Best books of Louise hay, their description and reviews


2018-03-26 06:48:14




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Books of Louise hay at the moment known around the world. Name of a remarkable researcher in the area of healing attracts more and more attention in recent years. Her books for many became revelation, support in difficult times, helped me to look differently at existing problems and the so-called “incurable" diseases.

books of Louise hay

The Basic concept of this author is to take full responsibility for their own health. We create our own illness with negative thoughts, actions and unwillingness to change, learn to accept new experiences. Books of Louise hay stress the absolute validity of their own choice in terms of health. Only we can heal ourselves of ailments. For this you need to change your attitude to life and disturbing issues.

Book “Stay positive. Affirmations”

The Author talks about how often many of us tend to think negatively. The book provides everyone with the opportunity to deal with the causes of their diseases and ailments, and also shows that any indisposition should be treated with love and attention to himself. In the text of the above positive affirmations that help you create the appropriate mindset for an effective cure.

Louise hay books

The Most exciting and interesting is the following: the results achieved will stay with you for a long time, for life, because you will work for the cause of the disease and replace the old destructive installation on new and positive. An effective method describes Louise hay. Books by this author millions of copies around the world. The reader has the unique opportunity to join the number of happy people who have already started the systematic work on oneself.


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Louise hay. The book "Heal your life”

This text represents many years of work in which a writer and a practicing psychologist has been able to systematize their knowledge and to share their experiences with readers. The book offers effective techniques that help to open new opportunities and prospects for liberation from disturbing ailments that tormented for a long time. Readers are encouraged to conduct a detailed analysis of their own thoughts and feelings, which allows you to see the problem at a deep, subtle level.

Louise hay the book of life

To solve long-standing problems, align your emotional state, then any illness will leave you: it is simply not that will hold. In the meantime, we show our stubbornness or incontinence, disturbances in our subtle body, which after a time is able to manifest on the physical level. About it tells in the book.

Louise hay "Heal thyself”

In all that relates to our personality, we must learn to accept responsibility. The fact that no one will do it for us. As already mentioned, we ourselves contribute to the formation of various diseases and ailments. Therefore, to achieve complete healing is possible only through your own efforts. For a true release you need to work out karmic problems and obstacles that do not allow you to be happy, to move forward.

book by Louise hay wisdom for women

Books of Louise hay taught readers to take responsibility for all the events. Assuming the listed beliefs, it turns out that man is not a puppet to their own illness, and most importantly the person concerned, having all the necessary resources for healing. It is hard to believe in the beginning, but over time, when you see the first results, you have to verify the correctness of thoughts and will be able to manage their physical condition. The known history of modern humans, which could force their own thoughts to overcome the disease. They need to radically change the attitude towards themselves and the world.

“the Wisdom of a woman”

This text reveals the idea of having to build his own life. To achieve this goal, you need at least to have the required knowledge. Woman more than men, is aimed at disclosure of their emotional state. It will not pass by such symptoms as feelings of powerlessness and loneliness. If a young person would rather hide their emotions from others, the woman will find the strength to admit that to yourself though.

book Louise hay heal thyself

In this book, especially clearly manifested power, which is Louise hay. Her books inspire considerable hope for the healing, support in the most difficult situations, when it seems that hope more than that. The power of a woman lies in her special attitude towards life. A real, true femininity always acts gently and softly, given the emerging obstacles and different circumstances. Here indeed is a wonderful book. Louise hay "wise woman" - this is the book on how to be happy.

“Heal your body”

This text should be a desktop reference health and be available to every person. Health – the main value that we possess. Unfortunately, people often realize it too late. Of course, we all want to keep healthy for a long time, but often do not know how to manage your physical condition, why unconscious harm themselves.

Louise hay book you can heal your life

Louise hay's Book "Heal your body” has effective healing techniques that really work. They just need to believe and every day practice. What disease is recognized by modern medicine incurable, does not mean that it is really impossible to win. In fact, a lot depends on us, from relationships to his own malaise. If only to change the way of thinking, will begin the improvement of the situation on a deep, emotional level. You may need a relatively long time to fully cure, but you have to agree that it's worth it. Better to make some efforts to achieve a significant result than not to take any action.

“Book of life”

The So-called the most fascinating text of this author. For many readers, it was truly a breath of fresh air. The book has enough positive name, which implies the existence of enormous potential and enormous inner power.

The Author of the wonderful bestseller is Louise hay. “Book of life" shows personal experience of the writer, and is also equipped with the necessary examples to illustrate different situations. It includes the required affirmations, visualizations that can be used daily. All the exercises are very effective if they are to fulfil in good faith. People often think invalid what I never thought to take, because their attempts to change the situation is deplorable and can say, in vain.

Louise hay's book heal your body

“Book of life" offers everyone to look at life more complete and meaningful view. Try to turn around to face himself, to the end of the study their own problems, then you will be able to understand the motives of others. It is very important to know when to get rid of negative manifestations of emotional turmoil, again to recover.

Why the author's books so popular now?

We live in exciting times, when it was opened the greatest impact the power of thought on the emotional state of the organism as a whole. In the early twenty-first century man discovered in himself the desire to understand the truth and makes it meaningful. He is willing to work productively with ourselves in order to achieve meaningful results. Louise hay was the founder of the wonderful healing techniques, which surprises and amazes with its simplicity and uniqueness.

Reviews of books

Louise hay has won the love and recognition of readers from around the world. People acquainted with her methods and began to test them on myself to improve the quality of life and improve health. All noted improvement in General physical well-being, the emergence of the inner equilibrium. Reduced vision, kidney, heart, stomach and other vital organs. Main – to work on yourself, your character, habits.


Books of Louise hay became a great helper of the people on the path to healing and self-improvement. They are filled with divine light, goodness and optimism with which any of us can begin the greatest the way to a new, happier life.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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