beauty, or ideals of humanity. However, due to this we have formed a clear idea of what is good and what is bad. In fact, starting with fairy tales and ending with the works of cinema, art brings us to humanity.

Nothing is Impossible

Finally, art teaches us the most important – the realization that in the world there is no impossible things, heavy burdens and unattainable goals. Beethoven's example teaches us that even almost deprived of hearing, you can write a fantastic Symphony that humanity will carry through the ages and will continue to admire them.

The novel “Ulysses”, recognized by top of the world of modernism, written by James Joyce in a constant struggle with blindness.

what art gives us

The Ceiling of the famousThe Sistine chapel was painted by Michelangelo alone.

Based on these facts, what knowledge gives art? First of all, it is a clear realization that there is nothing impossible for man, if he does.

The Healing of creation

In the world a long time ago actively used the practice of treating mental disorders by including patients in the environment of art. This can be a simple demonstration of reproductions or listening to classical music. Can be used and a direct act of creation. Most psychiatrists in the world are convinced that it is through initiation to the creative activities of the human nervous system most quickly comes back to normal.

what gives art value

Speaking about what value takes, we must not forget the fact that positive effects on the human body. By the way, this kind of practice is used not only in the environment of psychiatry – humanity in General tend to turn to art to deal with the fear.

Exclusive features

So, we have listed the main ways of human interaction and art. Now let's look at what is the feature of cultural heritage.

The breadth of possible knowledge, the art simply has no equal. For example, if we are talking about science (physics, algebra or biology), we see a completely isolated branch of human knowledge. It is possible, but it's hard to deviate to the side to touch the rest of the world.

the knowledge of giving art

The Art involves the whole world. Literature, for example, may cover ethics, to beat the laws of physics, history, biology or astronomy. Painting provides an excellent opportunity to reflect not only the characteristics of painting techniques, but also to compare the canons of beauty in the history of mankind. Ancient Greek sculptures represent the perfect model body in terms of anatomical features.

The Art that a large part of humanity so lightly calls application industry activities, is essentially multinuclei, because it speaks to the world and reflects it in all its beauty, completeness and grandeur.

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BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/mastactva-zabavy/6972-yak-ya-vedy-dae-chalaveku-mastactva.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/kunst-und-unterhaltung/6972-welche-kenntnisse-gibt-die-kunst-dem-menschen.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/arte-y-entretenimiento/6978-los-conocimientos-que-ofrece-el-arte-para-el-hombre.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/ner-zh-ne-oyyn-sauy/6975-anday-b-l-m-bered-ner-adam-a.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/sztuka-i-rozrywka/6977-jakie-wiedzy-daje-cz-owiekowi-sztuka.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/artes-e-entretenimento/6973-o-que-o-conhecimento-d-a-arte-de-um-homem.html

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UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/mistectvo-ta-rozvagi/6977-yak-znannya-da-lyudin-mistectvo.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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