Zakhar Prilepin "Abode": a brief summary


2018-03-25 18:19:21




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One of the most notable literary events in Russia in recent years, a novel which was written by Zakhar Prilepin. "Resident", a summary of which you will find in this article is the story of the life of the Solovetsky special purpose camp in the late 1920-ies of XX century.

Roman "Abode"

Prilepin abode summaries

In 2014, wrote his latest Novel Zakhar Prilepin. "Resident", a summary of which today can ask in the exam in high school, in a short time has gained readers ' love.

The Work was published in the AST. Won prestigious national literary prize "Big book".

It is Worth noting that the main writer is the people. Book by Zakhar Prilepin "Abode" introduces the amazing human archetypes. Some of them invented by the author, and some was real. As, for example, the chief of the Solovetsky camp Fedor the Ahmanson. In the novel, he was portrayed under the name of Ahmadis.

The Main character, of course, fictional. This 27-year-old Artem, got to the camp even before Stalin's repressions. But even his beloved has his historical prototype. Galina in the novel is the real mistress of the Ahmanson Galina Kucherenko.

The inmates Artem also hidden prototypes of real characters of Soviet reality. Mitya Milkacow - academician Dmitry Likhachev. Head of the camp Nogtev - Alexander p. Nogtev, who led the first Solovki, even before the Ahmanson. Frankel - naftaly Frenkel, one of the leaders of the Gulag. Boris Lukyanovich - Boris Lukyanovich Solonevich, Russian writer and public figure, who spent 8 years in the Solovetsky camps.


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Zakhar Prilepin

Resident Prilepin summaries

Before you can understand what is so important about the Roman Prilepin "Abode", you need to first know more about its author.

Prilepin was born in 1975 in Ryazan region. When he was 11 years old, the family moved to Nizhny Novgorod oblast. His parents got an apartment in the city of Dzerzhinsk.

He was drafted into the army, but soon the reserve. In school of militia, served in the Riot police. In parallel started to study at the philological faculty of Nizhny Novgorod University. It was the first time showed a keen interest in literature Z. Prilepin. "Resident", a summary of which is in this article, conceived by the author much later, but the first in his career of literary techniques he possessed just then.

In 2000, he began working as a journalist, leaves work in law enforcement. At that time, were published under various pseudonyms, for example, Eugene Lavlinskii. Prilepin keen on the ideology of the national Bolshevik party of Eduard Limonov, writes in the newspaper "Limonka". Heads the periodical of the NBP in Nizhny Novgorod. At the time he wrote his first stories, is on a par with the first representatives of the modern military prose, along with Karasev and Babchenko.

Publications Prilepin

the book of Zakhar Prilepin's the cloister

His first novel Zakhar Prilepin wrote in 2004. It was called "Pathology", was devoted to the Chechen war. This is the most truthful and realistic work. The main character is a commando who is sent on a mission to the North Caucasus.

The Second novel "Sanka" was created in 2006. It is dedicated to the fictional members of the radical movement "creative Union". This allusion to the national Bolshevik party. The main character is one of the active participants of this movement, involved in conflicts with the state, goes into an active underground, a result takes part in an armed coup in one of the regional centers.

In 2007, Prilepin writes a novel "Sin." It consists of stories on various topics. The key narrative on the theme of adolescent maturation of the main character, the attainment of them fundamental concepts about the world.

In 2011, the light goes another novel "Black monkey". This is a detailed journalistic investigation, which is dedicated to the mysterious case of the massacre in a small provincial town. In the center of the story - a mysterious child murderer who want something unknown. And yet this novel is about the truth, which in life is becoming less and less. Exciting plot of this novel does not allow to break away from reading for a minute. Importantly, this work can cause a desire to change the world we see outside of her window, for the better.

All these works were preceded by main and largest the novel, which is to date the author wrote. In this article you will learn its summary. "Abode" Zakhar Prilepin is worth it to read it in its entirety.

The Value of the novel

Zakhar Prilepin's the cloister

Most critics and fans of the author's note that his work just radiates health and life, despite the fact that devoted to one of the most shameful pages in the history of the Soviet regime - the organization of the concentration camps. They killed millions of people, further undermined his health, was forced to part forever with their families.

Most importantly, the events that the author describes, occur long before Stalinist repression,when the camps were massively sent people. The late 20-ies in the Soviet Union - is still quite liberal, when the machine of repression was just starting to accelerate.

In the diversity of camp material chose the Solovki camp of Prilepin. "Resident" (book summary will help you better get to know her) is a novel that tells about the unique monastery. It was the priests who deliberately cut himself off from the outside world for many years. The Soviet government turned the monastery into the camp of special purpose, not rooting from these harsh places of the monks, their orders and rites.

The Plot of the novel

Z. Prilepin Abode summaries

Solovetsky Islands along the lake and monastery cells with the camp barracks. There's a new camp commander, the man certainly educated and intelligent. Trying to implement the experiment in the reformation of man. To build from criminals and convicted under political articles healthy members of Soviet society. A similar idea, incidentally, can be seen in Bulgakov's novel "heart of a Dog". There at the Transfiguration Professor as the result of a medical experiment turns a man of the new Soviet formations. Eichmanis differently.

