How to teach a kitten to the toilet: tips for the future owner


2023-11-07 23:39:37




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Almost every girl dreams of a fluffy and affectionate friend in her house. Someone prefers dogs, and someone prefers cats, this is a purely individual matter. The most important thing that you should be clearly aware of is the responsibility for the crumbs that you carry into the house. It depends only on you whether the baby will follow your rules, so you need to patiently explain everything to him. Any veterinarian will tell you how to teach a kitten to the toilet, adjust the diet, monitor its health, so it's better to ask about what interests you than to do something wrong.

how to teach a kitten to the toiletKittens are usually taken away from the cat and given to the owners in two months. But they are still quite small and very much in need of kindness and affection, you should not demand too much from them right away. Kittens resemble small children, if you are not capable of such actions as accustoming a kitten to the toilet, to a place for games and food, then it is better to wait with his appearance, first prepare yourself. Do not forget - this is not a toy that you can throw away when you get bored, this is a living and defenseless creature, for him you will become the closest and most beloved person.

cat teaches kittens to the toiletMany mistakenly believe that cats, apart from eating and sleeping, are not interested in anything else. This is not true, any animal needs attention as acutely as a small child. Irresponsible owners, instead of being puzzled by how to teach a kitten to the toilet, make the right diet, play with it, expect that the baby will think of everything himself, and are very surprised when this does not happen. You can't punish him for going to the wrong place in need. If you have not made any effort to learn, then you get the result of your behavior - think about it.


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There is no definite guide on how to teach a kitten to the toilet, this process proceeds differently for everyone. Before you bring the animal home, prepare everything you need and think in advance about the place where the tray will stand. The kitten should have not only constant access to it, but also the opportunity to retire there, so that the corridor, kitchen or toilet are unlikely to fit. The best option is a bathroom, the door there can always be open, and the tray with filler will not be in sight.

toilet training a kittenMany boast that their cat teaches kittens to the toilet, this is actually the case. But in your house, the tray is in a completely new place, so watch as soon as the baby starts scratching the floor with a paw or tries to hide, take it to the tray, gently but persistently hold it until the kitten relieves itself. Be sure to praise him, stroke him, treat him to something delicious - kitty will remember it. Believe me, it's worth helping the baby a few times, and then he himself will confidently sow to his stall.

Be patient, teaching a kitten to the toilet requires a calm and affectionate attitude. Do not shout at the baby, especially do not try to scold him for misunderstanding, he will be scared and the process will drag on for a long time. Some experienced owners advise to soak a napkin in the baby's house with the smell of a tray familiar to him and bring it with him, putting it in a new toilet. The kitty will smell her, orient herself faster and find the place you have prepared for her without any problems.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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