Unique and inimitable nature of Russia


2019-02-08 13:00:41




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Everyone at least once in your life lucky to visit in our country, in any part, agree with the assertion that the nature of Russia not only amazing, but sometimes and completely unique. Why we now are based on the opinion of visitors to the state, not the Russians themselves? The answer is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. The thing is born, say, in Siberia or in Kamchatka, we sometimes do not pay attention to beauty of accepting them as something for granted. And for good reason…

In General, it should be noted that as the territory of our country is quite extensive, it is not surprising that the flora and fauna of one area sometimes differs significantly from the flora and fauna of the surrounding areas. For example, the nature of Central Russia differs significantly from its Northern or, say, the southern regions.

This article aims to explain more about the characteristics of various territories of our country. The nature of Russia will appear before the readers in all its colors, hues and variations.

Arctic desert state

the nature of Russian

The Arctic deserts of Russia are such characteristic features as a huge amount of ice and snow, as well as greater humidity, the average component of 85%.

In the zone of Arctic deserts are the new Siberian Islands of Novaya and Severnaya Zemlya, and Franz-Joseph. Surprisingly, the nature of Russia in this area is that there are almost no wetlands, lakes, and soils meet the polar-desert and saline soil with a low humus content.


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The vegetation cover is sparse and very poor. Most often here you can find mosses, lichens and algae. But to see the saxifrage, Arctic poppy, cereals, ice Ranunculus, Stellaria, polar willow, Arctic hairgrass and bluegrass, too, will not be easy.

The Fauna is also poor in species. As a rule, among the most popular inhabitants can be called the Arctic owl, lemming, Arctic Fox, reindeer, polar bear and white ptarmigan.

But on the rocky shores you can see numerous sea birds nest.

Today a number of scientists working on the question of how to save the nature of Russia in this area. Moreover, it should be noted that it must be done as soon as possible, otherwise you permanently lose entire species of unique animals and plants.

What is it, man?

the nature of Central Russia

The Area of tundra are located mostly along the coast of the Arctic ocean. It is an area of strong winds, cold, polar day and night, and heavy clouds.

Here are harsh and long winter (8-9 months), but summer – short and cold. It happens that the temperature in the Asian tundra reaches up to 52 °C. About 70% of the tundra is boggy. This happened due to the permanent perennial frost.

On the coast you can find young flat terrain, a little to the South appears hilly terrain, ridges of glacial origin and hills. The ground surface of the tundra is almost completely dotted with shallow lakes.

As for the flora, it is based on form lichens, mosses, and various low-growing plants (grass, bushes, shrubs). Especially common are the following types: dwarf birch, willow, alder, sedge, cowberry.

In General, we note that the tundra is divided into three so-called subzones: Arctic, lichen-moss, shrubby South.

Characteristic features of tundra

how to save the nature of Russia

Tundra is an area where the tundra gradually begins to move into the woods. At this point, the nature of Russia, the geography of the region plays a significant role, is quite varied. Special features – the so-called sparse forest island located on rivers and consists mainly from Siberian spruce, larch and birch.

Such scarcity of forests explained by severe climate conditions, although summer is much warmer than in the tundra, and the wind speed is much lower.

Another feature of the tundra is considered a large number of sphagnum peatlands.

About 9 months, this area is covered with snow. In summer, the slopes of river valleys here are covered with motley and colourful meadows. Everywhere grow dandelion, Valerian and berry bushes. By the way, the local meadows play the role of magnificent pastures for the reindeer. In addition, the nature of Russia in the local area is a great habitat for many animals (usually foxes and lemmings) and birds.

There is no problem to meet a wide variety of waterfowl: geese, ducks and swans. But for the winter birds here is very little – only a white owl and partridge.

Endless taiga

the nature of geography Russian

The taiga Zone in Russia occupies the largest area among other natural areas. It stretches from the Western borders of Russia to the sea of Japan. Geographically located in the subarctic taiga and the temperate zone.

Here originate many rivers of Russia, for example, the Volga, the Vyatka, Onega, Kama, Lena, Vasyugan, PUR, Taz, Vilyuy, etc.

This zone is characterized by the presence of many wetlands, groundwater, lakes, large reservoirs.The main type of vegetation of the taiga are forests as light coniferous and dark coniferous. Around also dominated by larch, just in smaller quantities of pine, spruce, fir and cedar.

