You have a kitten. What to feed?


2019-04-21 13:20:20




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Friends without talking to you, given on the birthday of the little kitten? Or on the way home you come across in the entrance no one needs a little mewing ball of fur? And now your house has become another family member anymore, because now you have kitty! What to feed?! It is very difficult to look after a little pet. After the kitten is born completely blind. There is a risk that he will not survive, especially if was found on the street. If you have intentionally decided to purchase an animal, make no mistake, do not take too little animals, then to not break your head over what to feed a kitten 1 month (first – most important).

If you are lucky and you have a next door has recently delivered cat, negotiate with neighbors. Fluffy nurse rarely refuses to vikarma a different litter. Therefore, the problem of what to feed a kitten Sphynx, Siamese or any other breed will be solved by itself. A cat will treat other people's kittens as my new family. Otherwise, you will have a difficult path. Be patient and take care of the household, because it would take a lot of time and effort.

So, you have a kitten, what to feed baby and, above all, of what? You can try pharmacy pipette. It's pretty easy. Maybe it will be easier to adjust to use a syringe or baby bottle with a nipple. Stock up on plenty of napkins, hold tight in the hands, otherwise it would be in the milk mixture.

It So happened that the hands you a kitten. What to feed, you have to decide. If you were able to solve the problem with the cat – consider that lucky. If not, you will have to resort to milk replacer cat. You will be able to buy it from the vet. It is needed in the first 1.5 months of vikarma. Cow's milk has the right amount of fats and proteins, resulting in kittens weakens the immune system, developing rickets and digestive problems. Check t milk, it should be slightly higher than t room, and feeding should take place with an interval of 2 hours. On the 3rd week the interval is increased by the hour, with a 4 – 2 hours. On the 5th week you will be able to sleep at night.


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Since that time introduced into the diet of the baby food more solid consistency. 6 week leads to a gradual reduction of milk, but the 8th can of the milk to completely stop. Boiled fish, beef or chicken liver, heart and boiled meat – an integral part of the diet of your kitten. And the amount of food you are going to determine the appetite of a young animal will tell you. What to feed a kitten 1 month and next, we know. Make sure make sure he always had fresh water. With 2 months can be given dry food. There are special varieties for kittens.

He became almost a family member, your cute kitty. What to feed it as they grow up, you already know this, but in addition to proper nutrition, the kids needed, and other conditions. For example, a warm place without drafts, where they could sleep and digest food. It could be a box or a ready-made incubator. In the winter it will be necessary to keep near the battery.

Our baby need help and “bathing procedures”. Ideally, the cat's licking the calves, massaging their body. It stimulates blood flow and digestion. You will have to replace the mother. Wet swab, wipe the face, massage the abdomen and in the back of the torso. Thus, you will help the kitten to be emptied. To accustom kittens to the toilet, start with 8 weeks.

Many people ask what to feed the kitten of the Sphinx. Because of the increased energy exchange, have a good appetite. In food they are apriority. You should know what was the diet of the kitten until then, until he came to your house. To a new diet, go gradually. At the age of 4 months, feedings should be 4.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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