The New overseer of the Solovetsky camp satisfied, on the exact remark of one of the heroes of the novel, the circus in hell. There is a library, a theater, but there coexist a punishment cell and solitary confinement. Creative and self-education must be combined with hard daily physical labor. But political and criminals live in the same barracks, which is constantly occurring conflicts, often social. In such a difficult situation is the protagonist Tom, who arrives to serve his sentence at Solovki.

The Reformation a new person

Prilepin abode book summary

According to the plan Eichmanis, the new Soviet man must grow in this difficult and harsh Northern climate. In stores on Solovki sell safety pins and sweet marmalade, but at the same time uprooted crosses from old cemeteries and floated down the river a huge log. Roman "Abode" prilepina, an outline which will help you better understand the author's intent, describes how people superhuman efforts trying to combine these two opposites.

Outside the window of the 20-ies of XX century. Just died down the battles of the Civil war. Therefore, the people among prisoners with a motley. Here you can meet an officer of the army of Kolchak, and the representative of the clergy, who have not yet figured out how the Soviet government is intolerant to any manifestation of faith, and reportchicago security officer. But most of all here, of course, common criminals.

The protagonist of the novel

So it turns out, and Artyom is the main character of the novel "Resident" prilepina. A brief summary will help you understand his story where he ended up in the Solovetsky camp.

He distant political reasoning behind bars for the murder of her father which was celebrated in a household fight, trying to protect him from the aggression of the rest of their loved ones. The act of a young person was not assessed as a result he was actually in prison.

Composition of the novel

novel the abode of Zahara prilepina summaries

The Composition of this work built easy. Roman "Abode" Zakhar Prilepin, an outline which you are reading now, is completely built along the life-line of the protagonist. All described on the pages events are somehow related to it.

He notes that in life as in fiction, the importance for others, is the case. Sometimes it is a series of absurd coincidences leads to the fact that the main character could be your best youthful and be opuscapita, that is, not fall, in the local jargon. Artem has passed most of the dangers that often overtook his companions or neighbors in the barracks. It often happens that we can compare Artem with the hero of a picaresque novel. It builds Zakhar Prilepin "Abode".

Artem has a place in sports company, and hence, special treatment, regime and nutrition. He manages to subdue the criminals in the barracks, which can not cope intelligently political prisoners. Together with Ahmanson goes to look for the mysterious treasure hidden by the monks of the Solovetsky monastery in ancient times. All the time he manages to get a new appointment, which greatly facilitates its existence on Solovki.

Love line

Appears in the novel and love story. Artem falls in love with Galina, the warden, and part-time lover Eihmanis. The development of relations contributes to his new assignment. He gets a place on a remote island in which to care for foxes. As a result, Galina keeps going to visit him, supposedly in order to assess how it performs its work.

He makes a lot of mistakes. Mainly because of your temper and quarrelsome nature. Escape, as always, helps the case. The luck that accompanies the protagonist, can be called one of full-fledged characters that populate Roman Prilepin "Abode". Summary of the work must tell and the deadly dangers that beset the main character. This sharpeningcriminals, and the bullets of the soldiers, and the conspiracy of the neighbors in the barracks. He can pass and unenviable illegal secret agent of the Soviet secret police, whose main task is informing everyone around you.


It is very cleverly writes out the character of the protagonist Zakhar Prilepin. "Resident", a summary of which you read, allows you to fully feel the sincere Russian spirit. Artem constantly demonstrates the visual paradoxes of the national character.

He rarely thinks about his future, while everything happens around the most successful way. He has a sensitive sensuous mind, the most direct. Ready to show their emotions, for example, jump with excitement, no matter who was at this moment next to him.

He is a positive character. Although Artyom is able to stand up for the weak and hurt, in another time, in a similar situation, he may well join the crowd that will scoff at the weak. Here is shown all the ambiguity of human nature. The innate human feeling of pity in it replaces on respect for life.

Perennial questions

Hero Prilepin constantly asks questions about the meaning of life, attended the reflections of Dostoevsky persuasion. Their details Prilepin. "Resident", a summary of which allows to learn the basic of them, provides answers to different questions. There is in my heart, a poisonous worm? What is God? Does the world happiness?

To Find unambiguous answers to these questions character, of course, is not possible, but the way he tries to find them says a lot about his personality.

Escape from Solovki

Perhaps the climax of the novel is an attempt to escape from the Solovetsky Islands. Her take Artem and Galina. They're trying to sail the boat, reaching in harsh weather and foreign banks. We have to admit that the idea is doomed to failure.

Propavshii a few days on the waves of the Northern seas, they return to the camp, trying the most plausible to explain his absence. But the Warders and the prison authorities still treat their stories with suspicion. In the end both go under investigation.


His novel, Prilepin completes the paradoxical and profound phrase: "Man is dark and scary, but the world is humane and warm". It is in this contradiction lies the essence of human relations.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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