Among the forests in sufficient quantity are different meadows and swamps.

You really are interested in wild nature of Russia? Siberia – this is exactly the place where you need to go. The fauna here is very heterogeneous. A richer fauna of the Eastern taiga, where you see hazel grouse, sable, stone wood-grouse, waterfowl, brown bear, Wolverine, squirrel, lynx, moose and hare.

Unfortunately, today in this area is an active logging. How to save the nature of Russia in this situation, yet remains virtually insoluble mystery.

Mixed and deciduous forests of the country

nature Russia Siberia

The Area of mixed and deciduous forests compared to the taiga is much warmer, wetter. There is a long and warm summer, but winter is not particularly harsh, which, incidentally, favors the emergence of such a large number of deciduous trees.

Note that the river here abounding, and thus waterlogged soils is very low. In General this zone is characterized by sod-podzolic and brown forest soil, rich in minerals.

In most cases, forests are oak, spruce, maple, Linden, pine, ash, hazelnut trees, Korean pine, birch, aspen forests and shrubs.

The Nature of Central Russia is quite generous for its inhabitants. To date, there massively are such animals as bison, elk, wolf, wild boar, wolf, marten, Loir and muskrat. Of birds can meet the Oriole, the Grosbeak, woodpeckers, etc.

Unfortunately, many species of plants, animals living in the far East mixed and deciduous forests, are extremely small, if not disappear. For example, in the wild it is practically impossible to come across spotted deer, Amur tiger, and on the slopes you probably will not find more ginseng the present.

The Russian forest

the nature of Russian

The forest-Steppe zone is a transition between forest and steppe. Here, broad-leaved forests and pine forests on grey soil interspersed with forb meadow steppes, formed directly on the black soil.

The Nature of Russia in this area is divided into Western and Eastern steppe. Hills and valleys separated by numerous ravines, gullies.

Here dominates the oak, sometimes birch trees, grasses, cereals. Note that in the forest lives a significant part of the population, there are huge amounts of cultivated and technical crops.

Steppe zone

the nature of Central Russia

The Steppe zone is characterized by dry summers, cool winters and modest rainfall. Approximately every three years is a long time there are no rains, and then comes a severe drought.

A Characteristic feature of the steppe zone is biznesie. Prior to ploughing of steppe areas here met everywhere herbaceous vegetation with the predominance of feather grass, bluegrass, fescue, Prairie oats. Now the situation has changed and unfortunately not for the better.

The Soil in the North of the steppe zone chernozems are typical. There are commonly inhabited by rodents, the most common ground squirrels, marmots, mole rats, field mice, hamsters. They eat ferrets, foxes, weasels. Of the birds you can see eagles, larks and crane-belladonna.

Today it is the step most utilized by people. It is considered to be the most important area of agriculture.

The Zone of deserts and semideserts

Semi-deserts and deserts in Russia occupy a very small territory, which is purely within the Caspian lowland.

Not to mention that there is the highest level of the so-called annual solar radiation (120 kcal/cm2).

Summers are hot, but the winter-cold and snowy. This zone is characterized by a zonal light chestnut soils, cereal-wormwood vegetation, salt licks, and areas polusekretnye Sands.

In huge numbers grow Wheatgrass, fescue, Tonkonog, blue-green algae, feather hair stone, etc.

Among animals, there are many rodents, but the most common are the jerboas, gerbils, ground squirrels and brown hare. In addition, in the zone of deserts and semi-deserts inhabited by wolves, foxes, ferrets and badgers.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/nav-ny-gramadstva/26819-un-kal-naya-nepa-tornaya-pryroda-rase.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/news-und-gesellschaft/26485-einzigartige-und-eigenartige-natur-russlands.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/noticias-y-sociedad/26360-nico-e-irrepetible-de-la-naturaleza-de-rusia.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/zha-aly-tar-o-am/27114-b-regey-zh-ne-aytalanbas-tabi-at-resey.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/aktualno-ci-i-spo-ecze-stwo/28181-wyj-tkowa-i-niepowtarzalna-natura-rosji.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/not-cias-e-sociedade/27930-nica-e-inigual-vel-natureza-r-ssia.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/haber-ve-toplum/27015-benzersiz-ve-e-siz-do-a-rusya.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/novini-ta-susp-l-stvo/27377-un-kal-na-nepovtorna-priroda-ros.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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