Athena name: value: description and origin of the name


2019-09-02 16:20:32




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The Famous phrase “What's in a name?”, despite its banality, very accurately describes the importance a name has on people, its destiny and character. History knows many examples when after the change of name to change the destiny of man, his position in society and future prospects.

Name and its influence

Christians believe that the name influences destiny of the person is positive, if the child named in honor of the Saint, during the celebration of which he was born. Mystics believe that nothing happens by accident and if the kid got a specific name, so it was destined to do. Ancient priests held the opinion that the name of the person and his life associated with the gods and the auspices that they have people worship them. Modern scientists do not deny the influence of the name on character and human behavior and explain it with the fluctuation of sound waves that arise when the pronunciation of the name. Anyway, they are all right, so before you make a choice in favor of one or another name, it is necessary to understand what it means and what are the characteristics of bears. Of course, the famous personalities and eminent men, in whose honor the parents call their children also have some influence on the fate of their namesakes. For example, consider the name Athena. The meaning of the name, character, and destiny media have always been associated with the famous Greek goddess.Athena

Athena mythology

Athena - goddess of wisdom, strategy, justified military action, many of the crafts, art, science, craftsmanship and agriculture, the patron of the city Athens. The Romans called her Minerva. One of the most beloved and much adored goddesses of Ancient Greece and Rome. Included in the Pantheon of the twelve great Olympian gods Athena. The value of the ancient Greek name "Athanasios" - "lady". She was the favorite daughter of Zeus, born adult and fully armed. Formally, it is believed that Athena has no mother, though in the myths it is known that, when her mother Metis was pregnant, Zeus foretold that the unborn son would overthrow him, as at the time he did to Cronus. Zeus swallowed Metis, but it didn't help him avoid undesirable offspring.the meaning of the name Athena


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The Birth of the goddess

Athena decided to be born and did it in an unusual way. The Supreme God became a father, creating her out of his head. Helped the virgin-Warrior (another meaning of the name Athena) to see the world, and Zeus to get rid of a headache two great God - Hephaestus and Prometheus. First hit the Supreme God with an axe on the head, and the second helped grown and clad in armour of Athena to escape. Admiring the daughter, Zeus gave her a magic shield.

Athena and the Athenians

Powerful, strong and wise Athena, unlike the other goddesses, she is swift and decisive, just and merciless at the same time. Zeus saw my reflection in it and loved calling the Wisdom of Zeus. There was a very strong goddess Athena. The name value refers to this story.

This goddess is closely connected with the city of Athens, named in her honor by the people of Attica chose her as their patron instead of Poseidon. It is believed that after the generous gift of the olive tree, which is a symbol of peace and abundance, Athens flourished for a long time. In honor of their patron Saint, the grateful citizens built the Parthenon temple, the ruins of which stand to this day. Symbols of the goddess Athena are the owl, symbolizing wisdom, and the olive tree of fertility.Athena

The Name Athena: the meaning of the name and fate

About the meaning of this name and as a consequence of influence on the destiny of man there are constant disputes among connoisseurs of Greek mythology. Besides those already mentioned, there are several values formed as a result of various translations of ancient sources. Differently translate the word "Athena". The name value can therefore be associated with the word "flower". This statement is based on the fact that the name is formed from the word “Athos”.

Another derivative of the name is treated as “Fertile” or “Abundant”, which, in General, agreed with the agriculture, crafts and Sciences, which was favored by the goddess. The Greeks, whose name Athena is very popular to this day revered, I believe that the girl character with the name of this Olympic goddess has the main features of his divine namesake.

Shield maiden Athena the value justifies its name. The nature of the media is most often a solid, assertive and free-spirited. Consequently, the fate of people with such traits create themselves, not stopping before difficulties. Women named Athena, hardworking and smart, so good luck to them in life.the Name Athena is the name value and destiny

The meaning of the name Athena for girls

Baby Athena will please their parents abilities to the exact Sciences and a thirst for knowledge. Determination and prudence give her the opportunity to achieve your goals. Thanks to its balance and absence of conflict, she easily finds a common language with their peers. However, to communicate with them at Athens in adolescence in practically no time because she is constantly busy achieving goals, itday is painted literally on minutes. Parents should sometimes remind the girl that childhood passes quickly, so you need to take the time to not only study school subjects but also fun games with friends.the meaning of the name Athena for girls

Character of Athens

Growing up, Athena has charisma, intelligence and knowledge, it becomes incredibly attractive and interesting to the opposite sex. However, she is in no hurry to tie himself to any obligation, because it is still a lot of unrealized ideas. All thoughts of Athena ordered, and she won't let emotions or feelings get in pre-designed plan of action. Having achieved one goal, she immediately puts a new one at the same time, unashamedly uses people.

Athena is the meaning of the name, nature and its features are manifested in the modern world as careerism, in which to achieve the goal, all means are good, as in war. Why women make good leaders, prosperous housewife own business, outstanding scientists, engineers and architects. The people around such aggressive tactics achieve the result often perceive hostility, so Athena is sometimes descend from heaven to earth and to be guided not only by self-interest.Athena

Personal relationships

In the relationship Athena is also trying to occupy a leading position, important decisions are made independently, and it is often annoying partner. Although, as a rule, commitment, confidence, and reliability women with this name are attracted to men who like a partnership.

In marriage, freedom-loving Athena will be happy and not want to change something, only if it is to have a spouse, common goals and interests. The slightest hint of dullness in the relationship may be the beginning of their end. Therefore, trying to win the heart of a woman with the name of the great Olympic goddess, men should be prepared every day to win her back.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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